Commies Get Beat Down in The Big Easy

Via Hot Air, video of self styled “public housing advocates” who were in reality leftarded college kids try to “fight the power” in New Orleans. They try overpower some officers from the NOPD.

Some would say America’s most corrupt and brutal police department.

The results are predictable. Even though there’s no blood, I give this a 0.4 on the Muta Scale, because this was gruesome.

This time they were in the right but you’ll notice that the The Big Easy’s finest never hesitate to do damage. It’s almost like they enjoy laying a heavy hand on somebody else’s child, if you’ll excuse the Rhodism. Enjoy:


Hot Air has the background you need to really enjoy this. Did you notice that around 3:40 or so the dirty hippy being interviewed plays it coy as to what he and his violent Stalinist buddies were going to do once inside the council meeting? Almost like he didn’t have a good answer. Or should I say A.N.S.W.E.R. as in this violent protest was in part organized by A.N.S.W.E.R.steering committee member The Party for Socialism and Liberation.

Looks like the White run communist groups are up to their old tricks, encouraging unstable youth to commit acts of “revolutionary” violence against innocent Americans. If they really cared about their “comrades” they’d have told them not to screw with the NOPD.