Dan Savage, Megan McArdle, and the Myth of the Pedophile Orientation

Megan McArdle wrote a wicked piece of drivel on her Atlantic blog about a week ago that put forward the idea that pedophiles are secretly suffering over an orientation (like gays?) that Nature designed. While she claims she would never suggest not punishing people who rape children, she says we should rethink how we deal with these perverts. After all, they’re victims too.

Her epiphany came when she learned that a long time friend, who went to jail because he masturbated to images of children being raped, was a “pedophile” and since he was otherwise so awesome she rethought her stance on their treatment. She linked to a Dan Savage piece called “Gold Star Pedophiles” which lauds pedophiles who have supposedly never acted on their desire to harm children. He and McArdle both think we simply don’t support these poor perverts enough.

The depravity of this sympathy for the devil approach to child rapists is nicely illustrated by McArdle when she rubs out this paragraph which is little more than an attempt to absolve all child rapists of responsibility for their actions:

Obviously, I am not going to defend the use of child porn at all; it’s despicable, and jail is the appropriate sentence, because the man who purchases child pornography is encouraging its manufacture.  But it made me think of them for the first time with sympathy.  They didn’t choose to be like this–God, who would?  Sex is one of the most powerful drives we have, and as Dan Savage’s columns testify every week, we have little control whether it focuses on something relatively normal, or something . . . um . . . extremely statistically unlikely

Ignore for a second the fact that both McArdle and Savage think they can take the word of a pervert for whether or not he has molested anyone. It goes without saying that their credulousness is linked with a personal desire to have their beliefs validated much the way liberals tend to accept the view that Islam is essentially a peaceful misunderstood religion.  McArdle’s desire to paint pedophiles in a more sympathetic light is likely a coping mechanism of a woman who badly misjudged the character of someone she knows, while Savage has a long history of promoting unhealthy views of sexuality.

Both, however, fundamentally misunderstand child sexual exploitation and the people who participate in it. This is not unique to pundits. Criminologists, psychologists, politicians, and all kinds of self-appointed experts put forward the idea that pedophilia is a sexual orientation in large part because it is a more palatable way to view this sort of criminality. It is easier on society to believe that pedophiles are either mentally ill or born into an unpopular orientation than it is to admit that people have a choice between being good or evil.

As I’ve written before, Evil is like a wool coat in the rain, its warm comfort soon giving way to a cold heaviness that drags on a person’s soul. Pedophilia is simply another example of this; it is sexual sadism taken to the extreme. It is the desire to have power over others, to force one’s will on the weak.

On one end of the spectrum of this supposed orientation you have adults who sexually exploit teens. Clearly a person luring a teen into a sexual relationship is not oriented differently than you and me. A 14-year-old girl looks young to me (at 38), but still has all the same physical characteristics of an adult woman. What is different about them is that they are not adults, thus not equal to the exploiter. It is this unequal relationship that the supposed pedophile is looking for, perhaps because he’s immature himself or is unable to find adult sexual partners. For most, however, it is simply the prospect of easy sex with a pliant inexperienced partner who is unlikely to have the boundaries of an adult that drives them.

Is that a different orientation than hetero or homosexuality, or is it simply an immoral behavior?

On the other end of the spectrum, you have people who are literally looking to have sex with children, sometimes even infants. I frankly doubt the tales of these people finding children “sexy” on their own. Instead, I tend to see the common pattern of all these child rapists. Their “desire” is unnatural and will harm the child, often physically. Infants who are raped can be paralyzed or killed. Children can, aside from the psychological scars, be severely injured by a man penetrating them. All adults know this, yet these pedophiles Savage and McArdle feel so sorry for do it anyway.  Or, like McArdle’s friend, they masturbate to images of it.

Are injurious and potential fatal assaults on children a sexual orientation? Wouldn’t that mean brutal rapes were also part of some person’s rough-sex-o-philia? As a crime blogger, I have spent years seeing what McArdle and Savage studiously ignore, the truth about “pedophilia” and how these degenerates operate:

Jose Robles Fraga raped his 2-year-old niece to death. Authorities found the girl had head injuries, injuries to her anus and vagina, and a ruptured stomach. He had also taken some form of Viagra prior to the attack. I suppose he was born with this “taboo” desire?

