Peaceful Muslim College Professor Assaults Two People at United Voices for America Rally

The beatings will continue until we infidels admit Islam is a religion of peace. I just got this press release from Americans Against Hate:

Tallahassee, FL) Investigative journalist and Chairman of Americans Against Hate Joe Kaufman and Florida Security Council cameraman J. Mark Campbell were assaulted, earlier today, by a member of United Voices for America (UVA), a Florida Muslim lobby group.

UVA was in Tallahassee for its second annual event, entitled “Muslim Capitol Day.”

According to the lieutenant in charge, the perpetrator of the attacks, Bassem Alhalabi, was charged with “simple battery” for each incident. The two assaults happened on two separate occasions, both on the same day.

Alhalabi is a professor at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), a director and co-founder of the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR), and a former associate of convicted terrorist Sami al-Arian.

In June 2003, Alhalabi was found guilty of illegally shipping a $13,000 military-grade thermal imaging device to Syria.

United Voices for America (UVA) is headed by Ahmed Bedier, the former Executive Director of CAIR-Tampa and the former “unofficial spokesman” for Sami al-Arian. Bedier was present, during the attack on Campbell.

In May 2007, Rafiq Sabir, a member of Alhalabi’s Islamic center was convicted of material support for al-Qaeda.

United Voices for America is a known front for CAIR and a distributor of pro-terrorist, far-left propaganda. It is unsurprising that this group of miscreants would include violent thugs.

The thug in question is an associate professor of engineering at F.A.U. which is worrisome given his predilection for militant Islamism and terrorism.

Americans Against Hate are promising to release video of the assault.

Creepy, Fascist Lefty Video Features “Celebrity” Chris Schiflett “Forming a Posse” for Mass Arrests of Businessmen

I’m not familiar with Chris Shifflett so I’m taking other people’s word for it that he’s actually considered a celebrity, though his inflated sense of self-importance as evidenced by this Nazi-esque propaganda film shows that at least he believes he is. I’m told he’s in the band Foo Fighters but being Metal ’till I Die I wouldn’t know. Nor do I care.

But imagine if a Republican administration had minor celebrities calling for the formation of a posse to arrest those they consider enemies of the state? You couldn’t contain the outrage. But when it’s done for the great Obama no big deal I guess.

The enemies they plan on arresting, by the way, are businessmen and women in what I find an eerie echo of Mao’s pogrom against landlords. I assume the next step for the astroturfed group responsible for this madness is to open up camps with which we evil capitalists can be re-educated through beatings, rapes, and murder.

Like I said, creepy and fascist. This makeshift militant wing of Health Care for America Now! has its own website called The Citizens’ Posse which shows this was not a one off publicity stunt but an organized campaign of intimidation and harassment on the perceived enemies of the neo-Marxist left implicitly approved of by the progressive Obama administration.

On the Citizens’ Posse website there are wanted posters featuring the pictures of business people and trumped up charges like “45,000 Counts of Involuntary Manslaughter”  as well as links to yet another astroturfed website that tells this not so secret police where these people will be. This is a recipe for violence and mayhem.

Coincidentally, the energy executive who was missing in New Orleans and was later found drowned in the Mississippi river was  theoretically one of the “domestic enemies” listed by Schiflett in the video. The man had just attended a function at a college (where most progressive protesters are recruited from) before mysteriously ending up in the drink even though the river was no where near the route he would take from the bar he was last seen in or the hotel he was heading to. Odd, wouldn’t you say?

Of course, he was just another “domestic enemy” so why should we care?

The Citizens’ Posse is not a protest, it is the beginning of a dangerous regression to early 20th century leftist tactics. If we continue to allow the left to escalate we will be pulling businessmen out of rivers in the thousands. Then it’ll be Jews, Christians, Republicans and finally everyone who isn’t on board with the Soros-funded Stalinist vision of America’s future Chris Schiflett promotes.

