The End is Near: 15-Year-Old Girl Sells 7-Year-Old Sister for Sex to at Least Seven Men at House Party

The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and reveling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.

The Call of Cthulhu

Clearly the world is coming to an end when stories like this not only occur but frankly they do so with alarming frequency. This time it happened in Trenton, NJ where decades of leftist social engineering have produced people so damaged and depraved that you could find a crowd of people whose only shared interest is going to a party that would leap at the opportunity to not only pay a teenager for sex but rape a 7-year-old girl:

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) – A 15-year-old New Jersey girl prostituted herself and her 7-year-old stepsister to have sex with as many as seven men and boys at a weekend party near their home in a crime-plagued neighborhood, police said.

Trenton police Capt. Joseph Juniak said Wednesday that the older girl started by taking money to have sex with several men at the party of a high-rise apartment. The teen then gave some of the money she had collected to the younger girl to let the men start touching her, Juniak said.

“It went from touching to straight out assault and rape,” Juniak said. “They threatened to kill her if she screamed or told anyone.”

The child later put on her clothes and left the apartment; her sister stayed. Two women found the child crying outside the apartment and walked her home.

The teen is charged with aggravated sexual assault, promoting prostitution and other crimes. Her name was not released because of her age. She was being held in a juvenile detention facility in Mercer County, but police did not know whether she had an attorney.

A spokeswoman for the county prosecutor’s office, Casey DeBlasio, said prosecutors would seek to have the teen tried as an adult.

That’s a start. But the story get worse:

Police believe as many as a dozen people were at the party. They are trying to track down the men and boys who attended and are reviewing building surveillance videos and additional arrests are expected.

Police said the girls were outside Sunday afternoon in the neighborhood when the 15-year-old ran into two young men she knew who invited her to a party at the apartment. Rather than leave the 7-year-old behind, the teen took her along.

At the party, the 15-year-old starting having sex with several of the men for money and then gave the younger girl some cash to let a group of men touch her, Juniak said. He would not say how much money was exchanged.

The girls’ parents reported them missing late Sunday afternoon. Police had just arrived at the home when the 7-year-old returned, Juniak said, and told her parents what happened.

So there were others at the party, some women, who allowed this to happen and still haven’t come forward? That’s not just criminal, it’s evil.

I don’t see how society can continue when we are raising children like this.

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs “Pretty Sure” Tennessee State Flag is a Neo-Nazi Symbol

I believe it was the very wise Mossad Ayoob who said, “When all you have is a hammer everything begins to look like a nail,” but I could be mistaken. Regardless of the authorship, Charles Johnson of LGF should probably ponder this parable and how it relates to a man whose main tactic in debate is to accuse his opponents of supporting Nazism.

Case in point. So desperate was Chuckles to find neo-Nazis at a Tea Party that he posted a plea for people to help him identify a flag he was “pretty sure” was a neo-Nazi flag but he needed a reference. The link he posted led to a picture of people carrying the Tennessee state flag.

Who knew Tennessee was founded by the Third Reich?

Sorry Charlie, yet again your desire for everyone to the right of you to literally be a Nazi has led to an embarrassing exposure of your ignorance. Most people learn from their mistakes but I’m sure you will be right back on the trail of all these phantom Nazis tomorrow. But maybe the “you’re a Nazi!” hammer isn’t serving you as well as you think.

All Police Radios in Washington D.C. Down?

Twitter was abuzz with this little factoid and sure enough it looks like police in D.C. are experiencing large scale communications outages:

WASHINGTON, D.C. – D.C. Police sources tell FOX 5 that radio communications are down citywide in the District, and police officers on the street have no way to receive or respond to calls via radio.

Sources tell FOX 5 that communication went down sometime around 7:15 p.m. on Monday night. That source also told FOX 5’s Will Thomas that officers in the field have no way to respond to calls from dispatch via radio.

Some officers were returning to headquarters, and some were being asked to communicate by cell phone while the outage is investigated and repaired. The D.C. Office of Unified Communication is working on the issue, but there’s no word what caused it.

Sources tell FOX 5 that it’s possible the issue is related to a generator problem at the McMillan Drive facility.

By 10 p.m. Monday, radios were still down, but sources said the in-car computers used by officers were beginning to come back up.


A police union spokesperson told FOX 5 this may not be the first time the radio system has gone down in the last month.

Fire Department communications was also disrupted but they were able to respond to 911 calls via a backup system.

