I Will Not Be Forced to Buy Health Insurance

Don' Tread on Me

I of course will be lamenting the current state of fascism in this country all week, as a cult leader who got elected president pushes a law that makes it illegal for me to be an American citizen unless I purchase a product his Chavez like government will sell. But for my first short post let me just say this:

I will not be forced to buy “health insurance” just so I can subsidize the parasites that make up the left in this country. No, if you’re asking, I don’t care about the 26-year-old “man” who “needs” his parents to take care of him. If by 26 he can’t make his way in the world I hope he does die.

I will not submit to I.R.S. brown shirts who will oversee my personal decision about whether or not I want insurance and I don’t care how many short barreled shotguns they have.

I will not allow the government to dictate to me how to take care of my health; as the left says it’s my body, it’s my choice.

I will not let the government slowly impoverish me with increasing taxes needed to prop up their entitlement plantation. I would sooner burn all the money I have and live in a gutter than subsidize a Communist take over of America.

My wife and I are happy with our insurance, but if we are forced off it (by laws designed to eliminate profit from the insurance industry) I’m not participating in this Soviet style system. I won’t buy it, I won’t pay the fine and I hope that many more people on the right feel the same way.

I would rather see this country dissolve into bloody civil war than witness the meek acceptance of unprecedented government intrusion into our lives. We are not terrorists, we are not criminals but our decision to not embrace leftist economics will end with us being treated worse than the Islamists who are threatening American lives even now. What’s more the destruction of our health care industry will mean that terrorists and criminals will in fact have better medical care than us while we bankrupt ourselves.

I will not be party to this, I will resist this Stalinist attack on Liberty and call on all patriots to do the same.

“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure & not so costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all odds against you & only precarious chance for survival. There may be a worse case. You may have to fight when there’s no chance of victory, because its better to perish than to live as slaves.”~ W. Churchill

I’m Sure This Sounded Better in the Original German

Ann Coulter by Joseph McCarthy Grave

On Coren’s Corner there appeared a letter written by the Vice-President of the University of Ottawa addressed to Ann Coulter who is going to appear on The Michael Coren Show in Canada:

“Dear Ms. Coulter,

I understand that you have been invited by University of Ottawa Campus Conservatives to speak at the University of Ottawa this coming Tuesday. We are, of course, always delighted to welcome speakers on our campus and hope that they will contribute positively to the meaningful exchange of ideas that is the hallmark of a great university campus. We have a great respect for freedom of expression in Canada, as well as on our campus, and view it as a fundamental freedom, as recognized by our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I would, however, like to inform you, or perhaps remind you, that our domestic laws, both provincial and federal, delineate freedom of expression (or “free speech”) in a manner that is somewhat different than the approach taken in the United States. I therefore encourage you to educate yourself, if need be, as to what is acceptable in Canada and to do so before your planned visit here. You will realize that Canadian law puts reasonable limits on the freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges. Outside of the criminal realm, Canadian defamation laws also limit freedom of expression and may differ somewhat from those to which you are accustomed. I therefore ask you, while you are a guest on our campus, to weigh your words with respect and civility in mind. There is a strong tradition in Canada, including at this University, of restraint, respect and consideration in expressing even provocative and controversial opinions and urge you to respect that Canadian tradition while on our campus. Hopefully, you will understand and agree that what may, at first glance, seem like unnecessary restrictions to freedom of expression do, in fact, lead not only to a more civilized discussion, but to a more meaningful, reasoned and intelligent one as well.

I hope you will enjoy your stay in our beautiful country, city and campus.


François Houle.”

Vice-recteur aux études / Vice-President Academic and Provost
Université d’Ottawa / University of Ottawa
550, rue Cumberland Street
Ottawa (ON) K1N 6N5
téléphone / telephone : 613 562-5737
télécopieur / fax : 613 562-5103

I didn’t know the Nazis defeated Canada in WW II

h/t Newsrealblog

Pagan + Politics’ Eric Robbins: This is Why I’m Embarrassed to be a Pagan

Over at the supposedly fair and balanced (but actually leftist) Pagans and Politics political site I found this awful bit of ignorant propaganda by some Wiccan named Eric Robbins that is in essence a reworking of the Illuminati conspiracy theories aimed at suckers, but this time aimed at attacking Jesus freaks who may have cheated on their wives.

You know, like 70+ percent of Americans.

Of course his source for all of this conspiracy mongering aside from the 9/11 “truth” movement and too much time on the Internet is Rachel Maddow, known far and wide for her fair portrayal of Christians, Conservatives and anyone who hasn’t jerked off to Obama.

But this, for all you Wiccans who like to complain about me, is why I am often embarrassed by being associated with the neo-Pagan movement and you should be too:

Religion and politics have been overlapping in the news lately, with occult practitioners exposed for their involvement in scandal  after  scandal. Men near the top of America’s political power structure have been found to be closely allied with, if not in fact members of, a secretive international religious organization. Their rationale, their goals, both specific and general, are closely guarded secrets, and it appears that they shift their holdings around so as to obscure the extent of their power.