Joshua Andrew Stepp murdered his 10-month-old step-daughter during a brutal sexual assault that included stuffing toilet paper down her throat. That, I assume, is also a desire he was born with.

Harold Spurling and Jeffery Brisson, both known pro-pedophilia activists (yes there is such a thing), were caught raping infants on film. Both men expressed an orientation toward small children (Spurling for boys 4-9, Brisson for boys and girls from 2-9) yet they were found to have engaged in molesting a 14-year-old boy. There is also speculation they themselves were a couple as one of their victims told police the men would perform sexual acts on each other while forcing children to watch. Were they “oriented” to such a complex and depraved sex life?

12-year-old Ashley Andrews was killed by her mother and step-father after the woman allowed her husband to rape and beat the girl so badly the couple were afraid to send the girl to school. Of course this couple was simply struggling with their “orientation.”

Juan and Dawn Corral were arrested when they were found to have used sexual abuse and sado-masochism to “discipline” an 8-year-old girl. The girl was made to eat naked on the floor “like a dog” and Juan Corral sexually assaulted the girl as a form of punishment. What would we call these degenerates’ orientation?

A Juggalo was found to have raped his old lady’s 12-year-old son several times. He said it was a punishment when the boy “didn’t follow instructions.” I guess the desire to punish little boys with rape is an “orientation.”

James Phillip Edwards drugged little girls with Ambien, then made child porn videos which included one where he repeatedly spit in one of his unconscious victim’s face. He told police that there was nothing wrong with what he did. Shall we show some sympathy for him because he was supposedly born wanting to do this?

Antwan Maurice Pittman was a “pedophile” who turned out to be a serial killer who murdered at least six adult prostitutes. Clearly his sexual peculiarities were not simply a matter of “liking” children. It should be pointed out that the drug addicted prostitutes he preyed upon shared a characteristic with the children he preyed on: they were vulnerable and essentially helpless.

Alia Loren Jacobsen was an active participant in pro-pedophilia forums where she expressed her desire for both pedophilia and blood fetishism. She spoke of fantasies where she tortured girls from 8-14 by cutting designs into them, crushing them and biting them until she drew blood. I later had an exchange with her in which she said she no longer had such thoughts, but was encouraged by the online pedophile community to dwell in some mental problems she had. What “orientation” is she?

19-year-old Joy Babcock was arrested for having sex with a 13-year-old at a party. She claimed she was drunk and raped by the younger teen. Yet while out on bail, crime bloggers found her posting pictures of herself fondling a guy using a toddler as a prop for a perverted photo shoot. She also had a video online of her laughing about the abuse of children. Is she the victim of an unpopular orientation or a gutterslut with no personal boundaries?

In commentary on the BBC report on the Coalinga Treatment Center for sex offenders, I pointed out that one of the patients interviewed, a Mr. Rigby, was married with two children and in a relationship with a fellow male patient who was also a child molester. This was in addition to his desire for children. The omnisexual Mr. Rigby seemed to be operating outside his supposed orientation rather well.

On the blog The Dead Kids of MySpace, I found this story of Michael Marceau and Lisa Ford who are accused of molesting their children, one of whom is mute, wheelchair bound, and hooked up to a respirator. Marceau claimed that one of the victims, a little girl, was to blame because she “wanted it.” The couple molested the children together and recorded it to watch later.

I could have an entire site dedicated to stories of pedophiles whose interest in children has little to do with attraction and everything to do with sadism, but the Libertarians of the world would claim that these were simply anecdotes. But these anecdotes are reality and not the fevered dreams of pundits who theorize that one day we can live in harmony with pedophiles. These stories are just ones that I have blogged about or intended to in the case of the last and they are repeated again and again thousands of times a week. The children victimized by this culture of sexual entitlement must be put before our desire to explain away the evil of people we know.

CrimeShadows News has a been running a series called Predator Smackdown where registered sex offenders who are surfing social networks are reported. In a few weeks he’s found dozens. Are they “driven” by impulses beyond their control to make profiles on Facebook and “friend” children?

