Atheist Rapist Claims Rights Violated by Sharing Cell with a Christian

I knew this would happen eventually. Atheism is a philosophy rejects morality, thus the creed’s appeal to rapists and other degenerates like Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs. Most Atheists don’t want to be confronted with the idea that they may face an ultimate judgment for their perfidy. The left believes that that blissful ignorance is a human right and your ability to drift through life without being criticized is the mark of civilized society.

So naturally you have a situation where this bit of insanity makes perfect sense:

AN atheist rapist has complained that his human rights were breached by having to share a prison cell with a Christian lag.

Barman Steven Relf, 40, was jailed indefinitely after admitting raping two women he targeted when he served them drinks in a pub.

Police branded him a “sexual predator” and said he could have had as many as 40 victims.

In a letter to an inmates’ magazine, Relf wrote: “I recently had the displeasure of sharing a cell with a Bible-thumping believer.”

A source said Relf was “furious” at having to share at Manchester Prison with the Christian convict and wanted him to be “evicted”.

He said: “He moaned about how the guy wouldn’t shut up about God. He said he wanted to speak to a lawyer about his rights so he could be moved cells.”

The other inmate was later transferred.

England has little interest in the rights of the women he raped. If you ask me some finger wagging is exactly what he needs. By why “subject’ a rapist to the idea that there’s such a thing as right and wrong or good and evil? I mean how would that benefit society?

A Website Scorned: World Net Daily Takes on Glenn Beck in Defense of Birtherism

I have to admit that W.N.D. is one of those sites I began reading when I was first involved in political blogging, then slowly began distancing myself from as they tend to make that perfect circle the “old right” makes when they lean so far to what they perceive as the right that the end up on the far left. Their support for conspiracy theories of various stripes didn’t help their credibility with me.

Conspiracy theories are almost always scams. The North American Union, 9/11 “Truth” and now Obama’s citizenship are all carny style schemes designed to get you to buy books and frequent websites or forums which run ad programs where companies bid to get their ads on your site based on traffic. The rise of the Satanic Ritual Abuse movement, what we now refer to as the Satanic Panic, was one such scheme largely pushed (even to this day) by people like Ted Gunderson who make a living spreading nonsense around. The W.N.D. version of Ted Gunderson is Jerome Corsi, a 9/11 truther who is at the center of the Birther movement. He also has gone on record claiming President Bush allowed 9/11 to happen to set the stage for the formation of the North American Union and that oil comes not from decomposing organic matter but from abiotic processing, which is a fancy way of saying oil just appears out of the earth.

Unsurprisingly, Corsi has written several books which sell very well among the fringe. The Late Great U.S.A. and America for Sale are both lurid accounts of the conspiracy against America by “them” and Black Gold Strangle Hold makes the case that the oil companies, every world government, and the scientific community all are hiding the fact that oil is not at all scarce. Vapid irrationality to be sure, but lucrative in the extreme for Corsi. And those who sell his books.

The problem, of course, isn’t whether Corsi is making a little cash, as I don’t begrudge any American their right to run a snake oil shop, but it’s in how Corsi’s conspiracy mongering is allowed to reflect on the right by supposedly serious people taking him seriously. Aside from the obvious, I dislike conspiracy theories for two reasons. The first is as we have seen during the Satanic Panic, these theories can have very real consequences for innocent people caught up in the fantasy world of the conspiracist. The second, however, is that it distracts from real conspiracies. The progressive agenda is a conspiracy, not one plotted in shadows by secret societies but simply an alliance of leftists all working to steer this country into a European cultural and political model. We know this because we can go to sites like Media Matters and see it for ourselves.

While people waste time trying to find the secret N.A.U. treaty written by the Illuminati, the Obama administration openly cedes our interest to the United Nations. While people buy Corsi’s book on how oil is really as plentiful as the air we breath, China is drilling for the last remaining oil off our coasts while progressive groups block us from adding that precious resource to our own reserves. While idiots seek “the truth” about 9/11, a Jihadist movement is sweeping the globe and overrunning Europe with its eye on America next. There are real enemies to face, real conspiracies to unravel. Corsi and his ilk waste our time in an old right version of the live action Vampire: The Masquerade game.

Which brings me to World Net Daily, a website scorned by what they thought was their soul mate. World Net Daily, long associated with Corsi and the worst sorts of conspiracy mongering, has discovered Glenn Beck cheating on them with common sense. Hurt and angered, they launched into an attack on Beck loaded with justifications for their idiocy and pleas for Beck to come back to them:

“Birthers,” however, reflect a far greater diversity of opinion than is assumed by Beck’s characterization. For example, while the term has been applied to anyone questioning Obama’s eligibility to serve as president under the Constitution’s “natural born citizen” clause, many “birthers” don’t doubt Obama’s Hawaiian birth, but instead take issue with his father’s foreign citizenship.

