Full Circle: Finnish Politician Journeys From Nazism to Islamism

I blogged before about the Aryan Nations promotion of Islam as a legitimate expression of Aryanism. I also noted how David Duke amongst other racists, seem to have a soft spot for non-Whites when their Muslims, and will even throw Whites on the fire to help them.

This then should come as no surprise to anyone. From Tundra Tabloids:

Oh my how the circle completes itself. You just can’t make this up if you tried. Founder and spokesman for the Finnish Islamic Party, (FIP) Abdullah Tammi, is not only a former Social Democrat, he’s also a former Communist …….and Nazi (in Finnish).

According to a Tundra Tabloid source, during the 60’s, Tammi was one of the more radicalized followers of (edit) Pekka Siitoimen Siitoin, a one time leader of Finland’s National Socialist Party (KDP), a fascist party that was never officially registered.

According to the TT’s source: “he (Tammi) became convert fundamentalist Christian in 70’s. He also made his journey through Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormon Church, before found the ‘Truth’.

However, to excuse all this (at least in his own pov), he recently claimed that he was not really all that loony, but infiltrated those movements and churches because he was a Soviet spy. Sounds like he’s mentally sane and stable doesn’t it?

Aside from the praying five times a day, just how different do you think this guys life is from when he was a Nazi?

h/t Infidel Blogger Alliance