F.B.I. Issues Terror Threat Warning for Arizona Military Base

Scary stuff from the National Terror Alert Response Center:

KOLD News 13 Tucson is currently running a special report focused on a urgent FBI report outlining a possible terrorist threat in southern Arizona. It speaks specifically to Fort Huachuca in Sierra Vista.

The document gives no timetable or explanation of how the threat will be carried out.

But it does say, “a group of Iraqis may have entered the United States through tunnels from Mexico into Arizona,” and those same “Iraqis are believed to be the ones who will perpetrate the attack on Fort Huachuca.

They go on to explain that the report was apparently leaked and point out some very interesting links Al-Qaeda has to Tucson Arizona:

1) American Al-Qaeda Adam Gadhan once worked in Tucson as a reporter for an outfit called “EcoNews” where he covered a story about the University of Arizona though he never attended the college.

2) The F.B.I claims Arizona has been teaming with Muslim radicals since the 80’s when Al-Qadea operatives were raising money there to fund the then U.S. supported Afghanistan Mujahedeen.

3) As far back as 2004 Middle Easterners with ties to terror organizations were caught crossing the Arizona-Mexico border.

The news report claims that the F.B.I. has warned of an attack on an Army base located near Tucson by 6 Iraqis who crossed the U.S. Mexico border and may now be hiding out on an Indian reservation.

The American Indian Movement is no stranger to terrorism, and the reservation link is interesting considering the recent Muslim propaganda campaign aimed at convincing Native Americans that they’re ancestors were Muslims.

This new propaganda push by Muslims has been explained admirably by Challenging Islam and David Yeagley as the twisted offspring of Islamic imperialism and multicultural gullibility birthed in the dark womb of leftist political advocacy.

The news report can be found here and contains a links to the original broadcast report and a written summery.

LGF observes that the “urgency” of the report is questionable since the F.B.I. memo is at least six months old. The men are likely laying low and perhaps waiting for reinforcements, or doing some recruiting in the highly radicalized area. Adam Gadhan’s familiarity with the area and a pool of manpower sympathetic to Jihadism may make this a perfect base for Al-Qaeda to regroup, resupply and create a new front.

There was already a possible terror attack on the Union Pacific railway station in Tucson, where arson is the suspected cause of a bridge fire. Suspicious fires, including the California wildfires, are springing up with alarming regularity and often follow possible terror related activity activity in the area.

Are there plans in the works for a counter surge by Al-Qaeda in the South West?