Victimless Crime File: Meet Tonya Marie Stalwick

Tonya Stalwick Pot Smoking Pervert

Here she is stoners! Tonya Marie Stalwick is looking for love and has profiles on all the “420” sites  so you can get in touch with her between toking up and passing around Ron Paul agi-prop. Never mind that she’s a new mother who lives in a trailer with a drunken slattern of a mother and is a registered sex offender. She’s “cool” and no one has the right to judge her. From C.S.N.:

Tonya’s a single mom raising a small child. Tonya’s also a big marijuana fan. She belongs to quite a few “420” websites, where she is usually known as “Rockinitbarefoot.” 420 is a subculture term for potheads. On Tonya’s MySpace, she shows photos taken during a roadtrip with her friend. Her infant son came along for the ride, too. The photos show one of the women smoking something that doesn’t quite look like a Camel or Marlboro.

On August 27, 2002 Tonya Marie Stalwick of Butte, Montana was sentenced to 2nd degree criminal sexual conduct –qualifying her for entry on the Montana Sexual or Violent Offender Registry.

Her registry lists her offense as Criminal Sexual Contact in the 2nd degree which happened in Minnesota. Here’s a link to the law but I’ll nutshell it for you. She either molested a child or forced someone to have sex with her or someone else. But I’m sure she’s pretty mellow. She just needs more pot.

This is who you meet when you get high. Scumbags and weirdos. Which brings me to her Youtube channel. Want to see family time in the Stalwick household?

Yes, that’s Tonya’s mother and yes this does explain everything.

But I’m sure all you pot heads out there are really much different than this cretin, so give go get her!

Understanding Islam Link Round-Up

A blog called Islam, Islamism and the Far/Hard Left has an excellent deconstruction of Tariq Ramadan’s call for non-Muslims to “learn about” Islam and all its wonders. I think a simple perusal of the news of the day provides a much better view of Islam and how it interacts with non-Muslims than anything Ramadan would recommend and there are sources much more trustworthy than Ramadan that will help you understand Jihadism:

Jews are fleeing Malmo Sweden. Read this article to understand how bad things are in Europe due to the leftist/Islamist alliance. (h/t Brad Thor, author of the excellent thriller The Apostle)

Jews are being attacked by gangs of Muslims in France.

Via Gateway Pundit here is United American Committee video of a pro-Hezbollah/pro-Iraqi “Resistance” rally held in Paris. After the rally a McDonald’s and several cars were set ablaze:

Muslims are beginning the rape Jihad in Toronto.

N.T.A: “Najibullah Zazi, a 25-year-old former Denver airport shuttle driver, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, conspiracy to commit murder in a foreign country and providing material support to Al Qaeda.”

Saudi family held Catholic maid captive for three years.

Bangladeshi maids beaten and raped by Saudi employers.

Transvestites are being exterminated by Muslims in Turkey.

Five Muslim soldiers are suspected of trying to poison their fellow recruits at Ft. Jackson.

Hezbollah has an extensive presence in Latin America, and they are threatening attacks on America if Iran is attacked.

Former 60s playboy Ian Dallas is now the leader of a world wide Islamist hate cult called Murabitun Worldwide Movement which among other things calls for the end of the “Jewish dominated” Western world to be replaced with Islamism. He is now calling for Sharia law in London. He has supporters in Stormfront and other White Nationalist movements.

Pakistani textbooks teach children to hate Hindus.

Dallas C.A.I.R. leader deported for supporting terrorism.

A Dutch town pays tribute to a Muslim gang to keep them from causing trouble.

For comparison, here’s video of angry Coptic Christians protesting in New York. No fires were set after the protest even though they have a legitimate grievance. By grievance I mean they are being exterminated in Egypt while the world does nothing:

Odd how stark the difference is between the behavior of middle eastern Christians and Muslims of any stripe. Despite what Mr. Ramadan claims I think we in the West understand Islam completely.

Thanks to Religion of Peace for several links.