The scandals that I reference above are closely tied to The Family, a secretive and powerful international organization apparently intent on steering politics worldwide. Where is the outrage from those mainstream religions that fear the occult? Primarily, and very much to their credit, the lone voice of disapproval from the mainstream religious community seems to be the Interfaith Alliance. Rev. Dr. Welton Gaddy of the alliance was highly critical  of the secrecy surrounding The Family on last night’s Rachel Maddow Show, saying, “When you get in that position, and you put yourself in an insulated, isolated, secretive kind of conversation…we know what’s right for this country, and we’re going to do whatever we have to do to see that this country does right.” Gaddy goes on to criticize The Family’s apparent scorn for the law, as evidenced by the C Street enclave’s handling of the marital infidelity and financial ethics scandals. For me, the news here is not that there are affairs and ethics violations among our political leaders, or even that those leaders are protected in this by being Christian, but rather that the scandals have pushed an enormous occult organization out into the daylight, and Pagans have no part in the story.

Yes, a well thought out and not paranoid position at all. But it is how he ties this bit of leftist agi-prop together that is the true source of the embarrassment:

I would contend that since secrecy is the key ingredient of the occult, in plain English we’re talking about secrecy policies in organized religious groups.

By that definition unions, ACORN, and the sorority your sister belongs to are all occult organizations. As an aside, if The Family is so secret a) how do we know so much about them and b) why can I link to their website where their “secretive agenda” is literally spelled out for the public to view?

But more to the point, Robbins’ definition of the occult is an illiterate one, indeed typical of Wiccans and mainstream neo-Paganism in general who have embraced the same “socially conservative” anti-Occultism that drove the Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s. There are no actual secret occult organizations (which should be clear since these conspiracy theorists can be intimately familiar with who is in the groups they criticize) and secrecy as one of the pillars of magical practice has little to do with the “they are everywhere” paranoia of  Robbins and his ilk. Almost every supposed secret society these people rail against is open to the public and you could join right now if you wanted to. The O.T.O., the Freemasons, The Rosicrucians (which I have recently joined) and thousands of other “occult” groups are merely private clubs where people may or may not study various aspects of occultism.

Again, literacy is the problem. Because the word occult at its root means secret, the role players who pretend to be informed on these things believe that means the body of knowledge and beliefs considered part of the occult are secret. This is not true. In fact, for the erstwhile occultist looking to fill his or her personal grimoire, some of the best references from which “occult” knowledge can be gleaned are the academic works concerning the occult and not the imagined synagogues of Satan that populate the mythography of modern neo-paganism.

E.M. Butler’s Ritual Magic which is an academic survey of the history of Western magical practices contains many translations of first hand sources of this supposed secret knowledge as does A.E. Waite’s Book of Black Magic (sometimes published under the name The Book of Spells) which was a literary criticism of known medieval grimoires. More “occult” knowledge can be found in Richard Cavendish’s lurid The Black Arts than can ever be gained by the entire Llewellyn book catalog. Many of the best books written on occult knowledge are authored by people with no initiation into these “occult” groups.

Which of course means that since scholars and artist have been dispensing the “secret” knowledge of the occult for hundreds of years the idea that occult literally means secret is a fundamental misunderstanding of the world Robbins supposedly occupies.

Now, there are already defenders of Robbins whining that what Robbins was doing was a bit of literary Akido, turning the “Xtian” fear of the occult on its head, but they know this isn’t the case. Robbins has accepted these same Christians’ views of occult conspiracy and then added on the modern pretense of the division between Pagans and “occultists” designed to unite Pagans like himself with liberal Christians into a leftist-style religious identity whose commonality is fear of conservative Christians. Never mind that it was conservative Christians and their magazines like Cornerstone who ultimately debunked many of the Satanic Panic claims, while liberal Christians continue to allow this sort of conspiracy mongering to fester until this day. This stance is boilerplate unfortunately, but it has consequences.

Here’s a comment I received just recently on a post from a Wiccan who was offended that I dared connect Wicca … with Witchcraft:

melissa said,

on March 12th, 2010 at 1:08 pm

just thought i’d throw out there that not all pagans practice black magic or witchcraft. black magic being an intent to cause harm upon someone or affect someones will. you make it sound like pagans are a bunch of harry potter freaks. its more along the lines of energy focus, for me at least. and spells and magic is not what being pagan is about so called “spells” are more like prayers and spiritual awareness. im not going home rto sit around a culdron and play with spices, more normal than u think, so why would a “good” pagan care about a black magic pagan when in all honesty im terrified of black magic and prefer to not be accioated with it.

