Campus Conservatives Targeted for Harassment at BSU!

The college Republicans at Boise State University have withstood a campaign of harassment at the hands of several student groups who believe the conservative leaning students to be fair game because of their political differences. The harassment culminated recently with a member of the BGLAD, a supposed gay rights group, filing a false assault and battery report with the police.

Never mind that such despicable actions minimize the suffering of Gays who have been, and continue to be, attacked and victimized. What does it say about the quality of education in America that rather then cordial debate students would resort to trailer park ex-girlfriend style shenanigans to hurt their opponents? What does it say about the student that his little charade, if taken to its logical conclusion, would have resulted in an innocent person going to prison? How grandiose must this young man sense of entitlement be that his political views trump truth, civility and morality?

I was certainly no liberal in college, and disagreed with many of the liberal positions the Gay/Straight Alliance at my university took, but I was well liked and regarded by the LGBT community, and was even a member of the Gay/Straight Alliance. Why is this campus different? What forces are at work that make students of differing opinions bitter enemies? Old fashioned Libertarian that I am I usually point to the teachers as the culprit, but this story seems a little beyond the pale for mere college communist indoctrination.

There’s something wrong on our campuses.

h/t Tel-Chai Nation