Lionheart Exposes Ethnic Cleansing in Luton

Hardly the work of a Nazi as I have pointed out before. Apparently Muslims are targeting elderly Blacks and Whites for violence in an effort to drive them out of “their” new home:

Luton police are finally taking the ethnic cleansing of elderly and vulnerable white and black residents living within the Bury Park area of Luton seriously, so serious now that they are treating the investigation like a murder enquiry.

This is nothing but pure religious hatred and racism aimed at non-Moslem residents who are currently living within a Moslem dominated area – Ethnic cleansing so Moslem’s can buy up their properties.

Video’s of the elderly residents can be viewed here: Ethnic cleansing

The DI investigating this crime has “STATED” their is no evidence to say these attacks are racially motivated.

Come on Mr McCarthy you insult our intelligence.

When it is found out that these attacks were carried out by young Moslem thugs then can we publicly say that these were racially motivated attacks or do we have to continue promoting these politically correct lie’s?

If this was young white thugs hurling bricks through Asian windows everyone would be shouting “RACISM” as loud as they could from the roof tops, but because this is the protected Moslem species carrying out these attacks, no one wants to upset them because they know what upsetting the sensibilities of the Islamic community means.

Notice how the much maligned Lionheart is outraged on behalf of both White and Black Luton residents. But of course his charges will be ignored while “anti-racists” decry his post as attack Muslims, all the while allowing Blacks to be victimized. Read the rest, it’s shocking.

But isn’t it very similar to Islamist activity in Africa?

One thought on “Lionheart Exposes Ethnic Cleansing in Luton

  1. .
    These UK Cops are cowards. It’s not Racial though, it’s Muslims being Anti-Non-Muslim, or Anti-Infidel. It’s religious bigotry.
    Crime statistics of Rapes and sex crimes regarding groups like Immigrants or Muslims should not be suppressed in the name of Multiculturalism and Moral-relativism. The truth must be allowed to come out.
    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe hates
    to see womens’ skin…

    gives Muslim men tent in pants
    they may grab and pounce like cats

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe SCREAMS
    cover up you harlot…

    don’t be like raw meat outdoors
    men should not control themselves

    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    destroy rational thought

    never recognize evil
    moral thought is bigoted

    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
    Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
    Help Halt Terrorism Today!


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