Why Did The Feds Raid The Hutaree Militia?

At this point, the F.B.I. led raid on the Hutaree Christian Militia does not pass the smell test, and more importantly, is eerily similar to the militarized Justice Department’s build up to the Waco massacre under Janet Reno. Even though we’ve been told some gun charges may be made against the people who have been arrested, the government has sealed the initial warrants so the public will not know what led to the raids in the first place:

Federal agents conducted raids over the weekend in Lenawee and Washtenaw counties that news media reports linked to Hutaree, a Christian-militia group in the area.

Agents also conducted raids in Indiana and Ohio and arrested at least three people. FBI spokesman Scott Wilson in Cleveland said agents arrested two people Saturday after raids in two Ohio towns. A third arrest made in northeast Illinois stemmed from a raid in northwest Indiana. The arrests are part of an ongoing investigation led by the FBI in Michigan, according to a statement from agents in Illinois.

The raids in Michigan took place Saturday and Sunday at undisclosed locations, said Detroit FBI Special Agent Sandra Berchtold.

“We can confirm that there were law enforcement activities in the Lenawee/Washtenaw County area,” Berchtold said.

But she added that “the federal warrants are sealed and we cannot comment at this time.”

Since the FBI is in charge we can infer that the gun charges were not what was in the warrants or else the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms would have been in the lead. But the government agents haven’t been shy about telling the media Hutaree is a “Christian militia,” which is odd considering the reticence they have about identifying Muslims involved in Jihad.

Speaking of which, buried in this report filed by The Detroit News we find a surprise appearance by the terrorist funding, Jihad supporting group CAIR which learned about the raid coincidentally while holding one of their fundraisers:

Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on Islamic-American Relations of Michigan, made an announcement Sunday during the group’s 10th anniversary banquet about receiving a call from a network journalist about the alleged threat against Muslims.

“Don’t allow this news to scare you away from practicing your faith,” said Walid.

Audible gaps were heard throughout the banquet hall when the news was announced. Walid said he will call local authorities about more information on the allegations. He urged local Muslims to recommitt themselves to their faith in light of the accusations.

That article also quotes Mike Lackomar of the Michigan Militia as saying he heard from other militia members that Hutaree was raided because they had made threats against Muslim groups, though that quote is mysteriously absent from many other accounts. It is also odd that Hutaree itself doesn’t mention Muslims in their writings, but are mainly concerned with the supposed Anti-Christ they think is coming to power and the general Jesus freakery that is essentially harmless but does not wear well on a man in camouflage carrying an AR-15.

CAIR has a history of making false hate crime reports. Was this another CAIR set up?

Word on the street amongst the crazed survivalist community (of which I am proudly a member) is that Hutaree was literally a cult and some people claimed they actively promoted starting a civil war, but I personally have seen no evidence of the latter. I have seen some of their “training” videos and did not think they were the type of people I would associate with. Take that for what it is worth.

It is interesting though that despite the fact that at this point no Hutaree member has been caught acting violently, the feds came down on them like a hammer when just recently anti-American racist and ex-con Tom Metzger, founder of the White Aryan Resistance, was raided by the BATF who proceeded to do everything in their power to make things easy on him without actually giving him a backrub. He left this cheery comment on my post about the raid:

Tom Metzger said,

on March 24th, 2010 at 1:06 pm

I assume your from the bankrupt right wing.Thanks for the PR. Actually the ATF and I sat around and had a few beers that day. The right wing. THE BOWELL MOVEMENT

I’m betting the Hutaree members are hardly as sanguine right now. Of course, WAR and the other Aryan groups have long had an alliance with Marxists and Islamists so Metzger getting the kid glove treatment from a Marxist run D.O.J. that is openly preferential to Islamism is not a surprise.

But what is a surprise is a seemingly emboldened leftist government rounding up arm-chair commandos and a complicit media simply lapping up a narrative involving dangerous Jesus freaks that has not been supported by any evidence. As the Hutaree members make court appearances we’ll see what the government’s evidence is, but as of now, this stinks.

