U.N. Human Rights Council Abolishes Darfur Monitoring Agency

It was the Europeans and Africans, many allied with Sudan’s racist, genocidalist government, who have once again betrayed the Black Christians and Animists being exterminated by Arabized Muslims. From U.N. Watch:

The UN Human Rights Council concluded its final session of 2007 by abolishing a group of experts who had reported on Sudan’s massive human rights abuses in the province of Darfur. By turning its back on the victims of Darfur, the council — which is controlled by powerful regional blocs that include many repressive regimes allied to Sudan — is failing to respect its basic mandate. The dream of Kofi Annan’s reform plan has been turned into a nightmare.

Resolution Sacked Darfur Experts

The council did extend the mandate of Sima Sumar, special rapporteur on Sudan, but the far stronger and more influential expert group was eliminated. The resolution on the Darfur expert group (A/HRC/6/L.51) was adopted by consensus, co-sponsored by Egypt on behalf of the African Group, and Portugal on behalf of the European Union. While the resolution “welcome[d] the report submitted by the Group of Experts” and called on the government of Sudan to take action against “serious violations of human rights,” the resolution quietly omitted any reference to their future work, effectively canceling their mandate.

Read the rest and see how the corrupt world body throws innocents to the wolves in their quest for power and wealth.