Ron Paul Endorsed by Holocaust Denying Heretic! (Also By a Noted Crackpot)

Mel Gibson’s father Hutton, a holocaust denier who among other things asserts that Jews were behind the Second Vatican Council and that all the Popes since John XXIII to be illegitimate heretics, has found a candidate that speaks for him:


Hutton Gibson is a sedevacantist (thus a heretic) and a noted conspiracy theorist. He’s associated with the tax protest group We the People and authored several books attacking the Holy Mother Church, as the Catholics say, for not electing Popes to his liking. As usual Ron Paul, through no fault of his own, has attracted a supporter whose beliefs any man of conscience would repudiate.

Hey, how does Ron’s campaign get loaded up with tin-foilers anyway? How are they getting recruited? Why with a little help from noted crackpot Aaron Russo, of course:


That’s right kids. Russo’s movie America: From Freedom to Fascism was a cynical ploy to get stoners to support Ron Paul.

h/t LGF