HuffPo Hates Cops (and Blacks and America and Common Sense)

There’s little you need do to get the nutroots screaming out armchair revolutionary platitudes mixed in with a healthy dose of pretension and of course good old fashioned White liberal racism. In this case it was this awful story of Florida Sheriff deputies dumping a paralyzed man from his wheel chair. They apparently thought he was faking.

The video is shocking, but not as shocking as the response of the middle aged White hipsters who use the scandal as an excuse to voice their hatred for “pigs” and America. Look at this exchange, which I found amusing because these are the same people who would tell you that you don’t need a gun for self defense, yet the “pigs” are the enemy of all freedom loving people who can’t be trusted

I’d also put forward that the fact the cop involved was Black isn’t germane to the situation. HuffPo commenter unclejim disagrees:


One can almost feel “unclejim” shouting out Aunt Jemima at the screen while typing this. Then of course the conversation turns to how evil cops, the government and Americans are. Oh, and we Americans live in a “shitstain” country:


Then we hear form a person not from America, who sanctimoniously lectures the lefties on why people from his “rich” country don’t come here. The lefties fellate him and agree that living here sucks. Dare I suggest they move to DirkdenHartog’s “rich” country?

As a bonus this may be the first example of Godwin’s Law where the Hitler comment was not precipitated by a nasty argument, but by an intellectual circle jerk of middle age “revolutionaries.”


I wonder what rich country DirkdenHartog is from. England? France? Sweden? Most likely his definition of “rich” is one that includes pulling a fat welfare check from a slowly collapsing state.

By the way, who is more dangerous to you, a cop or a drug addict? Coming from an inner city I have seen that the unpredictable drug addict, with his or her need for a constant supply of money coupled with an inability to hold a job were the most dangerous individuals to be around. You never knew when desperation would drive them to take a knife to you.

The HuffPo folks see things different:


So those deciding to serve their community aren’t even human but drug addicts are deserving of our sympathy? Hmmm.

This incident was atrocious, but hardly indicative of how all law enforcement act. The response on HuffPo is indicative of the left and their hostility to those who stand between them and the petty criminality they feel they are entitled to partake in.