A Little More on Islamic Racism

A few months ago I had blogged about the racist murder of a Black woman named Sandra Hall by Abdel Aziz Hamze. I was surprised to see the Muslim community speed to the murderers defense. I’ll let those post speak for themselves and don’t wish to rehash the entire thing but the case is worth reading up on especially if you are one of those who’ve been convinced that Muslims aren’t racists.

I still on occasion receive a comment or e-mail from a Muslim claiming it is I, the bi-racial man offended by the brutal dragging death of a mother of three behind the speeding car of a Muslim, who is being racist. Mainly because I don’t except the possibility that Hamze ran over a middle aged unarmed woman in self defense.

Since the story is several months old, I keep my responses if any terse. This most recent response however has bothered me:

hiba said,

on November 2nd, 2007 at 5:05 pm

One of the first people who followed Prophet Muhammad and embrassed Islam is “Bilal Al Habashi”…..he was black…..he is one of the most dignified people in Islam….his rank is superior to many other white piest muslims….the islamic history, is full of stories encouraging tolerance regardless of the race…review Islamic literature…

it is quite fallacious to generalise and say that all Muslims are racists…..this is prejudice…..even if some Muslims were racists…..as someone mentioned earlie….some black ppl are racist…..but that doesn’t mean that all black ppl hate the white race….n considers them to be a bunch of crazy ppl….that should be crushed for the mere color of their skin…….

It is not true that Muslims tolerate crimes as long as they’re committed by Muslims….. the Islamic law punishes Muslims when condemned…..for further information about this issue… look into reliable sources if the Islamic law

Institutionalized Arab supremacism and racism in Muslim countries is obvious and apparent. You need not look to “reliable sources of Islamic law” to find it, just watch the new. Just watch the news from Muslim countries, where Secretary of State Rice was recently referred to as a “black snake.”


We can see the racism in the Arab countries support for the genocide in Darfur and Arab occupation of African lands. We see it in the persistence of slavery in Islam, and the willingness of Islamists to ally themselves with White Nationalists.

I will never go so far as to say that every Muslim in the world hates Black folk, but until Islam undergoes a reformation Muslim countries will continue to churn out racists like Hamze, and atrocities like Darfur.

One thought on “A Little More on Islamic Racism

  1. Calling Condoleeza Rice as black snake is a shocking to every moslem. Why these idiots tarnish Islam with these mindless comments. May be some one may disagree with her policy but not try to use these terms to describe her. Actually she is very wonderful person and works for peace. Moslem people should have a love for her.

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