Update: Mike Lackomar told me all his information came from the media so it looks like The Detroit News misquoted him, accidentally I’m sure.

The Government is now claiming born again Christians Hutaree were planning on not only killing police officers but then desecrating the cops funerals by blowing up bombs designed to kill mourners. And if you’re thinking that sounds odd then you’re are correct as there has never been an incidence of Christians, extremist or not, attacking funerals since it would, you know, send them to Hell. The lead suspects ex-wife confirms that David Brian Stone had been growing more extreme in his views, but that Hutaree was primarily a Christian group.

The “threats against Islamic groups” narrative is still floating around (even making Drudge) but as of yet there is still no evidence supporting that.

Why would a group of God botherers assault a funeral. And why target beat cops at all when they would have been able to target Feds (who they may have actually believed were part of the anti-Christ’s army) or the United Nations headquarters? More importantly why would they have been plotting attacks at all since their theology put forward that their enemy will be attacking the world shortly?

This story sticks.

Green Shoots! 41st Bank Closed Since January and The F.D.I.C. is Running Out of Money

Since I’m back to working on my (infrequently updated) crazed survivalist blog I have been keeping an even closer eye on our coming financial collapse. Experts may tell you that Obama saved us all but the fact is that regional and local banks are shutting down faster than private businesses will when the health care mandates kick in. Think the economy is showing green shoots?

Think again:

WASHINGTON – Regulators on Friday shut down two Georgia banks and one each in Florida and Arizona, bringing to 41 the number of bank failures in the U.S. so far this year following the 140 that fell in 2009 to mounting loan defaults and the recession.


The four failures are expected to cost the federal deposit insurance fund a total of around $320.3 million.

Which is $320.3 million that the F.D.I.C. doesn’t have. The Federal Deposit Insurance Fund is a corporation that can go bankrupt just like any other, however because they are a branch of the government in all but name they can avoid bankruptcy by tapping into a special credit line from the Treasury.

That credit line is around $500 billion.

Do you see the problem here? Green shootists will tell you that beyond the credit line the F.D.I.C. has “the full faith” of the U.S. Government, meaning that they expect America to be able to cover any losses the F.D.I.C. can’t.

Again, do you see the problem here? America is broke and Obama’s ensuring we will become broker. To pay for anything we have to sell treasuries to other countries who think we’re a good investment.

How’s that working out?

The only way other countries will continue to loan us money to pay for bloated middle class entitlements and “stimulus” programs that seem to benefit no one but the people writing grant proposals is if we offer them interest rates we simply can’t afford. We can’t afford them because the elephant in the room on these treasury sales is that we have to pay this money back eventually. Treasury sales don’t produce money, they produce debt and running a country on debt is unsustainable.

So those debts have to be paid off. But with what? With job killing bills like Obamacare now law and who knows what else coming down the pike, exactly how will America pay off the holders of treasuries? By selling more treasuries of course, since tax revenues will decline as unemployment increases and companies shut down or limit their activity as a result of Obama’s war on free enterprise. But everyone is hip to this game so they will demand better terms that we can’t afford.

Now you see the problem, right? It may not happen this month or this year, but unless America suddenly develops a tree that blooms money the government is going to hit a point where they can’t cover your losses. One day your bank is going to close and when you stick your hand out to the F.D.I.C. to collect your “insured” money they’re going to give you an IOU and tell you to buy your groceries with Hope and Change.

You need to keep track of how your bank is doing, and you need to keep at least a month’s worth of operating expenses on hand, in cash, in your home. The interest rates banks are offering to savers is below the rate of inflation anyway so socking away a couple months worth of rent/grocery/utility money will not penalize you.

And of course there is more good news from the story above:

The pace of bank seizures this year is likely to accelerate in coming months, regulators have said, as losses mount on loans made for commercial property and development.

The mounting bank failures have sapped billions of dollars out of the deposit insurance fund. It fell into the red last year, hitting a $20.9 billion deficit as of Dec. 31.

The number of banks on the FDIC’s confidential “problem” list jumped to 702 in the fourth quarter from 552 three months earlier, even as the industry squeezed out a small profit. Still, nearly one in every three banks reported a net loss for the latest quarter.

