Filthy Degenerate Kourtney Joy Babcock Pleads Guilty to Sexually Abusing Boys


You may remember Kourtney Joy Babcock as the degenerate who posed for pictures of herself fondling a guy in front of a toddler on Facebook even as she was awaiting trial for molesting some 12-year-old boys. In an interview I never got around to publishing she claimed to me that the 12-year-olds “took advantage of her” while she was getting high with them. There is also video of her out on bail getting high with her friends and laughing about molesting children.

All class as you can see.

T.D.K.O.M. has recently reported that Babcock pleaded to molesting the boys and is now waiting for sentencing. Because she’s young and pretty she won’t get anywhere near enough time. I have received tips from people who know her that she has posted nude and risque pics of the toddler involved in the first story on one of her many Facebook accounts and there is a report floating around the crime blogosphere that on her “Faith Halloway” account Babcock admitted to having relations with a 15-year-old boy in a car while other people watched. This report has not been verified.

Sick Crimes has pointed out that if one looks through her writings on social networks it’s clear she has “serious sex issues” which makes her posting habits concerning toddlers more worrisome.

The Burlington, Iowa (from where she hails) Criminal Investigation unit can be contacted at 319-753-8375. I urge everyone to report Babcock’s more recent Internet crimes so that there is a history of it on file.

Red Tide Link Round-Up

And you thought communism was dead? Think again:

A senior People’s Liberation Army official has just penned a book calling for China to aggressively act to dethrone America as the world’s superpower. Other P.L.A. officials have stated that war with the United States is not only inevitable but in their country’s interest.

C.B.S. has video of a Pentagon worker selling secrets to Chinese spies.

Vladimir Putin is calling for development of a new long range strategic bomber to upgrade Russia’s military capability.

FARC and ETA terrorists have been coordinating with the Hugo Chavez government according to a Spanish court. They even targeted Columbian president Eribe for assassination during his visit to Spain.

Narco-violence is so bad in Mexico that the U.S. closed our consulate. The Gulf Cartel is not only shooting it out with Mexican military, but photos in this post (graphic, be warned) show that they actually fly banners on their vehicles identifying themselves as Cartel soldiers.

Uruguay has elected former Communist insurgent Jose Mujica President. Aside from Hugo Chavez and other Red dictators the swearing in was attended by Hilary Clinton, who pledged her support to the Marxist dictator in training.

Violent leftists rioted on the Berkley campus over tuition hikes. There are unconfirmed rumors that many of the rioters were not even students.

The head of the International Monetary Fund is calling for a new reserve currency to replace the dollar.

The Fabian Socialist Labour Party has been infiltrated by Jihadists. This seems to be news to the British.

Supposed “Patriot” and known grifter Alex Jones was on state run Russian television promoting an anti-American conspiracy theory that coincidentally is being promoted by leftist rags like The Palestinian Telegraph and the Communist Party run Pravda. It’s almost like he’s a communist plant…

Lefty ne’er-do-well Daniel Johnson thinks we Americans are living under the “tyranny” of the Bill of Rights. I’m not kidding.

Union Thugs Assaulting and Harassing Workers in from Vale Inco!

Vale Inco has been engaged in ongoing negotiations with United Steel Workers Local 6500 who are on strike. Rather than bargain in good faith the union thugs have been stalking and assaulting people who don’t support them and the milquetoast Canadian government is doing nothing to stop it.

From The Chronicle Herald:

SUDBURY, Ont. — Striking union members in Sudbury, Ont., have engaged in “unlawful thuggery” by threatening personnel during a bitter seven-month strike at Vale Inco, the company alleges in a lawsuit.

United Steelworkers Local 6500 and some of its members have posted personal information about people who are continuing to work during the strike, which has led to intimidation, threats and an assault, the mining giant alleges in its more than $1-million lawsuit.

“This has not been a peaceful strike,” the company writes in a statement of claim, filed in Superior Court in Sudbury.

“Masked picketers have engaged in criminal conduct, including an assault of a Vale Inco employee and the sabotage of Vale Inco property.”

People on the picket lines have set large fires so trucks carrying explosives and fuel can’t cross, hydro wires have been cut, rail equipment has been damaged and roads have been littered with nail spikes to puncture truck tires, the statement of claim alleges.

The allegations have not been proven in court.

Maybe the suit hasn’t been proven in court but the union itself is not shy about continuing to participate in this despicable and cowardly behavior. On their website they have a section entitled “Know your Scabs” which has pictures and names of people crossing their lines, and when photos don’t have names, pleas for “information” on the subject. Clearly they are inviting violence toward these people.

There is also a section for Vale Inco management and staff and security among others. The site proudly boasts in the sidebar that they have been able to get eight scabs to quit since posting the photos.

But intimidation and threats have nothing to do with that I’m sure.

Don’t look for much coverage of this in our lefty MSM. I found out about it from a 1%er website. I wonder why that is?

When will the Canadians stop the USW from this criminal activity?