Heroic 11-Year-Old Saves Mother from Mexican Home Invasion Gang

This story is a couple of weeks old but this little Texan’s awesomeness is timeless:

Three men are being held for a Palmview home invasion where an 11-year-old boy was shot defending his mother.

Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office deputies told Action 4 News that it happened off Minnesota Road and 8 Mile Line between Palmview and Mission around 12:30 a.m. Friday.

The homeowner said she and her 11-year-old son were in bed when she heard banging coming from the front door.

She got up to check and she saw two Hispanic males men wearing masks and armed with handguns walking towards her.

She quickly closed the bedroom door but one of the men allegedly tried to force it open.

The masked man kept telling her to open the door and she would not open the door.

The woman told deputies that the home invaders shot through the door and hit her son on the left hip area.

Her son had a 22 cal. Rifle and shot back at the alleged robbers.

The woman waited, opened the door, saw that the suspects were gone and called 911.

Deputies found blood all over the floor and noted that the front door had been knocked down.

Paramedics took the woman’s 11-year-old son to the McAllen Medical Center where he’s listed in stable condition.

But deputies told Action 4 News that a man with a gunshot wound to his neck ended up at the same hospital.

Investigators said nothing was taken from the home and that the wounded suspect was taken to a hospital in San Antonio for further treatment. He remains under guard.

Criminal charges are expected to be filed against him, if he survives.

Deputies said Border Patrol agents detained two Mexican nationals who were found in the area.

The two men are being questioned about the home invasion.

U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials told Action 4 News that they have filed immigration detainers against the two men.

I don’t know (or care) if the guy who got shot survived. This kid is a hero though. No doubt he saved his mother from a brutal rape or murder since the men could have grabbed valuables and ran when the woman tried to barricade herself in her bedroom. Instead they went straight for her. He saved his mother’s life and likely his own.

The story seems to indicate that after the incident the Mexican nationals were going home. Is our border so insecure that criminals cross the border specifically to terrorize American families?

h/t Women of Caliber

“Bloods” Gun Down Pot Smoking High School Drop Out … in Bangor, Maine?

I knew the gangs were spreading to all the major cities but the gang related murder of stoner/skater John “Bobby” Surles surprised me:

Zachary Carr, 18, of Bangor was charged with Surles’ murder on Friday afternoon after turning himself in to police.

Police said a fight involved six to 12 teenagers or young adults in the street near Carr’s home on Cumberland.

“During the confrontation, they had one boy on the ground with a gun pointed at him,” Mary Ann Suddy said. “Someone said, ‘There’s Bobby’ and [the shooter] turned and pointed the gun at John and shot him.”

As the gunman turned his attention and weapon toward Surles, according to Mary Ann Suddy’s account, Surles yelled at his friend on the ground — “Run Will run” — before the gun went off.


The Suddys said they believe a local gang is behind their son’s death.

“There is a gang in Bangor that calls themselves ‘The Bloods,’” Allen Suddy said.

Police also have heard that a local gang is involved, police Sgt. Paul Edwards said on Friday. He added that “we cannot verify any ‘gang’ activity.”

But Mary Ann Suddy said “The Bloods” is a group of young people who hang together wearing red bandanas and “who carry guns.”

“This was a planned thing,” she said concerning Wednesday’s shooting. Someone from the gang “called and told him to meet them somewhere.”

Their son was afraid of the gang, she said, but he wouldn’t back away from a fight.

Sounds like there’s more than one gang in Bangor. Surles was a high school drop out who posted pics of himself getting high on MySpace, other kids looked to for protection and was known as a tough guy. That makes it sound like Surles ran a crew who were taking up territory the “Bloods” wanted. But these aren’t your fathers Bloods apparently. In this report on the murder from WCSH we have Zachary Carr’s mugshot.

He’s White.

The Bloods are a Blacks only gang as far as I know. On the other hand Bloods have no formal national organization and are known to work with other gangs in the drug trade when convenient. White Bloods in Maine may simply be a regional anomaly caused by local environment. There may simply not be enough Blacks in Maine to support a gang having a Blacks only policy.

There are White “folk nation” gangs that are affiliated with the Crips but the Blood sets are by and large racist organizations (and I’m speaking from experience here having grown up in East Orange which is Blood territory). It could be that this is a bunch of thugs who can call themselves Bloods because they won’t run in to any legit sets in Maine. Though that seems unlikely since their have been suspected Blood members arrested just recently in the area.

Is it possible The Bloods have opened up membership to all races? Maybe. But what’s all too apparent is that Bangor has a gang problem and it doesn’t matter if it is connected to the national gang scene or not. At least it doesn’t to the family of Bobby Surles.

Good Riddance to Child Rape Loving Rubbish

My buddy Dodiafae from Pagans Against Child Abuse emailed me this Time piece about the Vermont Secessionist movement. Note to Paulnuts who carp about me using the term “Left Libertarian” the term seems to be catching on … with Left Libertarians.

The nutshell:

On Jan. 15, in the state capital of Montpelier, nine candidates for statewide office gathered in a tiny room at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, to announce they wanted a divorce from the United States of America. “For the first time in over 150 years, secession and political independence from the U.S. will be front and center in a statewide New England political campaign,” said Thomas Naylor, 73, one of the leaders of the campaign.

A former Duke University economics professor, Naylor heads up the Second Vermont Republic, which he describes as “left-libertarian, anti-big government, anti-empire, antiwar, with small is beautiful as our guiding philosophy.” The group not only advocates the peaceful secession of Vermont but has minted its own silver “token” — valued at $25 — and, as part of a publishing venture with another secessionist group, runs a monthly newspaper called Vermont Commons, with a circulation of 10,000. According to a 2007 poll, they have support from at least 13% of state voters. The campaign slogan, Naylor told me, is “Imagine Free Vermont.” In his fondest imaginings, Naylor said, Vermonters would not be “forced to participate in killing women and children in the Middle East.”

Nothing like moral outrage from people residing in a state where child rapists are routinely given light sentences. I say good luck fighting off Canadian/E.U./U.N. forces when the “highly developed agriculture” these secessionists claim will support Vermont doesn’t have the protection of American military force. But if they want to leave let them, and they can take their love of child molestation with them.