There is no pedophile orientation, only pedophilic behavior. The above list of stories is an illustration of people Savage and McArdle would consider pedophiles, but who in fact have sexual lives that revolve around having power over others and hurting people to receive sexual gratification. This idea of a pedophile orientation is a rhetorical device used by a secular society unable to explain Evil, and the inner workings of people who do Evil, and embraced by predators as a way to minimize and normalize their criminality with an eye on eventual legalization. McArdle’s comment section were filled with pro-pedophilia activists as were Dan Savage’s. One comment I saw on McArdle’s piece was a person arguing that cartoon depictions of children being raped should be legal. Boilerplate libertarianism until you realize that what he is arguing for is acceptance of virtual child rape as a masturbatory aid for perverts.

He was arguing that we shouldn’t care if a person in our community masturbates to images of children being sexually abused as long as they are hand drawn.

This path is the road to madness. It is popular these days to see the world as not having black and white morality, not having good guys and bad guys. It ensures the sophisticates’ credentials remain unchallenged to voice this pretension, but it is an illusion fed by our cowardice. While you read this, one of these people who McArdle feels deserves sympathy is raping a child, injuring them internally, and scaring them psychically. Megan McArdle asks us to save some shred of sympathy for these monsters because she would like to think that on a certain level they have no choice but to be pedophiles, but this is like saying people have no choice but to be wife beaters or drug addicts.

I’ll save my sympathy for the children who are victimized by these poor long suffering child rapists, and leave the soul-killing task of advocating for the most despicable among us for those whose desire to seem compassionate trumps their ability to see reality as it is. There are no “pedophiles,” only sexually sadistic criminals who use our inability to process evil against us and prey on children because they are the weakest among us and increasingly the least protected.

Victimless Crime File: Drug Addict Steals Pain Killers, Spreads Hepatitis C in Hospital

Hep C Addict Kristen Diane Parker

Libertarians are constantly claiming that people who get high are “only hurting themselves” so drug laws are unfair. As my Victimless Crime File category shows even people who are using drugs that aren’t addictive like marijuana (though pot is habit forming) often end up intruding on others’ lives in some fashion, sometimes criminally. When the argument is extended to other drugs the Libertarian theory on drug use becomes laughable as the case of Kristen Diane Parker illustrates:

DENVER — A surgery technician who infected about three dozen people with hepatitis C after she injected herself with painkiller-filled syringes and replaced them with ones filled with saline was sentenced Wednesday to 30 years in prison.

Kristen Diane Parker received the sentence in federal court in Denver after pleading guilty to some of the charges in the case. Prosecutors had previously recommended that Parker get 20 years in prison but a judge rejected the plea agreement. Some of the victims said it was not enough time.

She was also ordered to pay $506,935 in restitution to the hospitals and $1,000 to the court-sponsored victims’ fund.

“This sentence is appropriate, and reflects the seriousness of Ms. Parker’s criminal conduct,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a statement after the sentencing. “Today’s sentence should truly send a message that there are very serious consequences for these types of actions.”

Parker, 27, had worked at the Rose Medical Center in Denver and the Audubon Surgery Center in Colorado Springs.

Parker, who said she got hepatitis C from using heroin, acknowledged that she took syringes filled with the painkiller Fentanyl from operating carts at the hospitals. She said she injected herself and replaced the stolen syringes with ones filled with saline. Parker said she meant to use clean replacement needles but got careless.

About 6,000 patients at the two hospitals may have been exposed to hepatitis C. About three dozen were infected.

By the way, Hepatitis C is pretty much a death sentence. Huffington Post has a longer piece about the woman that gives you a glimpse into the mind of the addict. Self-entitled, selfish, and completely unwilling to consider the consequences of her actions on others:

During a police interview videotaped June 30 that was played in court Thursday, the 26-year-old Parker told a detective that she kept dirty saline-filled syringes in her pocket and watched for opportunities when doctors and nurses left the room. She then allegedly stole syringes filled with Fentanyl from operating carts and replaced them with the used syringes.

“I didn’t want to make it obvious to everyone that I was using,” the 26-year-old Parker told the detective in the interview, saying she stole between 15 and 20 syringes of Fentanyl. “I knew my limit.”


Parker said she used between 100 to 250 micrograms of the drug each time, roughly enough medication for a 500-pound person, according to medical malpractice attorney Dr. Eric Steiner, a former cardiac anesthesiologist.

