Legalize It!: Baby Mutilations be Damned

Many a Libertarian has looked you square in the eye and told you that taking drugs are a personal matter and largely a victimless crime. Tell that to the son of ecstasy abusing scumbag Thy Chan:

A Lowell toddler was leaning in for a kiss when his lip was bitten off by his drug-addled father in a sickening attack Saturday, according to a police report.

Police said yesterday that the 22-month-old boy’s condition was improving, and efforts to reattach the lip at Boston’s Children’s Hospital were initially successful, the Lowell Sun reported.

Prosecutors allege that Thy Chan, 26, was high on ecstasy when he bit down and severed his little son’s lip at their Middlesex Street apartment Saturday morning.

The tot’s horrified mother, Karolyn Ung, 25, wrestled her son from Chan’s jaws, took him and her daughter to another room, locked the door and called 911, the Lowell police report said.

Chan was arrested and hospitalized at Saints Medical Center in Lowell, where he was arraigned yesterday.

“Many of the most troubling cases that we deal with involve the abuse of young children,” Middlesex District Attorney Gerard Leone Jr. said. “This is a deeply disturbing case in which we allege that the young child was savagely injured by the defendant.”

Ung told cops that Chan returned home at 9:30 a.m. Saturday after being out all night. She said Chan was “tripping on ecstasy” and that he had been pacing back and forth all morning, grinding his teeth and drinking a lot of water, the police report said.

She told cops that Chan had a history of abusing the drug ecstasy.

At about 9:15 a.m., Ung told cops that Chan was playing on the couple’s bed with their son and daughter. Her son leaned forward as if to kiss his dad when she saw Chan bite down on the boy’s lip, the report said.

“She jumped up to try and separate them, but he refused to let go,” the report said. “He then bit the child’s lip off.”

Cops arrived to find the little victim wrapped in a blanket and bleeding profusely from his mouth.

Some will say, as they usually do, that ecstasy didn’t cause this crime. They’ll claim Thy Chan was a closet lip mauler all along and would have ripped of his child’s lip eventually anyway.

But do you buy that? And can America afford to normalize drug use more than it already has been?

h/t Crime Scene KC