The commercial real estate implosion coming our way is going to be a financial disaster of biblical proportions. You keep counting those green shoots. I’ll be getting ready for a financial collapse.

Rachel Maddow Inspired Communist Phones Death Threat into Freedomworks Office

Tabitha Hale posted this death threat phoned in by some deranged hausfrau who claims the left is organizing, arming and ready to “fight you to the death,” referring of course to we people who don’t want to pay high taxes for entitlements aimed at lazy, shiftless White liberals. Of course, it’s we on the right that are dangerous.

Listen here.

My response to the left. We can do this:

Civil Unrest on the Rise as American Authorities Lose Control of Streets

The economy may play a role in the rise in groups challenging the authority of police but the true culprit is decades of left wing indoctrination and hug-a-thug law enforcement that have created a new breed of criminal that not only doesn’t fear punishment for crimes but seeks out rapine and violence simply for the thrill of hurting others.

Philadelphia, for example, has been struggling to contain “flash mobs” of young people who use social networks to organize seemingly impromptu gatherings. The Philly mobs aren’t social events though, they are a campaign of random violence and intimidation that is quickly escalating out of control:

Business owners yesterday called on Mayor Nutter to stop “flash mobs” on South Street after patrons couldn’t shop, dine or get home on Saturday night because of the hordes of teens roaming the neighborhood.

Inspired by Twitter messages to “come to South Street,” police say hundreds – business owners say thousands – of young teens stampeded down South Street in waves, jumping on top of cars, knocking over pedestrians and fighting and cursing.

“It was like a tsunami wave,” said a store employee.

“The cops were overwhelmed,” said a store manager.

The South Street business owners called on Nutter to impose a curfew of 10 p.m. or earlier after frightened managers locked their doors, only allowing customers inside.


Saturday’s was the sixth flash mob to hit the city since last May: three on South Street; two in the Gallery, including one that spread to Macy’s; and one along Market Street East that spread to the area near City Hall.

Several store owners and managers documented the stampede with cell phones or store surveillance tape.

A pizza shop owner said that some in the mob were chanting, “Black Boys!” and “Burn the city.”

One youth was overheard on his cell phone saying: “Bring baseball bats to South Street.”

Apparently this all happened on the first nice day of spring and local businesses were serving the community. For some reason the young people in Philly couldn’t let a little slice of Americana like that go unmolested:

By 9 p.m., Yee Chau, manager of eModa, a clothing store, on South near 3rd, said “It was total mayhem. Kids were out of control. They were wall-to-wall. You couldn’t see the sidewalks.”

One armed owner, who showed the Daily News his gun permit, protected his business by standing outside with five assistants.

At Supper, a restaurant in the 900 block, bartender Kyle Fennie opened the locked door to let two woman customers out, but a mass of teens descended, and he let the women back inside. During a lull, he walked them to their cars.

About 10 p.m., police fanned out at either 2nd or 3rd Street and gradually moved the crowds west on South ot Broad. Kids started running at top speed, with some going around the block, and coming up behind the cops.

About 10:30 p.m. on South near 6th, Olympia Pizza II employee Seth Kaufman, 20, was in front of the pizza shop, trying to prevent kids from coming inside to fight with young customers who were eating.

As the crowd pushed the door to get inside, Kaufman pushed back. The crowd pushed again, and inside, the owners, 66-year-old Peter Psihogios, his wife, Harula, 58, and son Paul, 30, were pushing back on the store’s double glass doors to keep them shut.

Kaufman said that kids slugged him, and he slugged them back, and then he was jumped, with kids kicking and punching him until he fell.

The elder Psihogios tried to bring Kaufman inside, but he was punched in the head.

Kaufman has bruises all over his body from face to legs.

“He saved our establishment from them coming in”said Paul Psihogios. “We owe him a lot of gratitude.”

Numerous South Street residents reported hearing what they thought were gunshots about 11:15 p.m. around 13th Street south of South but police could not confirm it.

