One of the lapdogs of racist harpy Jane Hamsher was so upset about the evil “wingnut” conspiracy that dares to question why a family that owns three cars and sends their children to private school can’t afford a $452 a month insurance policy for those same children that she leapt upon her moral high horse and penned a childish screed about being a better person than you and me, then closed the comments when she thought she’d take some heat.
Here’s her post in a nutshell:
Here’s a truth…honestly. If the folks who run Powerline or Michelle Malkin or any of these other folks had a child in danger and contacted me to ask about what they should do to contact authorities or protect their child, I would help them in a heartbeat. Hell, I’d probably try to save the kid from a speeding bus if my auto-immune-achy limbs could move fast enough. Because that is what compassionate people who care about childrens’ well-being do.
Compassionate people don’t attack kids who desperately need help — they help them. It is human instinct at its basest level — ask any good parent (who isn’t involved in an abuse and neglect case, since I’ve seen far too many of those in my lifetime to know that some parents don’t have this trait) about the ache they feel when their child cries out in the night. Hell, ask any person with a heart if they wouldn’t do whatever it took to help a child in need, and see you don’t get “yes, what can I do to help?†as your answer.
Oh. Is that so? It’s interesting how much compassion Hamsher’s lackeys can come up with for a for a well off White family, but how little mention there is of the Black teens murdered by MS-13 members in Newark, gang members who gravitated to Newark because of not only liberal sanctuary city polices but because of its thriving trade in drugs, also a problem created and perpetuated by rich White liberals.
The lily White Frost family, in which the father is a welder/woodworker and the mother is an office worker, claims to make “only” $45,000/yr so they can’t afford insurance. Though they won’t verify that claim, and it is known they own commercial property from which they collect rent so they may indeed make more, I will say what most dare not: $45,000 is good money. Especially for a couple who both only work part time (why one doesn’t work full time I have no idea) and frankly there are members of my own family that make less, have children and don’t have insurance.
Does Hamsher’s harpy care about them? Does she have as much compassion for the people who will end up paying higher taxes to pay for the entitlements of a family that has more net worth than them?
Of course not. Because the Frosts are downwardly mobile White liberals, working part time so they can spend an extra 20 hours a week or so smoking pot or doing whatever they do that keeps people from working more than part time to provide their children with better lives. In other words they’re par for the course among the Christy Smith set.
It’s been reported that they bought their house for $55,000 in 1990 and now it’s worth around $300,000. Why didn’t they sell it and buy the $461 a month insurance plan available in their area?
And now that I questioned that, how much racist bile will end up in my email?
This case isn’t about their kid. It’s about the sense of entitlement White liberals have in this country, and how vicious they become when someone who isn’t White says “no” to them. This is about a couple with one set of wealthy grandparents hailing from Bronxville, N.Y, where 4 bedroom houses go for 2.5 MILLION dollars, claiming to have nowhere to turn for help but the taxpayer’s pocket.
SCHIP is for the destitute, government entitlements should be for the poor, but people like the Christy Smith of FDL are more than willing to steal that money from those who truly deserve it and give it to well to do White liberals who refuse to grow up and take responsibility for themselves.
If the Frosts qualify for entitlements paid for by taxes levied on single mothers and the real working poor, who else qualifies? Smith? Hamsher? Every White American who wants to keep some extra cash in their pocket to buy drugs? How about this piece of White Trash who hasn’t worked since 2003 and lives with his parents? Is he qualified?
And why are the attacks on conservatives so vicious when this issue comes up? Especially attacks on Michelle Malkin? Is it her fault because she’s in some way provoking White liberals into paroxysms of racism?
Or is the idea of of a non-White telling Whites they don’t deserve everyone else’s money enough to make these supposed liberals expose themselves as the hateful, bigoted middle aged adolescents they are?
Meanwhile there are plenty of people in this world worse off than the Frosts, none of whom will receive an ounce of compassion from Christy Smith or any other liberal. Coincidentally, none of them are White.
More entitlements for undeserving Whites has been a staple of White Nationalist ideology for decades, the doctrine of Communitarianism which is popular with these folks; perhaps their newly forged close ties with the nutroots has given the the idea of a Whites-only welfare state new life, and luckily they already have a spokesfamily.