Shocka! Loan Modifications Don’t Work

The myth of the poor shlub desperate to pay off a loan he didn’t understand that was practically forced on him shady bankers is a leftist fantasy. The reality is that most sub-prime mortgages went to people whose credit was already bad because they were lazy, shiftless or stupid. These dead beats used loan modification programs to buy time to accumulate more debt that they fully intended to walk away from and stick to the tax payers.

This is especially the case with speculators and other morons who thought their house was an investment that would grow in value. Once the markets began to reflect the actual value of their purchases and the illusory appreciation housing disappeared there was no incentive for these homeowners to stick around since they never wanted a home in the first place, just an investment that would continue to gain in value.

From Bloomberg:

March 25 (Bloomberg) — More than half of U.S. borrowers who received loan modifications on delinquent  mortgages defaulted again after nine months, according to a federal report.

The re-default rate of loans modified in the first quarter of 2009 was 51.5 percent by the end of the year, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Office of Thrift Supervision said in a joint report today. The figure, which measures payments at least 30 days late, climbed to 57.9 percent for changes made in the prior 12 months.

U.S. homeowners are struggling to make payments as depressed housing prices leave them owing more than their properties are worth. About 24 percent of properties with a mortgage were underwater in the fourth quarter, First American CoreLogic said last month. The median price of a U.S. home was $165,100 in February, down 28 percent from its peak in July 2006, according to the National Association of Realtors.

Modifications are “clearly not working well and it’s not a surprise,” said Sam Khater, a senior economist at First American CoreLogic in Tysons Corner, Virginia. “It’s pointless to rewrite these loans because they’re underwater.”

Who could have seen this coming?

Degenerate Jihadist Ean Farrow (a.k.a Ean DaGod Pharoah) Stopped By Red Alerts to Laugh About Beating his Murder Rap

Ean Farrow and Thomas Ray, III are two thugs who were tried for the murder of  Lance Cpl. Robert Crutchfield during a 2008 robbery. Crutchfield was shot during a strong arm robbery in which the two assailants found his military ID while going through his pockets and then told the combat veteran he “didn’t deserve to live” before shooting him in the neck. This was widely considered an anti-military bias incident by conservatives. Crutchfield lingered for months in a hospital before succumbing to an infection, but he did identify his assailants.

It was easy since one of them went to high school with him.

On a post concerning the depravity of the crime, I put forward my sincere wish that the killers of this young man be put to death. Recently though, I received this comment from someone identifying himself as Ean Farrow on that post:

Ean Farrow said,

on March 28th, 2010 at 3:52 pm

just to let you all know for all of you to be so damn patriotic you forget one thing…in this county it is always innocent untill proven guilty not the other way around, as you all have played it. all of you go by what the media says but dont know anything about anyone and their everyday lives. also i just want to tell you that for you all to be so high and mighty your comments make you seem ignorant and uneducated. i also want to let you know that im am now free and love your comments and fan mail…:)

Originally I assumed this was a joke, but uneasy, I checked the court records of Cuyahoga County, Ohio where to my dismay I found that Ean Farrow had indeed had the murder charges against him dismissed. Apparently the defense argued that since Crutchfield thought he might survive his hospital stay, his identification of his killers was not technically a dying declaration thus was inadmissible because Farrow and his partner couldn’t face their accuser in court.

In other words, Farrow beat a murder rap on a technicality. Another liberal hug-a-thug judge allowed an obtuse word game by defense lawyers to deny Robert Crutchfield justice.

The Ean Farrow in my comments left an email address ( that is associated with this Facebook page which, sure enough, belongs to Ean Farrow. There he refers to himself as Ean DaGod Pharoah and lists his religion as Sunni Muslim. This was not a fact that the media reported, and puts a different spin on the murder of Robert Crutchfield. You can also find him bragging about how much of a thug he is and taking quizzes about what kind of gun he should carry, when he’s not flirting with underage girls.

Meanwhile, the family of Robert Crutchfield is in constant mourning.

Ean Farrow escaped the justice of man, but no one can truly escape Justice. Those that do evil have evil visited upon them, those that defy goodness and morality can never know anything but wickedness and, ultimately, despair. Like Attracts Like is one of the first lessons those of us who follow The Old Religion learn, at the hands of stern and unforgiving gods. The Divine let’s no sin go unpunished, and Ean Farrow cannot escape the judgment of the Divine that will not be swayed with legal maneuvers. In the scheme of things, Ean Farrow’s laughter will be short lived and his punishment for his perfidy can only be delayed for a single lifetime. His punishment will last for eternity.