Lebanese Shia Cleric Claims USS Cole Off Coast “An Act of War”

A senior Shia cleric (code word for Hezbollah mouthpiece) went on a saber rattling rant in this revolting propaganda piece from PressTV:

A senior Lebanese Shia cleric has said that the new US move to deploy a US warship off the Lebanese coast amounts to a declaration of war.

Seyyed Mohammed Hossein Fadlallah said, “The deployment of the USS Cole to the area is no less than a declaration of war and a new attempt to break the resistance and anti-American groups in the region.”

“Positions taken by some Lebanese elements in support of the US military moves along the Lebanese coast are deeply reprehensible,” he noted.

Commenting on recent Israeli atrocities in the Gaza Strip, the cleric said, “We are now observing that not only have Arabs ignored the Palestinian issue in general, but have remained deplorably indifferent to the massacre of innocent Palestinians by the Zionist regime that has been going on without interruption for more than half a century.”

Israeli atrocities. Like I said propaganda.

But it is an interesting coincidence that the Iranian backed Hezbollah would want to pick a fight with the U.S. just when Iranian ally Venezuela is poised to invade one of our allies. It’d be a boon to Venezuelan military action to have the U.S. completely tied up fighting not just in Iraq but in a new front in Lebanon while Chevez, F.A.R.C. and Ecuador carve up Columbia.

h/t Flopping Aces