Man Attacks Pregnant Wife When She Won’t Allow Him to Have Sex With Her 15 Year old Daughter

It’s no secret I’m for assimilation, if only because having a universal standard of behavior makes the job of law encforcement easier and maitians the peace. There’s also the less politically correct reason to promote assimilation into American values, like ensuring that the more “colorful” traditions of other peoples are left in their own countries:

LYNN-A Lynn man was ordered held without bail Thursday during an arraignment for an attack on his wife after she allegedly told him not to have sex with a 15-year-old girl.

Jose Perez, 29, of 192 Williams Ave., Lynn, was arrested Thursday on a warrant for aggravated assault and battery, assault with a dangerous weapon, threatening to commit a crime and intimidation of a witness.

According to Assistant District Attorney Michelle DiCorsi, police responded to Perez’s home Sunday on a report of a man trying to cut a woman with a knife.

Perez’s wife told police Perez tried several times to have sex with her 15-year-old daughter from a previous relationship and when she confronted him about the inappropriate behavior on Sunday, Perez attacked her, DiCorsi said.

Perez allegedly pinned his wife against a living room wall, then threw her onto a couch and punched her in the stomach. She is three months pregnant.

As the wife tried to get away, Perez allegedly punched her two more times in the face and three more times in the neck and back, the prosecutor said.
The wife ran into the kitchen where Perez allegedly grabbed her again and pinned her against a door while holding a knife against her. The woman’s 14-year-old son then walked into the room. Perez then cut his own arm and threw the knife at the victim before leaving the home, DiCorsi said.

Earlier in the alleged attack, Perez allegedly grabbed his wife’s cell phone and threw it after she said she was calling police. He also allegedly threatened to kill the woman’s family in El Salvador if he got deported to his native country for the attack, police said.

Prosecutors say the confrontation began because the wife was concerned that Perez was making sexual advances toward her daughter, which included buying her a cell phone and offering her $100 cash for sex.

DiCorsi says Perez has physically abused his wife before but the incidents were not reported.

“He has no previous [criminal] record, which is more troubling than anything given that he’s done these brutal attacks,” DiCorsi said shortly before Judge Michael Lauranzano made his ruling.

I wonder why he was afraid he’d ge deported?

Now before I get letters I know all Latin Americans don’t demand sex from their step children, but Nicaragua’s new president Daniel Ortega molested his step daughter and was still voted in to office. Apparently there’s a least a large enough group of people in Latin America willing to give their tacit apporval to this sort of perversion to elect a President, and I guess one of them imported that perversion here.