White Liberal Claims Black Anti-Amnesty Group “Like the Klan”

Before you White Liberals even start, the reason this is offensive is because the Ku Klux Klan (which was the paramilitary wing of the Democratic Party) murdered thousands of Black people. Black people opposed to amnesty are for the most part opposed to Latino gangs who are killing thousands of Black people. Neither the Black folk she attacks nor the White people from Numbers USA have killed or advocate killing anyone. So how are they like the Klan?

The White liberal in this video supports policies that lead to the ethnic cleansing of Blacks by racist Latinos but has the nerve to call these Black men Klanners? Disgusting.

This is at a forum where D.C Mayoral candidate Leo Alexander is speaking. Leo Alexander is an award winning television journalist, a selfless public servant and a basically decent man who cares about the Black community which is most adversely affected by illegal immigration. The disdain of this accomplishment-less White house frau for him is palpable. So who here is more like a Klanner?

Roy Beck from Numbers USA has a post on the incident.

Jim Block: Portrait of a New York Lefty Anti-Semite

The Riverdale Press is a local paper from the Riverdale section of the Bronx which is a well to do community nestled between Yonkers and upper Manhattan. Riverdale has long had a large Jewish community and an upper class liberal sensibility, but in the last decade or so The Riverdale Press has been a battleground where Jewish and liberal interests, suddenly separated by liberal Islamaphilia and anti-Zionist pretensions, are pitted against each other. In a recent letter to the editor by a man going by the name Jim Block, the new reality of how Jews and Judaism are viewed by the Left was presented starkly:

I don’t think I have ever been as annoyed by a letter to the editor as I was by the one written by Steven Littwin (Riverdale Press, Feb. 18). I grew up on the Lower East Side and we had our share of restaurants — Ratner’s, Rappaport’s, Moskowitz and Lupowitz, Bernstein’s, Katz’s, the Garden Cafeteria, Sammy’s — none of which were closed on Saturday. In its last gasp, Ratner’s got a rabbinic designation and closed on Saturday, but the hordes of Orthodox did not beat a path to their door and they soon closed. If one would take a look at the various permutations of the restaurant on Riverdale Avenue and West 259th Street, which seems to be going through yet another transformation, a kosher certificate or closing on the Sabbath does not guarantee success.

What I really object to is the imposition of rules by one group on all the rest of us.

There is another factor. Paying extra for the kosher designation is objectionable, especially to those of us who feel that the costs of this designation goes to groups that we disagree with philosophically, morally, spiritually, religiously, politically, etc.

If one read about the kosher slaughterhouses in the Midwest that were raided by the government, these were not examples of humane treatment of animals, nor of hygiene, and perhaps most importantly, the humane treatment of the Latin American workers who suffered constant abuse at the hands of these wonderful rabbinic overseers.

I think there are enough options for the Orthodox community to purchase kosher food in Riverdale. For the rest of us that would like a broad range of cheeses and other delicacies, we look forward to the success of Jay-Bar’s and Mr. Nadler. May he live a long life and be well.

This was a letter entitled “Riverdale’s Deliciousness is in its Diversity” but as you can clearly read for yourself there is little interest by “Jim Block” in being confronted by true diversity, especially the age old tradition of Kosher foods being served in Jewish stores. But more telling were Block’s outrageous claims of the “cruelty” of Kosher slaughter and the “Rabbinic overseers” torturing poor helpless Latino slaves.

His first point is in fact stolen from White Nationalists. The “cruelty” of Kosher slaughter was much complained about by neo-Nazis a few years ago when they began recycling a P.E.T.A. video of a non-Kosher slaughterhouse on their forums. The last person I saw crying over the supposed cruelty of Kosher slaughter was wife-killing degenerate “Yankee James” Leshkavich, a neo-Nazi so vile be beat and strangled his estranged spouse to death before killing himself.

