The Left Doesn’t Just hate America, It Hates Americans

The left’s demonization of the so-called red states goes beyond stereotyping everyone not from New York or L.A. as rednecks, but includes indoctrinating young leftists into the belief that southerners and middle America are all disease ridden sub humans:

The House Homeland Security Committee planned a fact-finding trip about public health preparedness at mass gatherings and decided to conduct the research at two of the nation’s most heavily attended sporting events, NASCAR’s Bank of America 500 event this weekend and the UAW-Ford 500 last weekend.

Staff who organized the trips advised the NASCAR-bound aides to get a range of vaccines before attending — hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and influenza.

Rep. Robin Hayes, a Republican from Concord, took umbrage when he heard about it.

“I have never heard of immunizations for domestic travel, and as the representative for Concord, N.C., I feel compelled to ask why the heck the committee feels that immunizations are needed to travel to my hometown,” Hayes said in an Oct. 5 letter to Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., who chairs the Homeland Security panel.

“I have been to numerous NASCAR races, and the folks who attend these events certainly do not pose any health hazard to congressional staffers or anyone else,” Hayes added.

Lauri Wilks, vice president of communications for Speedway Motorsports, which owns Lowe’s Motor Speedway and other tracks, said Wednesday that immunizations aren’t needed for the race.

“There’s no health risk that we know of,” she said, laughing. “We have never had any disease outbreak during one of our weekends.”

The four aides were asked to explore public health issues at events involving large gatherings, such as how law enforcement and medical personnel would respond to an act of terrorism or other emergency. Lawmakers weren’t part of the trip.

The staffers traveled to Talladega last weekend, and are scheduled to be at Lowe’s Motor Speedway this weekend.

Thompson said the immunizations are commonly recommended for people working in hospitals, holding centers and similar locations.

Thompson’s covering. This is a spill over of the bigotry against Americans encouraged by left leaning elitists.

How long before the Democrats announce their forced sterilization program on everyone who live south of north Jersey and west of California?