A 27-year-old woman was hospitalized when the crowd of male and female teens surrounded her and beat her half to death for no reason. In fact, the mobs seem to have had no motive at all aside from the desire to do violence. The Mayor held a press conference literally begging parents to stop their kids from participating in these organized riots, because police can’t.

This violence is no surprise in Philly where elementary school children have been caught playing a game called “catch and wreck” in which a group of  children jump homeless people. Most of the victims are in fact not homeless. An 11-year-old boy has been arrested in connection with two “catch and wreck”  assaults including one on a 73-year-old man who suffered a heart attack as a result of the severe beating he received.

While Philadelphia is descending into chaos the town of Hemet, California is facing a more organized threat from the Surenos-affiliated Vagos motorcycle gang who are mounting a punitive campaign against the local police force:

HEMET, Calif. (KABC) — The Hemet Police Department is on heightened alert after another threat against officers.

Authorities said an unidentified person called 911 Friday at about 5:45 p.m. and said a police car in the Hemet San Jacinto area would be blown up in the next 48 hours.

The caller said the attack would be in retaliation for the law enforcement sweep against the Vagos Motorcycle Club earlier in the week. At least 30 members the gang were arrested Wednesday in an interstate crackdown. The gang specializes in methamphetamine sales, identity theft and violence, Riverside County sheriff’s Capt. Walter Meyer said.

However even before the sweep, there have been at least three booby trap attacks on anti-gang officers.

The first attack was on December 31. Someone rigged a gang task-force building in Hemet to blow up by rerouting a gas line, filling the building with natural gas. No one was hurt.

Then almost two months later, the building’s front gate was rigged with another booby trap. This time a gun was set up to fire on the first officer to enter the building. The bullet narrowly missed the officer, and again, no one was hurt.

Just a couple of weeks ago there was a third attack. A pipe bomb was attached to an unmarked squad car. The bomb unit was called in, the device was rendered safe.

The Vagos are one of the few 1%er clubs to have several chapters in Mexico so they could be influenced by the power gangs have down there, but the economic collapse is playing a big role in their bravado:

The incidents have shaken a close-knit police department already demoralized by steep budget cuts that last year saw its officer numbers slashed by a quarter to 68.

The Vagos are allied with (whatever is left of) The Mongols and The Bandidtos as well as any number of Surenos-affiliated street gangs. The 68 strong Hemet police simply aren’t able to win a war of attrition with The Vagos if they decide to call in reinforcements and begin anti-police operations the Mexican Cartels have. Even with state and federal law enforcement help there are only so many bullets, bomb disposals, and drug sweeps they can afford, and once The Vagos figure out that at this point the gangs have the greater resources with which to fight a street war we will see Juarez in America. Tuesday night four city pickups were torched by the gang across the street from the police station. I watched a report on this story this afternoon which claimed that the vehicles were torched in lieu of actual police vehicles because the cops are barricaded in their station.

And while the Juerezification of our own cities is occurring, the Juarez area of Mexico has become a national security threat that no one has the strategy, resources, or wherewithal to deal with. Threats Watch paints a grim picture of the situation on our southern border and the influence of the powerful cartels who have transcended mere drug gang status and are now literally a shadow Mexican government with its own paramilitary and a foreign policy based on corrupting U.S. law enforcement and extending the territory under their control deep into the American southwest. There is a worrying trend developing of Cartels forging closer ties with American or transnational street gangs that were once considered simple business partners in the drug trade such as Barrio Azteca and which, combined with the coming financial reality that we simply won’t be able to afford a robust police and military anymore, means we could be seeing gangs exert the kind of authority here that they do in Mexico.

The economic condition of America is of course simply a catalyst for problems that clearly were festering for some time. The dwindling resources of America now being redirected to unsustainable entitlements will weaken the infrastructure that shielded many of us from the reality of who we share our streets with. Less jobs and higher taxes means more poor people who don’t pay taxes, which means that localities are going to continue the trend of declining tax revenue. Declines in revenue mean less police, military and all the other services that kept us safe from the drug gangs our decadence funded, the biker gangs we romanticized, and the children we raised without morality or decency. Are you prepared for that?

Because America as a whole clearly isn’t.