Terrorism Ruled Out in Connecticut Energy Plant Explosion

I lived in Middletown for a while and thought this could go either way. Last time I was in Middletown the Wesleyan University campus was inundated with signs for a pro-Palestinian protest and there were various Islamist fliers posted around town. MS-13 had also made inroads into the immediate area and the two major cities Middletown sits between, Hartford and New Haven, both have large A.N.S.W.E.R. contingents as well as active radical environmental groups. I was happy, though a bit surprised, that this wasn’t terrorism but I’m saddened that this tragedy hit a town I am quite fond of:

The BBC has videos from eyewitnesses. AFP puts the toll at five dead and twelve injured. The Washington Post has a short report.

Keep them in your prayers.

Victimless Crime File: Medical Marijuana “Patient” Gets High Before Flying, Hilarity Ensues

And of course by “hilarity” I mean criminality that intrudes on the lives of others followed by demands that we all just “mellow out” and allow middle age adolescents to act like children indefinitely:

PITTSBURGH (AP) ― A San Francisco man claims he was high on a double dose of medical marijuana cookies when he screamed, dropped his pants and attacked crew members on a cross-country flight, forcing its diversion to Pittsburgh, the FBI said Wednesday.

Kinman Chan, 30, was charged in a criminal complaint with interfering with the duties of a flight attendant on allegations that he fought with crew members of US Airways Flight 1447 from Philadelphia to Los Angeles on Sunday. His federal public defender, Jay Finkelstein, declined to comment.

Crew members said Chan made odd gestures before he entered the plane’s rear restroom shortly after takeoff and began to scream, according to the complaint.

Chan told the FBI that he “came back to reality” and exited the restroom, at which point the crew noticed his “pants were down, his shirt was untucked and all the compartments in the restroom were opened.”

When crew members tried to get Chan to sit, he fought them and had to be subdued in a choke hold, the complaint said.

That’s odd. What would have preceded this behavior I wonder?

Chan told agents who interviewed him in Pittsburgh that he ate marijuana cookies while waiting for his flight to depart in Philadelphia.

“Chan advised he has a medical marijuana card and he took double his normal dose,” the complaint said.

Margaret Philbin, a spokeswoman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Pittsburgh, said Chan has a legally issued medical marijuana card for a “legitimate” health issue, which she declined to identify.

I didn’t know Peter Pan syndrome was a legitimate health issue.

Amnesty Madness!

This is the new “Thomas Paine” video going around. He makes some good points about not allowing pro-amnesty activists make you feel like it’s un-American to want legal immigrants treated better than illegals, etc. I’ve posted his others, so in for a penny in for a pound:

Surprise! Muslim “Chaplain” Caught Smuggling Box Cutters into NYC Jail

The religion of peace in action:

A city Department of Correction Muslim chaplain who served 14 years in prison for murder and robbery was arrested today for carrying three utility blades and a pair of scissors into a lower Manhattan jail, authorities said.

The chaplain, Zulqarnain Abdu-Shahid, had the utility blades and scissors in his duffel bag when he arrived at the Manhattan Detention Complex in the morning, according to the city Department of Investigation.

The dangerous items were found after an X-ray machine alerted correction officers to the presence of metal in the bag, the DOI said.

Authorities did not say why Abdu-Shahid was visiting the jail, commonly known as the Tombs, or why he was carrying the scissors and the rectangular blades, which were 1-and-1/2 inches long by three-quarters of an inch wide.

Abdu-Shahid, 58, was arrested at the scene and charged with four counts of first-degree promoting prison contraband — a felony carrying a maximum 7-year prison term — and four counts of the same charge in the second degree, a misdemeanor.


His lawyer, James McQueeney said the blades were ‘injector razor blades from an injector razor,” and that when Abdu-Shahid told that to the correction officers who stopped him, “his explanation that he didn’t know there were there [in the duffel bag] was accepted.”

“He was allowed into the” Tombs after the blades were confiscated,” McQueeney said. “Only later were questions raised about this.”

Despite that claim, DOI Commissioner Rose Gil Hearn said, “This arrest demonstrates the serious consequences of bringing in contraband to the city’s correctional facilities.”

“Thanks to the immediate action of a DOC officer, this potentially dangerous situation was disarmed.”

Correction Commissioner Dora Schriro said Abdu-Shahid was immediately suspended.

This is the worst part of the story though:

Abdu-Shahid was hired as a Muslim imam chaplain by the DOC three years ago tomorrow, and has a salary of $49,471 annually.

State Corrections Department records show that he entered state prison in September 1979 to begin serving a sentence of 15-years-to-life for a second-degree murder and a first-degree robbery committed in Manhattan. He was paroled in August 1993, and finished his parole in August 2001.

According to news accounts at the time, the cleric, a Brooklyn resident then known as Paul Pitts, was convicted with three other defendants in 1979 after the longest criminal trial in New York State Supreme Court history – one year, three months and three days.

Pitts and his co-defendants had held up a Harlem supermarket on Dec. 9, 1976, and during the robbery shot and killed a 30-year-old customer named Philip Crawford.

The Post also has learned that his criminal record includes an arrest for sexual assault in Queens, but that case later was dismissed.

Abdu-Shahid’s lawyer, McQueeney, said, “He’s been out of prison since the early ’90s. He’s completely reformed.”

But a city Correction source said of Abdu-Shahid’s arrest, “It’s a disgrace that taxpayers are funding Muslim chaplains who not only have criminal records, but also are promoting violence.”

Abdu-Shahid’s boss — head chaplain Umar Abdul-Jalil — himself was hired by the DOC despite having done a 14-year stint in prison for drug dealing.

Not even a decade after 9/11 New york is using murderers, rapists and drug dealers as paid spiritual guides for Muslim criminals? Really?

h/t Jawa Report

Oh Canada! Woman Who Molested her Toddler (and Her Dog) on Web Cam Gets Three Years

Liberals are always telling me how great Canada is (though none seem to take my advice and move there) because it’s so much more “progressive” than America. This week their much loved “universal health care” got exposed as a farce yet again when it turned out a Liberal MP and supporter of socialized medicine was coming to get treatment in America because he would die trying to get it in Canada.

That story is overshadowing a much more telling incident that should put the progressive myth of Canadian superiority to rest. A year or so ago, a Canadian woman was found producing child porn with her own 18-month-old child as well as producing bestiality porn with her dog. Our moral betters in Canada gave her a little over three years in prison for this outrage:

An Ontario woman has been sentenced to 3½ years in prison for webcasting sexual assaults on her two-year-old son, in a crime the judge called “an abhorrent breach of trust.”

The woman from Lakeshore, Ont., near Windsor, cannot be identified to protect her child.

Ontario Court Justice Guy DeMarco handed down the sentence after taking two days to consider the details of a case in which the evidence presented wove a graphic tale of sexual abuse and exploitation.

The woman had pleaded guilty to five of 12 charges, including sexual assault, making child pornography and possessing child pornography. An earlier charge of bestiality was dropped.

The Crown and defence had submitted a joint request, asking that the woman be sentenced to 18 months in an Ontario jail, rather than a federal penitentiary, followed by a three-year probation term.

DeMarco instead sentenced her to 3½ years less 18 months for time served, leaving her with a provincial jail sentence of two years less a day.

What a wonderfully progressive place to raise your children. The next douchebag that tells me Canada is better than America is getting kicked in the groin.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon