Politico Hit Piece on Fred Exposed!

Roger Simon of the Politico wrote a scathing account of one of Fred’s campaign stops that painted the future President as a lazy, bitter scumbag unable to relate to the common man. At issue specifically was Fred opting not to don a fire helmet and mark out at a volunteer fire house:

Inside, Thompson shook a few hands — there were only about 15 people there — and then Chief Dan McKenzie handed Thompson the chief’s fire hat so Thompson could put it on.

Thompson looked at it with a sour expression on his face.

“I’ve got a silly hat rule,” Thompson said.

In point of fact, the “silly” hat was the one Chief McKenzie wore to fires and I am guessing none of the firefighters in attendance considered it particularly silly, but Thompson was not going to put it on. He just stood there holding it and staring at it.

To save the moment, Jeri Thompson took the hat from her husband’s hands and put it on her head.

“You look cute,” Thompson said to her. She did.

Jeri took off the hat and McKenzie led the Thompsons over to a fire truck.

The chief invited Thompson to climb up behind the wheel, but Thompson said, “Naw, this is fine.” And he stood there looking at the fire truck.

Jeri once again saved the moment by engaging the chief in some actual conversation.

Damning stuff, if it happened the way Simon described it at all. Which it didn’t.

Watch the video and see for yourself.

The more they attack him, the more I’m With Fred!