While other top radio hosts, including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin and Lou Dobbs, have all said unequivocally and publicly that the Obama eligibility issue is legitimate and worthy, a few – including Beck and fellow Fox TV host Bill O’Reilly – have taken the position that the issue is, in O’Reilly’s words, “bogus.” Both Beck and O’Reilly cite the contemporaneous appearance of birth announcements in two Honolulu newspapers as prima facie evidence Obama was born in Hawaii and “birthers” are conspiracy nuts.

However, what neither talk host realizes is that newspaper birth announcements are not placed by parents phoning their local paper with the good news that they had a child. Rather, as WND has reported based on interviews with the two Hawaii papers involved, the Obama newspaper birth announcements stemmed from information automatically sent to the papers by Hawaii’s Department of Health upon the state’s issuance of a “Certification of Live Birth,” which, as WND has also reported, is considered insufficient on its own to positively document the president’s birthplace.

Many people remain unaware that a child does not even have to be born in Hawaii to receive a “Certification of Live Birth – that’s the “short form” that provides no hospital name, delivering physician or any of the other information that traditionally appears on a legitimate birth certificate. And yet the “short form” COLB is the one and only piece of evidence the White House has cited in defending its assertion Obama was born in Hawaii.

Hawaiian law specifically allows “an adult or the legal parents of a minor child” to apply to the health department and, upon unspecified proof, be given the birth document.

The only requirement for proof cited in the law doesn’t address the birth of the child either, just “that the legal parents of such individual while living without Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.”

Demand the truth by joining the petition campaign to make President Obama reveal his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate!

And since Obama’s long-form birth certificate remains locked away from public view and sealed by privacy laws, no brainwashing device – such as Beck alluded to in his program – would be necessary to keep Hillary Clinton from discovering the contents of Obama’s original birth certificate.

That excerpt sets the tone. A desperate plea by desperate people who fear not only losing their credibility as they are attacked by a well known pundit, but their meal ticket as his huge audience abandons the snipe hunt for proof that Obama can’t be President. It should be obvious to all that W.N.D. does not exist on page views only. They have a bookstore which admittedly has some very good books for sale, such as Ray Comfort’s thought provoking (if flawed) Nothing Created Everything and Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate. But the W.N.D. book catalog also relies heavily on the sale of conspiratorial works which relies in turn on the persistence of a conspiratorial mindset among the right.

World Net Daily has a donation page where the top cause you can donate to is a fund to buy billboards that promote Birtherism. Surely no one believes that the majority of that money would not be used in “administrative” costs? They also sell DVDs, clothing and other items, something they have in common with Alex Jones’ websites.

In other words, W.N.D. is financially invested in people being hooked on their conspiracy theories. The site, like Alex Jones’ Prison Planet, is in itself a conspiracy designed to prey on suckers who need to feel as if there are secret forces at work against them for a variety of reasons.

The real conspiracy is the conspiracy to separate the gullible from their cash, and the “Birthers” are a part of that conspiracy. Beck is right to dismiss them and we’d all be better off dismissing anyone who makes a living peddling their asinine fever dreams.

Buffalo Gang Banger on Avoiding Gang Violence: “Buy a Gun”

This little quote was buried in a longer piece about the rise in gang violence in Buffalo N.Y. which spiked as several local gangs all tried to extend their territory at the same time:

“Buy a gun,” a member of a recently busted inner-city gang told The Buffalo News last week when asked what could be done to curtail homicides. “Hey, I’m just being honest. You asked.”

Tall and good looking, the young man half smiled, shrugged and seemed to disappear into his oversized winter coat.

Twice the victim of gunfire — a fact a street cop confirmed — the young man said he views self-protection as the best means of avoiding death on the streets.

The gangs that fight over territory and drugs, he said, are often not well organized.

“It’s more like disorganized,” he said, asking that his name be withheld.

Police officials don’t agree with his advice to take up a gun, but they do say his description of most local gangs is accurate. The only problem is that these disorganized gangs sometimes hit their targets with deadly accuracy.

The warfare between “disorganized” gangs is on the rise as youth unemployment explodes and cities begin having trouble paying for the necessary law enforcement to keep control of the streets. Add to this the rise in America of transnational gangs like MS-13 who are used to challenging governmental authority and literally creating states within a state and the what you have is a recipe for American citizens getting left to their own devices. Buy a gun or buy a coffin will be a reality for more than just gang members in the coming year.

h/t Firearm Blog

74-Year-Old Sex Offender Kills Self After Being Caught Molesting Little Girl

Good riddance to bad rubbish I say, but this horror story might be even worse than suspected because there is evidence that the 13-year-old girl, who had been sexually abused since she was 11, was pimped out to Robert Grey Foxx by her own mother.


The probe began last week when the 13-year-old girl darted from a couple of curious police investigators and ran for a Citico Street home.

Knoxville Police Department investigators work at a house where a body was found Tuesday at 429 Citico St. Convicted sex offender Robert G. Foxx, 74, killed himself in the house, according to police.

