In Praise of Cowboy Diplomacy

Republican activist and “awesome” O’Reilly Factor talking head Margaret Hoover posted a great defense of President Bush and his foreign policy a couple of days ago which listed a number of accomplishments that W has achieved that “liberals” not only overlook, but purposefully distort when they are forced to acknowledge them at all:

A month ago, on The View, Hillary Clinton called President Bush’s foreign policy “Cowboy Diplomacy”.

Let’s explore Cowboy Diplomacy:

  1. Libya was encouraged by the Bush Administration to abandon its WMD programs thanks to the post 9/11 ”with us or against us” policy;
  2. North Korea, through multi-lateral talks with Northeast Asian countries led by the US, is now dismantling their nuclear weapons programs;
  3. The Taliban, the most brutal and regressive regime in the Middle East no longer rules Afghanistan, and has been replaced by a growing representative government;
  4. A political sea-change in Europe elected (previously unthinkable) pro-Bush leadership to France and pro-American German leadership because ordinary German and French citizens understand that spewing anti-American vitriol is no way to confront the evil of radical Islam’s ascent (this was a direct result of the Bush Administration’s post 9/11 policies);
  5. The most brutal dictator in the Middle East, was removed from power, tried, and brought to justice: Saddam Hussein.

That there are enough people who fail to understand how much safer our world is because George W. Bush has been our President, is profoundly worrisome.

It’s more than worrisome. I remember the first time I realized that “liberals” (who aren’t liberals at all these days, just a collection of neo-Marxists) weren’t just wrong, but dangerous. It was 9/11.

I was in Connecticut attending Wesleyan, my wife was working in New York and I lived in a small apartment working for a before and after school program run by the Middlesex County Y.M.C.A. My mother was a social worker who worked on Church street, right in the shadow of the Trade Centers.

I had gotten home from the morning shift and turned on the T.V. to watch the news and saw the the aftermath of the first plane. I was stunned. I watched the second plane hit and knew it was an attack. I knew and as the reports came in about other planes crashing I tried to contact my wife and my mother but couldn’t get through.

It was chaos and as I tried desperately to reach my loved ones I got another call from the Y. They needed me to come in because the teachers in several of the elementary schools had fled like rats, leaving the kids behind. The after school program workers, many of whom were kids themselves, were called in to watch the kids until their parents picked them up.

Going back to some months before, at the various elementary schools I worked I saw these same teachers assign homework that was little more than indoctrination. I saw teachers lobby their charges to tell their parents to vote Democrat. I saw one teacher who had her class make a sign that compared the 2000 election candidates that included such outrageous propaganda as “Bush wants more guns in America” and “Democrats help Black people.”

These “liberal” teachers groomed these children to be future Democrats, and when they thought there was danger afoot they left them to die.

My boss, a Republican by the way, gave me permission to use the phone at my site so I could try to contact people. The “caring liberals” had fled before any real arrangements could be made. I got in touch with my wife in the evening. I didn’t hear from my mother until late the next day. She was one of the masses of people, covered in ash who were trapped in NY for hours.

It was one of the most horrible days of my life, and it never happened again. George Bush is responsible for that fact. In the six years since 9/11 I’ve never again spent hours dialing and redialing family members numbers not knowing if they were dead or alive.

You would think “liberals” would be appreciative of the fact that Bush has kept them from showing their shameful cowardice in the face of another attack. But like true cowards they distract from their own failings by attacking people who they know aren’t dangerous to them.

Cowboy diplomacy has kept America safe, and the illusions of bravery among leftists unharmed. You’d think they’d be grateful. But they’re not and that is more than worrisome.