But like all users she had reasons for “needing” to get high:

Parker gave several reasons for using Fentanyl, which is a narcotic 80 to 100 times more powerful than morphine: to deal with a custody battle with her ex-husband over her 2-year-old son; six-hour stretches of being on her feet; and back pain from the physical requirements of moving patients around the operating rooms.

She also said she had a problem with painkillers in the past and she may have gotten hepatitis C when she used heroin last summer while living in New Jersey.

Some of you pot smokers who come here claiming you “need to relax” probably sympathize with her. I say you shouldn’t need any substance to “relax” and that just thinking you require drug or alcohol to get by is an unhealthy relationship with drugs and alcohol.

And of course she has excuses as to why this is everyone else’s fault:

She tested positive for the disease before starting her job at Rose in October, but she didn’t follow up when told about it because she didn’t have health insurance or money for a doctor and she got distracted with her new job.

She also said hospital officials didn’t make it clear she tested positive. A federal magistrate judge disagreed and declared her a danger to the community and ordered her held without bond, saying her actions showed significant disregard for the safety of others.

Which she was because using was more important to her than whether or not she killed people. Since she was gainfully employed, I’m going to go out on a limb and say the reason she had no money was because she spent it on drugs.

The idea that drug use is a personal matter that will never affect others is a myth. Using it to promote policy is foolish. I am neither for or against decriminalization. What I am for is honesty about drug use. The Kristen Parkers of the world will burden society if we let them and the solution isn’t to pretend that changing the law will change how users behave.

h/t Crime Scene KC

The End of Days Link Round-Up

Brothers shall battle and slay one another.

Blood ties od sisters’ sons shall be sundered.

Harsh is the world. Fornication is rife,

Luring to faithlessness, spouses of other.

Axe time, sword time, shields shall be cloven;

Wind time, wolf time, ere the world wanes.

Din on the fields, trolls in full flight;

No man shall then spare another.

– Voluspa – The Sybil’s prophecy translated by Elsa-Brita Titchenell in The Masks of Odin

About two years ago I blogged about narco-terror gangs possibly being involved in human sacrifices though the Santa Muerte cult. In that piece I point out that some aspects of the worship of “Saint Death” bore some admittedly superficial resemblance to the coven of Adolfo de Jesus Constanzo who murdered an unknown number of people in Mexico as part of magical rituals. While I have not since blogged extensively on it, these cases piqued my curiosity and I have since kept track of what we would call, for lack of a better term, ritual or occult crimes especially those involving “reconquista” religion, or Aztec Reconstructionism. I have  also, out of personal interest, kept track of other religious conflicts, the rise of violent cults and other phenomenon that some may interpret as meaningful. I endorse no theory involving these more recent interesting factoids, but am providing them to my fellow watchers and ask that they judge for themselves what, if any, metaphysical meaning they may have:

In Mexico troops are being dispatched to destroy shrines to Saint Death as part of attempts to control the escalating violence of the cartels. Perhaps ironically, the areas of Mexico where the worship of Santa Muerta is widespread are literally dying.

The head of a Voodoo circle has “declared war” on evangelicals after his followers were driven off by an angry mob during what is described as a funeral ceremony. The always credulous main stream media is claiming that Max Beauvoir is the “supreme leader” of Voodoo which is an odd way for a Mambo to describe himself. There is no central authority in Voodoo. It should also be noted that there have been no reports of other rituals being attacked. Here’s raw video courtesy Breitbart that shows what looks like authorities taking part in the attack:

There’s nothing overtly evangelical about the mob in the video. Was something else going on? The Wild Hunt has more on this story though unsurprisingly TWH accepts the evil evangelicals vs poor Vodouns narrative unquestioningly even though they are as skeptical as I am of Max Beauvoir.

Hindu turned Christian Ria Ramkissoon starved her baby to death at the behest of a woman named “Queen Antionette” who claimed the child was possessed. Ramkissoon claims to have witnessed her Hindu parents “giving the child to the devil” in a ritual. Another cult member was involuntarily committed by the cult when she tried to tell authorities about them. The cult used simple mind control techniques involving fasting, drug use (marijuana), and regimentation.