It ended Tuesday in the same house when police found 74-year-old convicted sex offender Robert Grey Foxx dead on his couch, a plastic bag pulled snug over his head.

Police said Foxx committed suicide.

He had been arrested Dec. 21 after an investigation revealed he started two years ago paying an 11-year-old girl for oral sex at least twice a week.

So far so good. The cretin wouldn’t change his deviant ways, was caught and finally did what he should have done decades ago. But the story gets worse. Knoxville P.D. investigator Debra Nuchols fills in the blanks as to how this elderly degenerate was able to indulge in the exploitation of a child for two years:

Nuchols said Foxx told her he met the girl through her mother. He said he was looking for a house cleaner years ago and accidentally dialed the woman in Lonsdale. Despite the accidental contact, the woman, who has three daughters, agreed to clean Foxx’s home, Nuchols said.

The woman, however, opted to discontinue the arrangement because Foxx kept trying to show her pornographic videos at his home.

“Mom said it made her feel uncomfortable so she sent her daughter over there,” Nuchols said.

For the next two years, Nuchols said, the then 11-year-old girl would catch a KAT bus in Lonsdale and go to Foxx’s house at 429 Citico St.

“She would go over to his house every Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes on Saturday, Nuchols said. “She’d get paid $10 a day.”

Each day the girl would spend about two hours at Foxx’s residence before returning home on another bus.

Nuchols said Foxx denied any improper contact with the girl. He claimed he was having an affair with the girl’s mother.

By affair I take it he meant an arrangement where he was either paying the mother directly for access to her daughter or he found a strung out gutterslut so vile she simply took a cut of the $10 Foxx was giving to the girl for sex. Either way it’s hard to fathom that the mother was unaware of what would happen to her daughter at the old pervert’s house. Here’s hoping she does the right thing too.

Interesting side note. At the Knoxnews story there is a photo of Foxx playing chess at a mall. They give the backstory of the 2007 photo that shows that Foxx was known to be cruising for victims a couple of years ago. Here’s how the caption reads:

Robert Foxx congratulates a young opponent after a chess match Aug. 9, 2007, at West Town Mall. Foxx had regularly set up a chess board in the food court of West Town Mall to play youngsters. That practice ended in 2007 after the News Sentinel featured him in a picture playing a match with a boy at the mall, and police alerted mall security that Foxx was a registered sex offender.

But we shouldn’t be worried about sex offender recidivism?

h/t Stop Child molesters

Victimless Crime File: Bayron Reyes Lopez is a Doped Up Dog Killing Pervert

Bayron Reyes Lopez Dog Killing Pervert

The above photo is Bayron Reyes Lopez, a dog killing pervert who tried to attack a woman on the street while under the influence of drugs. The woman’s five-year-old miniature schnauzer bravely got between the two and sacrificed her life in defense of her master:

SAN CLEMENTE – What started out as a call about a loud radio early this morning ended with the arrest of a nude 26-year-old man who officials suspect killed a family dog with his bare hands, then poured hot coffee on his head while running naked in a tennis club, authorities said.

The dog’s owner said that if her 5-year-old mini schnauzer hadn’t run out in between her and the man, she would have been the one beaten to death.

“Rather than grab me, he focused on Kokanee and took his aggression out on her,” said Julie Donnelly, a nurse. “When Kokanee ran out in front, it gave me valuable seconds, valuable time to yell for people to help.”

Bayron Reyes Lopez has been arrested in the attack.

Investigators suspect that Lopez was under the influence of drugs when the pandemonium began shortly after 4:30 a.m., when deputies tried to contact him at his apartment.

Deputies were called to an apartment building in the 1100 block of Calle del Cerro because of a loud radio, said Jim Amormino, spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. When deputies arrived, however, no one was there.

“We get there, go in the room, the guy is gone,” he said.

Authorities believe Lopez jumped from a third-story window when deputies arrived.

Yeah. High people are awesome. The picture above? His mugshot. Even after being arrested he thought this was all a big joke. But of course if drugs were legal this wouldn’t have happened as a commenter on a drug related dog abuse story I did about a year ago explained to me:

Carl said,

on January 3rd, 2010 at 2:55 pm

I have a fairly simple answer as to why legalizing cannabis may have prevented this crime.

By consuming an illegal herb, the perpetrator was spurred on to commit further illegal acts. If the herb in question were legal, it would be more likely that a culture of responsibility would develop concerning it, and the users of the drug might behave more responsibly.

There is nothing inherent to cannabis which causes violent behavior, and it is only the stupidity of the user in question which caused him to act that way, reflecting the stupidity of the law concerning cannabis. Stupidity begets stupidity after all.

Right. There is nothing inherent in a substance that causes intoxication that makes people behave in an intoxicated way. Got it. I mean, the responsible drinking culture here and in England proves that making a substance legal ends drunken brawls, rapes, and highway fatalities.

Via Fox L.A. here’s video:

h/t Dreamin’ Demon