Victimless Crime File: Stoner Put Baby in Oven

This story is a little different though in that a) the baby wasn’t hurt and b) when the stoner sobered up he did the right thing.

From KFVS:

PADUCAH, KY (KFVS) – A 34-year-old father who lives in the Paducah area was arrested Monday after he apparently put his five-week-old child inside an oven.

The McCracken County Sheriff’s Department identifies the suspect as Larry Long, 34, who lives on Cold Springs Road in the Reidland community.  Long was booked into the McCracken County Regional Jail on charges of wanton endangerment.

According to deputies, the infant’s mother told investigators she was awakened Monday morning by the sound of a baby crying.  She said she went into the kitchen and found the child in the oven.  The door was not completely shut and the oven was turned off.

Detectives believe the child could have been in the oven for a few hours.  The child was taken to a hospital for observation but was not hurt.

Long said he must have unknowingly placed the child in the oven, which investigators believe he likely did as a result of alcohol and/or drug use.  Detectives said it was reported Long had smoked marijuana before leaving work Sunday night; Long told investigators it made him feel strange and that the marijuana may have been laced with something.  He also claimed he had been hallucinating.

Together, both Long and the child’s mother drank about a fifth of whiskey when Long returned home from work, investigators said.  The mother went to sleep after taking several shots of whiskey around 11 p.m. or midnight, but Long reportedly finished off the bottle of whiskey.

The couple have two other children in the house who have been removed from the mother’s custody. Maybe when you’re 34 and have three kids to take care of getting stoned and drunk is something you should have outgrown.

Long at least did the right thing after this and turned himself in … to a mental hospital. Close but no cigar Cheech, the shrinks called the cops and Long is sitting in county. He can hopefully use that time to sober up and start putting his life on track.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

New England Journal of Medicine: One-Third of Doctors Will Leave Medicine if Health Care Reform Passes


( – Nearly one-third of all practicing physicians may leave the medical profession if President Obama signs current versions of health-care reform legislation into law, according to a survey  published in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

The survey, which was conducted by the Medicus Firm, a leading physician search and consulting firm based in Atlanta and Dallas, found a majority of physicians said health-care reform would cause the quality of American medical care to “deteriorate” and it could be the “final straw” that sends a sizeable number of doctors out of medicine.

But the news gets worse if a public option is included in the legislation:

More than 29 percent (29.2) percent of the nearly 1,200 doctors who responded to the survey said they would quit the profession or retire early if health reform legislation becomes law. If a public option were included in the legislation, as several liberal Senators have indicated they would like, the number would jump to 45.7 percent.

Better make your medical appointments now kids. When the Democrats ram through their “health reform” you’re going to be waiting years to see a doctor.

Victimless Crime File: Woman Abusing Gay Porn Actor Chokes to Death on Bag of Weed

90% of men and 100% of women are going to have to take the word of lefty crime rag True Crime Report that Andrew Grande is indeed gay adult film actor Dustin Michaels. The important thing about this story is that a male stoner a) was fighting a woman in a parking lot and b) tried to hide his weed by swallowing it when cops showed up then c) attacked the cops while the baggie was still in his throat.

Gay or not a man is a man and shouldn’t be fighting women so frankly I don’t feel bad for him. But I suppose some legalization activist will tell me that drug use has nothing to do with hatching such an asinine plan as putting something too big to swallow in your mouth then attacking people with tasers.

There’s video. The cops try their best to save this woman beating douche, but to no avail. So if pot was legal the only thing that might have been different was that Grande wouldn’t have tried to hide the weed so he may have survived, but he still would have assaulted a woman and attacked cops. I guess that’s better?

Why Does the Department of Education Need Twenty-Seven Tactical Entry Shotguns?

The Department of Education has put in an order for twenty seven Remington 870 shotguns in 12 gauge with 14″ barrels and Knoxx adjustable stocks. The order form implies that these new procurements will be comparable with an existing armory:

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) intends to purchase twenty-seven (27) REMINGTON BRAND MODEL 870 POLICE 12/14P MOD GRWC XS4 KXCS SF. RAMAC #24587 GAUGE: 12 BARREL: 14″ – PARKERIZED CHOKE: MODIFIED SIGHTS: GHOST RING REAR WILSON COMBAT; FRONT – XS CONTOUR BEAD SIGHT STOCK: KNOXX REDUCE RECOIL ADJUSTABLE STOCK FORE-END: SPEEDFEED SPORT-SOLID – 14″ LOP are designated as the only shotguns authorized for ED based on compatibility with ED existing shotgun inventory, certified armor and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts.
The required date of delivery is March 22, 2010.

Unless you’re willing to pay a hefty “tax” for owning restricted weapons (sorry liberals, there’s no such thing as an assault weapon ban) you’re not legally allowed to own a shotgun with a barrel under 18 inches. But short barrels are often used by military and law enforcement for entry teams who need small but powerful weapons for urban assaults and house to house fighting. If you were going to kick in the front door of an apartment and wanted to carry something with more knockdown power than a pistol (or a carbine chambered in a pistol caliber) but that would be easy to maneuver in the tight confines of a hallway or foyer, a short barreled shotgun fits the bill.

But why does the Department of Education need a shotgun seemingly designed for kicking in doors anyway? Are they finally going to crack down on homeschooling? Are student restrooms so out of control that sweep teams need to be sent in?

Even if you concede that the Department of Education needs shotguns, why are they not ordering regular cruiser models? Why do they need to be tactical models? Do they already have an existing inventory and are adding to it? If so, why does the Department of Education have an inventory of firearms? It’s like the feds are trying to start conspiracy theorizing.

h/t Say Uncle