The Financial Armageddon is Coming Link Round-Up

What happened to all those “green shoots” we heard about? Joblessness continues to drag down the economy and the government is doing its damnedest to make things worse:

Shadow Stats founder John Williams has just announced that he sees no way for America to avoid a hyper-inflationary depression.

Demand for new workers in America continues to collapse.

Moody’s is predicting banks will remain unprofitable for the 2010 fiscal year.

The Obama administration is actually implementing a program to encourage the short selling of homes by troubled borrowers.

Unemployment has risen in 30 states.

Sales tax rates hit are at record highs as states and municipalities struggle to make ends meet.

The proposed Illinois state budget is based on borrowing billions of dollars from the government.

Detroit is looking at a plan to de-populate parts of the city and de-industrialize, turning other parts into farmland.

Needless to say, this looks less like green shoots and more like a slow slide into second world status. Are you prepared?

Random Paulnut: Your German Child Molestation Story is “Jewish S%^t” or Something

Ah, the moral superiority of Paulnuttery. I’m Facebook “Friends” with a hateful harpy named Angie Bishop who has taken to dropping by my page (which is auto-updated with my posts) and claiming I’m a “neo-con” (Jew) who supports the agenda of “them” (Jews) and puts the interests of others (Jews) before Americans.

Late last night I posted a quick story about a progressive boarding school in Germany in which children were routinely beaten and raped by teachers for almost 40 years of its history. I put forward that the leftist disdain for personal autonomy is at the root cause of molestation, the same point I made when blogging about Communist leader Daniel Ortega who was elected President of Nicaragua even though it was well known he had raped his step-daughter for years starting when she was 13.

Hardcore Paulestinian Angie Bishop responded to my piece on the FB auto-update with leftist anti-Semitism dressed up as Conservatism which is par for the course for Ron Paul supporters:

So…what now? You want our American Men and Women to go fucking blow up Germany? WTF? You dont think this Country has its own shit cloud issues? Were supposed to focus on Jewish shit? Give me a fucking break.

Of course those who read the piece know that a) I’m not calling for an invasion and b) there were no Jews in the story. Good ol’ Angie didn’t read the post but saw a criticism of Germans and reacted like any person who hates Jews. But the story isn’t about Jews or Germans, it’s about children being victimized by adults who used leftism to gain access to victims. Why is Angie Bishop more disgusted with unmentioned Jews than with adults orally, vaginally and anally raping children?

I suppose I’d have to read End the Fed to understand.

Surprise! “Elite, Progressive” Boarding School in Germany was a Rape and Torture Factory

Since “progressive” really means Marxist and Marxism teaches submission to authority and the abolition of private property, this should come as no surprise. Our bodies are the most important piece of property we own, and our sovereignty over our lives is our most precious right. Marxism denies both these facts and thus attracts people who don’t respect your person or your autonomy:

The Odenwaldschule school board admitted to the paper that teachers had abused wards at the school for years. School director Margarita Kaufmann  told the newspaper, “As far as I am concerned, it is a fact that sexual abuse occurred here at least since 1971.”

According to accounts by former pupils, teachers at the school in Heppenheim woke them by stroking their genitals, forced them to perform oral sex, and were made into “sex slaves” for whole weekends.

Teachers also beat their wards, provided them with drugs and alcohol, and did not intervene when several pupils sexually abused a girl.

The way the school was structured encouraged an unhealthy lack of boundaries:

The Odenwaldschule was established in 1910 with a holistic ethos of raising a child according to its own individual desires, rather than through discipline and drill. The 225 pupils currently attending (200 as boarders) live in so-called ‘families,’ with their class teacher as a kind of ‘family head’ who lives in an adjacent room. A boarder’s place at the school currently costs €2,220 a month.

Now that’s progressive.

Update: Some Paulnut says this is all a ploy by me to try to get America to invade Germany because I’m a Jew loving “neo-con.”