Pamela Hall Assaulted by Adalah Fascists!

The police stood by and did nothing as a harpy from anti-semitic communist front group Adalah assaulted heroic New York’s United American Committee Chapter leader Pamela Hall with a Palestinian flag. The shameful incident was caught on film and is further evidence of the preferential treatment anti-semitic radicals are receiving from the authorities in the liberal bastion. Shocking video below:

Adalah claims they are a peace group, although they have ties to several violent leftist groups, and keep an English website dedicated to providing an acceptable face to their pro-terror group. The real Adalah is a radical Palestinian “resistance” group with their own website devoted to destroying Israel. The socialists at the leviev protests are rumored to be running the front group for this organization in a display of the twisted and nihilistic “solidarity” that unites rich White “revolutionaries” with the death cultists that seek to destroy their way of life.

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