Dog-Raping Illegal Alien Set to be Released From Immigration Hold?

Apparently an ICE hold is only good for 10 days, and if ICE hasn’t picked up the criminal alien by then, the jail releases the person and assumes he will simply return to his country of origin on his own.

What could go wrong with a system like that?

Take the case of 34 year old Gustavo Castanon who’s currently on a ten day hold. If ICE doesn’t pick him up I’m sure he’ll just head on home himself, after all he’s only been accused of raping dogs in a animal shelter. Why can’t we trust him to do the right thing?

From ABC Denver:

DENVER — A former Denver animal shelter volunteer worker has been sentenced to two years supervised probation and ordered to stay away from animals after pleading guilty to having sex with a dog.

Gustavo Castanon, 34, was sentenced Tuesday in Denver District Court following his September arrest at Denver’s Municipal Animal Shelter, according to Lynn Kimbrough, Denver District Attorney’s Office spokeswoman.

Castanon will remain in jail for 10 days on an Immigrations and Customs Enforcement immigration hold. If he is not picked up by ICE within that period, he will be released on probation.

Castanon was accused of coaxing a basset hound at the shelter to perform oral sex on him.

Kimbrough said he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor animal-cruelty charge and that an indecent-exposure charge was dropped as part of a plea bargain.

A probation officer will make surprise visits to his home during his probation to make sure no animals are present.

Probation. Of course, bestiality can in no way be an indicator of future perversion. After all, just because he lacks boundaries with animals doesn’t mean he isn’t an otherwise decent human being, right?

If you see this man, keep your dogs close. Real close:


Oddly enough, he looks just like what I imagine a dog molester would.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

2 thoughts on “Dog-Raping Illegal Alien Set to be Released From Immigration Hold?

  1. good lord do i laugh or cry or get confused suddenly while wondering how to respond… oh dear. i think this is the last one im going to look at tonight. revolting! repugnant! filthy! i think im gonna be sick if i keep thinkin bout it. and no i didnt even read the article =[. he should be forced into exile in case he has any relations here. who knows what kind of illness this could transmit, with so many being sexually irresponsible. think about it. ugh! D=

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