P.E.T.A Fights for the Right of Rabid Raccoons to Maul Your Family (P.E.T.A. Also Kills Animals)

Angry Raccoon

This story is near to my heart because I was once almost mauled by a rabid raccoon while on one of my day long rambles through the suburbs of New Jersey. I was only saved from a series of painful rabies shots by my penchant for unusual clothing, including 17 inch leather boots which I thought were quite dashing. They also proved to be raccoon proof which has solidified my preference for tall leather boots ever since.  It’s a long story but suffice to say the parks and pathways of New Jersey are not a great place to run into a foaming at the mouth animal, and if you do running across the nearest deep stream will buy you enough time to make your escape.

So when Tennessee Republican Steve King let his Twitter followers know that he ended up putting down a raccoon that kept trying to claw its way into his house I understood that he had to do what he had to do to protect his family. A raccoon is about the size of a medium sized dog and weighs in around 40 pounds. That’s a lot of teeth and claws coming your way if things go wrong. So I personally think King was in the right.

P.E.T.A. disagrees:

He (King) told Roll Call that he was on a Feb. 9 conference call when the raccoon returned.

King grabbed the Desert Eagle — “It’s the one I had handy,” he told HOH — and went after the raccoon, which fled. But King caught up, fired and killed the creature.

“We can’t have an animal that might be sick, might be rabid, out there,” King said, adding that his granddaughters often play in the area where he spotted the raccoon. “That’s just what has to happen when you live out here in the country.”

Problem is, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) late this morning has criticized King, with spokesman Jaime Zalac saying King should not have dispatched “a small animal seeking warmth in another blizzard,” a second Roll Call piece relates.

“I would hope he’s not on any (House) committees that make decisions regarding cruel and unusual punishment. Decent people would call animal control for help, not get on Twitter to boast about having a really, really big gun,” Zalac said.

This from an organization that routinely kills animals they take in for their supposed adoption program. Public records show that P.E.T.A. found homes for only 1 out of every 300 animals it’s “no kill” shelter takes in. P.E.T.A. itself admits to killing some 95.8% of the animals they got their hands on in 2008. None of those animals were potentially rabid.

More importantly this response shows that far from being nature lovers P.E.T.A. and their supporters are disconnected from the very natural world they claim to love. Raccoons are dangerous, only people who haven’t seen one think otherwise. Nature is struggle, an endless cycle of beauty and violence that makes life possible and the disconnect from natural law creates people like the Jaime Zalac who have no idea how nature works. People like Zalac believe man has tamed nature but in reality we hide from it, huddling behind a flimsy barricade called civilization that can only offer us temporary shelter.

Raccoons shelter from blizzards in the wild all the time, they don’t need to come into your house. It is unusual behavior which may indicate that the creature is rabid. P.E.T.A. thinks in that situation you should throw caution to the wind and allow your family to be mauled. People who truly love nature know better.

h/t N.R.A.

The Death of Manliness: Effeminate Hipsters LMFAO Claim Mitt Romney Attacked Them

It should be noted that Mitt Romney is a 62-year-old Mormon. How little pride and testosterone do you have to have to spin a yarn about being punked out by Mitt Romney?

Hipster Douchebags are Pussies

TMZ claims these guys are “are major rap stars” but if LMFAO are today’s rap stars I might give up blogging and start charging protection money for rappers to not give them atomic wedgies. In case you didn’t sit through the mincing story above the “rapper” above says he was minding his business, Romney punked him out then snatched him up like he was a little bitch. At that point he slapped Romney’s hand. O.G.

He also admits to being a Democrat which probably explains the real facts of this case.

If I ever see this guy I’m taking his lunch money. As an aside thanks for making us look good my strong Black brother, but at least you make a good living tap dancing for White hipsters. That buys a lot of ironic clothing …  if not self-respect.

Known Liar and Charlatan Charles Jaco in Yet Another Embarrassing Video

Charles Jaco has a history of manufacturing false reports for any news organization dumb enough to hire the him. I blogged about his smear job on Bill Hennessy a few months ago. In that piece I embedded a video of Jaco’s finest moment – faking a report from the Gulf War:

Now a blogger has Jaco on video acting like a douchebag and making up more smears about the Tea Party (which he hates for some reason) culminating with alleged reporter Jaco trying to pick a fight with him. Surprise! Charles Jaco is an immature scumbag:

There’s a Facebook page dedicated to getting this choad fired. I suggest everyone join.

h/t Gateway Pundit