The Rev. Russell Schaller: “Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number”

The good reverend is a pervert who had a rather novel defense when police made contact with him:

The Rev. Russell Schaller, 35, of River Rouge, senior pastor at Greater St. Johns Missionary Baptist Church on Detroit’s east side, was arraigned in 26th District Court and ordered held in the Wayne County Jail in lieu of $100,000 bond. Schaller is a River Rouge resident and the events he is accused of took place there over the past six months with a youth under the age of 16, said police.

“There have been other accusations over the years from other communities around here,” said River Rouge Police Chief Robert Alderman. “Now that he’s locked up, we believe others will step forward. We definitely believe there are other victims. In our initial contact with him, he told an officer, ‘Age ain’t nothing but a number to me.’ “

Schaller describes himself on his Internet site as “different” from other religious types. Statements attributed to Schaller on his Myspace page include: “Hymn books are made to throw at people who fall asleep. Not a religious freak. Can have a conversation without ever bring in church or God.”

Alderman said Schaller has temporarily taken numerous troubled teens into his home over the past several years. Alderman asked people with information about Schaller to call the River Rouge Police Department at (313) 842-8700.

Why can’t we kill sex offenders again?

h/t  T.D.K.O.M.

Victimless Crime File: Pot Doesn’t Cure Alzheimer’s (But May Make it Worse)

Surprise! 30+ years of research indicate that chronic or heavy cannabis intake mimics mental illness symptoms in healthy users and exacerbates pre-existing mental illness. Now researchers have found out that it doesn’t cure a disease that attacks the brain. Who could have predicted that?

The benefits of marijuana in tempering or reversing the effects of Alzheimer’s disease have been challenged in a new study by researchers at the University of British Columbia and Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute.

The findings, published in the current issue of the journal Current Alzheimer Research, could lower expectations about the benefits of medical marijuana in combating various cognitive diseases and help redirect future research to more promising therapeutics.

Previous studies using animal models showed that HU210, a synthetic form of the compounds found in marijuana, reduced the toxicity of plaques and promoted the growth of new neurons. Those studies used rats carrying amyloid protein, the toxin that forms plaques in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims.

The new study, led by Dr. Weihong Song, Canada Research Chair in Alzheimer’s Disease and a professor of psychiatry in the UBC Faculty of Medicine, was the first to test those findings using mice carrying human genetic mutations that cause Alzheimer’s disease &’ widely considered to be a more accurate model for the disease in humans.

“As scientists, we begin every study hoping to be able to confirm beneficial effects of potential therapies, and we hoped to confirm this for the use of medical marijuana in treating Alzheimer’s disease,” says Song, a member of the Brain Research Centre at UBC and VCH Research Institute and Director of Townsend Family Laboratories at UBC.

“But we didn’t see any benefit at all. Instead, our study pointed to some detrimental effects.”

Sorry stoners, but pot isn’t medicine. But wait, there’s more:

The mice treated with HU210 did no better than untreated mice, with those given low doses of HU210 performing the worst. The researchers also found that HU210-treated mice had just as much plaque formation and the same density of neurons as the control group. The group given higher doses actually had fewer brain cells.

Research money well spent, because there’s no way someone could have predicted that getting high kills brain cells.

My theory: Alzheimer’s is caused by a history of drug and alcohol abuse. We’ll know for sure when we see how many elderly hippies have the disease.

Join the CrimeShadows News Predator Smack Down!

Chris Yarbrough’s Crime Shadows News announced their Predator Smackdown campaign aimed at getting registered sex offenders off social networks like MySpace and Facebook on the 6th of this month:

CrimeShadows News will be actively hunting down registered sex offenders who are using social networking sites. Places like MySpace, Facebook, Wayn, Multiply, Friendster, and the like have been the hunting grounds of sex offenders. Now, they will be our hunting ground as we track them down and work to get their accounts deleted and their online activity halted. We will contact law enforcement in cases where sex offenders have been prohibited by law from Internet use.

You can help, too. Anywhere you see a known, registered sex offender on a social networking site, contact the site and let them know. If you need help, you can contact CrimeShadows News using the contact form at the top of this page. Please provide the link to the profile, the name of the offender, and the county and state where he/she is registered. We’ll be glad see that they are removed and attention is brought to their attempts to socialize with those they might harm.

Chris has already collected his first scalp from Waylon Dale Ball who he caught using MySpace even though he’s a level 3 sex offender. That profile has now been deleted.

If you know of a predator on any social network send the info to Chris, and help C.S.N. alert the websites to predators in their midst. Let’s make the web pervert free!

Baby Rapist Loses Out on “Low I.Q.” Defense

Plenty of people with various levels of retardation have manged not to rape their own 8-day-old daughters but that didn’t stop supporters of filthy degenerate Reginald Davis from spending a year and a half claiming his I.Q score of 59 makes him de facto innocent of being a violent pervert. Of course, low I.Q. scores can be attributed to drug use, illiteracy and any number of factors that have nothing to do with people actually being mentally disabled but that’s a discussion for another day. Davis was competent enough to knock up some 14-year-old and he was competent enough to wait for said 14-year-old to go take a shower so he could rape the child. Ergo, he’s competent enough to go to jail and hopefully get a healthy dose of prison justice.

The Arkansas court system agrees with me:

(Forrest City, AR 10/08/09) Doctors have determined that a mentally challenged teenager is fit to stand trial for raping his eight day-old daughter.

Reginald Davis was 18 years old when police say he raped and beat his infant daughter in the mother’s Forrest City, Arkansas home. The newborn was rushed to the hospital September 1, 2008 after Davis visited the child and her mother. Doctors said the newborn had vaginal bleeding and a fractured skull. Police arrested Davis after the child’s 15 year-old mother said she took a shower and left Davis alone with his newborn.

In a forensic report submitted to the court, doctors say he understands right from wrong. Under questioning, Davis told investigators different stories, but “finally admitted that he caused the injuries to his child”. He claimed he “accidentally penetrated the baby” and “accidentally dropped” her. At the time, Davis’ mother said her son was set up and that it’s not in his nature to hurt a child.

“Whatever happened over there, I hope they just come out with the truth and tell it because all I know when I talked to him he said something about a baby and he didn’t do that,” said Jacqueline Smith.

According to the forensic report, Davis grew up in a violent home. Doctors say with an IQ of 59, the Special Ed student has “mild mental retardation”. Juvenile courts determined him delinquent and put him on probation for robbery. Experts say with his history, Davis may not have been prepared to care for a child.

Ya think? Let’s stop for a moment and marvel at the world’s greatest mother whose “mentally challenged” son had already been picked up for robbery and knocked up a 14-year-old by the time he was 18. Her kid is the only one in the room with a baby that’s clearlybeen sexually assaulted and her theory is that it was all an elaborate set up.

h/t Angel at Parents Behaving Badly.

Here’s a news report from 2008 detailing the crime courtesy of Shadmia’s World:

At People You’ll See in Hell they took a vote on whether or not Davis would go to Hell when this story first broke. Six people said no!