In other words, Wiccans are no different than Episcopalians. I have often put forward that Wiccans aren’t really Witches but until recently Wiccans fought me on it. Now they are in essence denying their involvement in Witchcraft, ritual magic, and occultism in general. Indeed, now they hurl these words around as if their insults. Understand these “free thinking”  pagans are embracing the same views and movement that claims they are part of an evil conspiracy, which proves that it is true that  your mind can be so open your brains will fall out. As embarrassed as I was by pagans when they were running around calling themselves “Dragon Moon Drowheart” the garish scene of them cavorting with Unitarian Universalists and decrying “the occult” has shamed me to the core.

Red Menace! UG99 Update

There is a new Wired article on Stem Rust and it’s long but worth the read. It details efforts to combat the UG99 fungus which has the potential to destroy much of the world’s wheat crops but more importantly it gives information on how far the Wheat blasting fungus has spread. It’s in Iran and heading for the Punjab which is the breadbasket of the Pakistan/India region.

UG99 has yet to make an appearance in the Northern Hemisphere, but scientists are claiming it’s only a matter of time before it does. The appearance of this blight would be a civilizational game changer:

Stem rust is the polio of agriculture, a plague that was brought under control nearly half a century ago as part of the celebrated Green Revolution. After years of trial and error, scientists managed to breed wheat that contained genes capable of repelling the assaults of Puccinia graminis, the formal name of the fungus.

But now it’s clear: The triumph didn’t last. While languishing in the Ugandan highlands, a small population of P. graminis evolved the means to overcome mankind’s most ingenious genetic defenses. This distinct new race of P. graminis, dubbed Ug99 after its country of origin (Uganda) and year of christening (1999), is storming east, working its way through Africa and the Middle East and threatening India and China. More than a billion lives are at stake. “It’s an absolute game-changer,” says Brian Steffenson, a cereal-disease expert at the University of Minnesota who travels to Njoro regularly to observe the enemy in the wild. “The pathogen takes out pretty much everything we have.”

Indeed, 90 percent of the world’s wheat has little or no protection against the Ug99 race of P. graminis. If nothing is done to slow the pathogen, famines could soon become the norm — from the Red Sea to the Mongolian steppe — as Ug99 annihilates a crop that provides a third of our calories. China and India, the world’s biggest wheat consumers, will once again face the threat of mass starvation, especially among their rural poor. The situation will be particularly grim in Pakistan and Afghanistan, two nations that rely heavily on wheat for sustenance and are in no position to bear added woe. Their fragile governments may not be able to survive the onslaught of Ug99 and its attendant turmoil.

The pathogen has already been detected in Iran and may now be headed for South Asia’s most important breadbasket, the Punjab, which nourishes hundreds of millions of Indians and Pakistanis. What’s more, Ug99 could easily make the transoceanic leap to the United States. All it would take is for a single spore, barely bigger than a red blood cell, to latch onto the shirt of an oblivious traveler. The toll from that would be ruinous; the US Department of Agriculture estimates that more than 40 million acres of wheat would be at serious risk if Ug99 came to these shores, where the grain is the third most valuable crop, trailing only corn and soybeans. The economic loss might easily exceed $10 billion; a simple loaf of bread could become a luxury. “If this stuff gets into the Western Hemisphere,” Steffenson says, “God help us.”

Even if it doesn’t, however, a blight in China and India would put increased pressure on food markets and mean increased prices for food for you and your family.

The TEOTWAWKI is Accelerating Link Round-Up

What happened to all those green shoots?

Stocks rose as the Fed pledged to keep rates low. If the economy was on track they could raise the rates couldn’t they? This is also more punishing of savers who are losing money to inflation by trying to be fiscally responsible. But hey, Wall Street likes it!

New York is suspending payments of tax refunds as their coffers run dry. They’re holding on to as much as possible until April 1st to try to squeeze out every last penny of interest they can. A half billion dollars in tax revenue is being held onto, as well as another billion and a half of payments meant to go to schools and local governments.

Housing construction fell almost 6% in February. The MSM blames the snow, but who will they blame when the new numbers come out?

Construction unemployment is at 21.7%

Corporate junk bond debt bomb set to go off in 2012. May not be the end of the world, but it’ll be the end of a lot of jobs.

Seed prices have been rising while seed companies consolidate. Food inflation is on its way.

Credit card companies have been forced to write off at least 90% of their charge offs for last year. In other words, people are just defaulting on the debt to the tune of $84 billion, which means less credit and higher rates for the rest of us.

FedEx analysts say a double dip recession is all but inevitable.

Author of The Black Swan Nassim Taleb thinks we’re headed for hyperinflation.

The States are in too deep a hole to get out of.

Washington state Walgreens stores have already stopped taking new Medicaid accounts at their pharmacies because the state is reimbursing them at rates that don’t cover the overhead of the pharmacies.

Keep counting those green shoots America!

h/t Drudge and Survivalblog