Why Are Eco-Terrorists Becoming More Active?

There have been three high profile terrorist attacks by radical environmentalist in the past week. First there was the home invasion of a UCSC researchers house where her family, including her 10 year old daughter who was having a birthday party at the time, came under attack. The researchers husband was injured trying to protect his family from the group of six who ran like yellow dogs after they assaulted the man with an unknown object. The F.B.I. is involved and the incident is being classified domestic terrorism.

Santa Cruz, where the incident took place, has a history of radical activity including an attempt last year to blow up a police car parked in front of a Police woman’s house. Had she not noticed it, or had it detonated early, she would likely have died.

Then several Japanese sailor on board a Whaling ship were injured by anti-Whaling activists who hurled toxic substances onto their ship, prompting a diplomatic row between Japan and Australia and The Netherlands. Japan blames the two countries for enabling the Sea Shepard’s, who apparently have a their own fleet of ships. The eco-terrorists are defending the attack, saying that if the rancid substance sickened a few Japanese it was no big deal.

And earlier today a multi million dollar development was burned to the ground by E.L.F., who may have used I.E.D. like explosive devices to start the blaze.

So what’s driving this green Tet offensive anyway? The answer is likely that these radicals have learned that terrorism works from the wests lackluster response to Islamic Imperialism.

Just sample the recent news to see how cravenly we in the west are cowed by the threat of terrorism:

YouTube has bowed to the demands of Pakistani Cyber Terrorists.

Dutch Lawmakers are looking into making Geert Wilder’s upcoming anti-Islam film illegal.

Harvard is implementing gender apartheid at the behest of Muslims.

What all these stories have in common is that they show people in power, politicians and captains of industry and even the ivy tower elite, giving in to outrageous demands by Muslims for fear of violence. Dutch lawmakers are scarred of the Muslims in their midst rising up and they should be, after all French “youths” just ambushed cops in France.

YouTube is scarred that Muslims will shut them down. Harvard is scarred of the Muslims. Terrorism works.

And since it does it should not surprise us to see that radicals of all stripes will begin to use terror tactics to get what they want. It’d be stupid not to because it is the surest route to political power. How can we tell a young idealist to work for 20, 30 or 40 years to see results when a 5 year campaign of bombings and arson can achieve the same goals?

How do we tell a kid who thinks the wet lands are being destroyed by “McMansions” to wait and see if we can mitigate the damage, to debate whether there will be damage at all and to act civilized while the world rewards Islamist savagery?

How do we tell people not to be terrorist when terrorism works?

There are consequences to appeasement beyond emboldening those who are appeased. This chaos among our homegrown radicals is one of them.