Block doesn’t just plumb the depths of White Nationalism to attack Riverdale’s Jews however. He also uses propaganda from the M.E.C.H.A.-affiliated Reconquista site La Voz de Aztlan. When not calling for an “American Union” based on the now crumbling European Union, the site evenly splits its time between calling for the expulsion of non-Hispanics from the American southwest and supporting the expulsion of Jews from Israel. They have frequently run anti-Semitic pieces including this little gem called The “Kosher Nostra” Scam which makes the claim that Jews are secretly blackmailing every food company in the world into only giving us Kosher goods. They also frequently claim Jews are enslaving Latinos.

The fact that The Riverdale Press would publish a letter so full of anti-Jewish animus and conspiracy mongering isn’t shocking for anyone who has lived in the area. I lived in Riverdale for a couple of years and that paper was known to support wild anti-American and anti-Jewish causes including in one case 9/11 “truth.”

What always shocked me was the acceptance of the rest of the community of increasingly overt anti-Semitism and the comfort of lefty New Yorkers in throwing off their cloak of tolerance to attack Jews. Leftist political support for Palestinians has blossomed into full blown anti-Semitism as the left adopts the Islamist view of Jews as a perfidious race given to moral bankruptcy. It’s time Jewish Americans realized where the winds of leftism are blowing and I hope they recognize the scent of Zyklon that wind carries before it’s too late.

Islam in Northern Europe

This C.B.N. report on Malmo Sweden is a great accompaniment to this old post I found on The Shield of Achilles blog about rapes in the increasingly Islamized city of Oslo, Norway. That post had some startling statistics in it that should alarm any Westerner who still hopes peace between Islam and the West is possible:

According to official police reports, in 2009 there were twice as many rapes reported as in 2008. Just as shocking – in 2007, 2008 and 2009, every single rape case involved a perpetrator who was a non-western immigrant. (Let that sink in for just a moment). And in 9 out of 10 of these cases, the victim was an ethnic Norwegian woman. I don’t understand Norwegian very well, but this information was also reported by the Brussels Journal. I also ran the article through a machine translation, and it checks out. If any Norwegian speakers here have anything to add, I would love to hear it.

Incidentally, nearly 10% of Norway’s population is foreign-born, by far the greatest number in it’s history. The largest non-European immigrant groups in the country are Pakistanis, followed by Iraqis and Somalis. And they are almost entirely concentrated in Oslo. In other words, it doesn’t sound very polite to say this, but this is part of a pattern of Muslim men committing rapes and sexual assaults against European women. This not just a recent trend either, and the problem is not just in Norway alone.

C.B.N. shows that this is not an anomaly as the Muslim population in Malmo is acting in very similar ways:

Militant Islam cannot co-exist with Western values.

Forensic “Expert” Dan Austin Says .223 Cartridge Made for Elephants

Asinine. This CNN clip starts out as ignorant anti-gun agi-prop and devolves into a fantasy land where a round known to be one of the least effective military cartridges on human targets can magically take down the world’s largest land animal by virtue of the fact that it goes really, really fast. Not as fast as actual elephant gun rounds mind you, but fast nonetheless.

You can watch the video by clicking the pic. CNN disabled embedding after it began making the rounds and every gun owner in American began fisking this tool who is passing himself off as an expert:

CNN Gun Expert is a Fraud

The .223 began life as a varmint cartridge and still excels at killing small predators like foxes, coyotes, and feral dogs. It is known to produce casualties as opposed to quick kills in humans and was largely adopted because of its mild recoil (it’s really a pleasure to shoot) and the light weight of the rounds which means individual soldiers can carry more ammunition than the rounds that preceded it.

The .223 fires a .22 caliber bullet weighing around 55 grains. No experienced hunter or shooter would ever claim that the .223 was designed for large game. It is considered too small a round to use even on the moderately sized black bear in America. Elephants are taken with rifles that push bullets of at least 400 grains at velocities sometimes greater than the .223. Even that would be considered bare minimum. Winchester offers a 500 grain load in .458 which is considered a decent elephant cartridge. That round pushes those 500 grains at over 2000 feet per second.That’s considered a load with which a good shot might be able to kill an elephant.

