“An Incredibly Unbelievable Coincidence”

Democratic lawmakers have convinced investigators that the letters sent to their office featuring a photo of a man standing in front of the recently bombed Times Square recruiting office with the caption “we did it!” is just a coincidence. The photo, which came accompanied by a radical manifesto featuring an anti-war screed was just a coincidence:

WASHINGTON Ć¢ā‚¬ā€ Authorities said Friday there was no link between a letter sent to several members of Congress that read “We did it” and the bombing of a military recruiting center in New York City’s Times Square.

The person who wrote the letter is an anti-war activist and has been questioned in the Los Angeles area, law enforcement officials told The Associated Press. He sent up to 100 letters to various people in Congress and even mailed a photo of a man standing in front of the recruiting center.

“It was just an incredibly unbelievable coincidence,” said one of the law enforcement officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation in New York is continuing.

I should say so. Incredibly unbelievable and very convenient for every Democrat who received the “innocuous” letters who would otherwise be tainted by their association with the violent fringe left.

But if the letter was so “innocuous” why isn’t the government letting it go:

But though there wasn’t a link to the Times Square blast, the investigation into the letters is ongoing, Capitol Hill sources told FOX News.

Democratic lawmakers on Capitol Hill were startled to receive the notes in their office mail Thursday afternoon, just hours after the early morning New York bombing, and turned them over to the Capitol Police.

In a phone interview with WNYW-TV in New York, the top Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Pete King (R-NY), said more letters could be discovered Friday morning because of the sheer number that was sent.

Time for a little righty conspiracy mongering? Maybe.

Michelle Malkin has a great post up tracing the ever escalating level of violence aimed at military recruiters. It sort of makes me thing that it’s not likely to be a coincidence if Democrats get letters from a an anti-war nut whose still under investigation for some unidentified reason.

Also via Malkin, do the posters of NY Indymedia know something?