The Presbyterian Church of the United States is now claiming that Israel has no “historical, covenantal or theological” right to exist. It claims Israel has no legitimate history before the Holocaust. This claim obviously runs counter to 75 percent of The Old Testament which is the theological underpinning of Christianity itself. Understand that the PCUSA is in essence claiming that the Bible they like thumping so much is false.

Libyan Leader Moamer Kadhafi has called for a Jihad on Switzerland.

Say Uncle points out two unrelated sword attacks in close proximity to each other.

Twilight Language has a post regarding unrelated “suicides” of children (and two attempted murders) from all over the world that have one very strange common denominator.

An Icelandic Asatru group claims that a “hex” they put on England and other “enemies” of Iceland is working, citing the collapse of the Dutch government and Gordon Brown’s troubles as examples.

Number of the Beast?

Wolf age? Wind age? What do you think?

Update: An admittedly mentally unstable, drug using “atheist” was live tweeting her abortion. For this unseemly attention seeking behavior she has been lauded a hero of feminism.

Victimless Crime File: Stoners Let 2-Year-Old Set Self on Fire (“Capitalist” to Blame)

In their defense it’s hard to watch a child when you’re getting baked while blasting Dark Side of the Moon. From WXII 12:

ALAMANCE COUNTY, N.C. — The parents of an Alamance County 2-year-old have been charged with child abuse after the child used a lighter to ignite his clothing.

Alamance County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Maj. Randy Jones said the incident happened last Saturday at home on Bass Mountain Road.

When deputies arrived at about 12:30 a.m., they discovered the child suffering from third-degree burns on the upper portion of his body, Jones said.

The child was taken via helicopter to the UNC Hospital Burn Center in Chapel Hill where he is still being treated.

Jones said deputies who were investigating the incident discovered marijuana and other drug paraphernalia on a night stand in plain view.

The child’s parents, Wesley Kieth Faucette, 30, and Shannon Gaddy Faucette, 28, were charged with negligent child abuse and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.

As usuaual people who like to toke up (but don’t like to admit sitting around getting high isn’t good for you) have come up with all sorts of other villians in this story aside from to slvenly stoners who were otherwise occupied when their 2-year-old used a lighter to set himself on fire. Here’s a comment from ScenrioNow! that is typical of the stupidity of stoners:

I blame capitalist and the expensive prices of vaporizers. I do think the 2 year old is advanced for his age to get around the child safety features, unless its a cheaper model then once again its the capitalist fault. The parents are to blame for shopping at a store that carries shirts printed with a highly flammable lead base paint.

Feb. 25, 2010 5:24pm EST | from scenarionow

Wow. But the fact that the parents were impaired isn’t at all to blame. Yeah.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

I Told You the Next Ice Age is Coming

Not by Fire but by Ice is book that, although flawed, puts forward the important that true extinction events are caused by ice ages which occur with alarming frequency on planet earth. Now a scientist from Eastern Europe is warning that the next ice age is starting and could be upon us in as little as five years!


A leading scientist has revealed that Europe could be just five years away from the start of a new Ice Age.

While climate change campaigners say global warming is the planet’s biggest danger, renowned physicist Vladimir Paar says most of central Europe will soon be covered in ice.

The freeze will be so complete that people will be able to walk from England to Ireland or across the North Sea from Scotland to northern Europe.

Professor Paar, from Croatia’s Zagreb University, has spent decades analysing previous ice ages in Europe and what caused them.

“Most of Europe will be under ice, including Germany, Poland, France, Austria, Slovakia and a part of Slovenia,” said the professor in an interview with the Index.hr.

“Previous ice ages lasted about 70,000 years. That’s a fact and the new ice age can’t be avoided.


And he added: “The reality is that mankind needs to start preparing for the ice age. We are at the end of the global warming period. The ice age is to follow. The global warming period should have ended a few thousands of years ago, we should have already been in the ice age. Therefore we do not know precisely when it could start – but soon.”

The Zagreb based scientist says it will still be possible for man to survive in the ice age, but the spending on energy will be enormous.

“Food production also might be a problem. It would need to be produced in greenhouses with a lot of energy spent to heat it”, commented the professor, who remains optimistic despite his predictions.

I’m stocking up on blankets.