You need not be a physicist or firearms expert to know that the .223 and its 55 grain bullet will not come close to the power needed to kill a animal an elephant’s size. A .223 might not be able to even penetrate the thick hide of an elephant, and if it did the tiny hole it made would not kill the creature. Most people shot with the .223 don’t die if they receive medical attention. A firearms “expert” should know that.

But Dan Austin makes several other blunders here. One is he claims guns can’t fire accidentally without pulling the trigger which is false. Anyone who has ever handled the old M-16 A2 can tell you that a sharp blow to the butt of the weapon would slam the bolt forward and fire a round that was chambered. I have no experience with the Galil clones he’s talking about, but I assume many semi-autos can have the same failing.

This “expert” suggests several times that no one has a legitimate use for a semi-auto rifle which sounds less like a professional opinion and more like lefty disarmament politics to me. CNN says Austin has worked in over 300 court cases and I would suggest that a good defense attorney could use his obvious unfamiliarity with firearms to turn those cases over.

So what’s his agenda? He could have easily read up on this stuff, or hit a range. He clearly has never done either so why is he on CNN lecturing America about guns?

h/t Zombie Squad Forums. Yeah, I’m a member. So what?

Victimeless Crime File: Stripper Leaves Three-Year-Old in Drug Filled Motel Room, Plans Incestuous Threesome

Patric Johnson Likes Cocaine Possibly Incest

And the story ends just about how you’d think it would:

The mother of a 3-year-old girl was charged Tuesday after police said the toddler was found wandering around a Caseyville motel in a T-shirt and underwear while the woman was at work in a strip club.

Police were searching Tuesday night for the woman, identified as Patrice A. Johnson, 28.

Johnson’s last known address is unclear, but police said she stays in metro-east motels when she works at the Soft Touch club in Washington Park.

Johnson was charged Tuesday with felony unlawful possession of a controlled substance and endangering the life or health of a child. Bond was set at $25,000.

Employees at a Days Inn, 8950 Tucker Drive in Caseyville, called police about 5:40 a.m. Feb. 20 to report that a young child was seen wandering around the motel hallways in just a T-shirt and panties for about 45 minutes. Motel staff were unable to contact guests in the child’s room, which was registered to Johnson.

Officers responded, and one of them stayed with the child while the others went to the room. Police reported that the child seemed unusually hyperactive.

The officers heard noise coming from the room, but no one answered. When motel workers opened the room, police did not find anyone inside but saw what looked like cocaine, prescription drugs and other drug paraphernalia in the room.

“We don’t have anything to confirm that the child got into the drugs other than possibly suspecting that because of the child’s behavior,” Caseyville Police Chief J.D. Roth said. “Maybe it was anxiety or shock because the child was left alone.

Don’t worry they finally picked her up. What was she doing while police were building a case against her for possibly allowing her toddler to get high on coke? Planning a threesome with her gun toting, heroin addict baby-daddy of course. The third person was someone she identified to police as the child’s aunt, otherwise known as her sister or the sister of the father:

About an hour after police arrived, two women walked into the motel lobby and identified themselves as the child’s mother and aunt.

Johnson, the mother, told police that she and the other woman just left work at Soft Touch. She said the child was supposed to be in the care of the father while the women were at work, but she didn’t know where the father was.

Officers then went with the women and child to their motel room to get clothes for the child. Police saw the mother take more than $2,000 in cash from a metal box from under a nightstand and put the money in her coat pocket.

Police took the women in for questioning and notified the Department of Children and Family Services of the incident. Johnson and the other woman told police they planned to have sex with the child’s father in another, separate room they rented at the motel. The women said the child’s father is a heroin addict, and has kept a gun in the room.

Police were attempting Wednesday to locate the father for questioning.

“We’d like to talk to him to get his side of the story,” Roth said.

His side of the story being that he gets high and bangs two strippers at a time, one of whom is either his old lady’s sister or his sister. I guess the whole “aunt” thing could be metaphorical, as in she’s so close to this other stripper they consider themselves family which still makes the threesome creepy, just not nauseating.

But hey, they’re only hurting themselves, right Libertarians? I mean if you ignore the toddler being left in the care of an armed heroin addict who abandons her in a room full of drugs.