YouTube doesn’t ban all hate speech

While conservatives like Michelle Malkin had videos banned from YouTube, ostensibly for posting videos deemed offensive, YouTube has allowed a virtual orgy of hate speech to go unchallenged. Videos from virulent anti-American white supremacist can be found by the dozen, some of which include documentation of criminal activities. Just as Jihadist use video sharing sites for the dissemination of propaganda aimed at recruiting the weak-willed into their death cult, the “white pride” movement has been utilizing YouTube for the same pupose.

These are just some of the videos YouTube has left on their site. They are disturbing and in some cases graphic:




Toward the end of the first video you’ll see that these YouTubers film themselves committing heinous assaults on innocent bystanders, and if you were to look at the Youtube page of “bootgrl” you’ll see that someone has already reported her to YouTube for hate speech. That was two days before it was posted here. It is also interesting that the same people who complained about various conservative videos being offensive are fairly silent when it comes to neo-nazi propaganda.

This should show everyone where YouTubes loyalties, and those of many of their users, lie.