Thurday Night Link Dump Link Round-Up

Also known as the “I have five windows and thirty something tabs open of interesting stories I wanted to blog about and don’t have the time” link round up. Some of these are great stories but I simply can’t gear up to do them justice:

T.D.K.O.M has the story of a child porn bust. This one is notable because it includes the criminal complaint that gives basic details of what kind of images were found. A tough read but important for all those people who think of “teen modeling” sites or kids at the beach when they think of child porn. Once you read this you’ll never look at people who make the argument that possession of child porn is a minor crime the same way again.

The F.B.I. is investigating over 500 murders where bodies were dumped along our nation’s highways. Because they believe many are the work of serial killers who are long distance truckers or other travelers, they have created the Highway Serial Killer Initiative.

Crimeshadows is covering the search for a pervert who attacked a child in a movie theater bathroom in West Nyack, New York. There were witnesses who saw the man enter the ladies room ahead of the little girl and did nothing. Crimeshadows has security cam pictures of the pervert and one of the cowardly witnesses.

NorCal Cazadora pointed out this excellent blog post by a vegan turned hunter. A short but interesting read.

G.S.G.F. got all Lovecraftian in her analysis of Michael Crowley’s COIN Toss article that ran in The New Republic.

Mansor Mohammad Asad was thrown off a Miami flight bound for Detroit when he yelled “I’m a Palestinian and I want to kill all the Jews” as the plane was getting ready to take off. Atlas Shrugs found out he has a history of violence.

Oregon Craigslist child prostitution ring busted.

AccuWeather: Worldwide cold not seen since 70s “ice age” scare.

Richard Bollinger stalked a homeless three-year-old girl. The family lived in a shelter but the father worked every day. Bollinger should be put away for life.

Pot smoking anti-Semite Andrew Sullivan wants America to invade Israel.

America avoided technical default by three days.

The CAIR appointed lawyer in the Rifqa Bary apostasy case was caught perjuring himself.

A Massachusetts mother of nine claims doctors sterilized her against her will while she was in the hospital.

Lilo has the whole story on the St. Louis shooting.

Democrats and United Nations Preparing for Gun Grab

From my cold dead hands alert. With Democrats rushing through their agenda in anticipation of losing their super majority they may not be able to wait to enact the gun control agenda their leftist supporters want until after the mid-term and 2012 elections, which was the strategy many people felt they were going to use. Back in October Gun Owners of America pointed out that the vague language in the health care bill could be used to get gun control measures enacted without debate:

It is nearly certain that coverage prescribed by the administration will, to control costs, exclude coverage for what it regards as excessively dangerous activities.  And, given Sebelius’ well-established antipathy to the Second Amendment — she vetoed concealed carry legislation as governor of Kansas — we presume she will define these dangerous activities to include hunting and self-defense using a firearm.  It is even possible that the Obama-prescribed policy could preclude reimbursement of any kind in a household which keeps a loaded firearm for self-defense.

The ObamaCare bill already contains language that will punish Americans who engage in unhealthy behavior by allowing insurers to charge them higher insurance premiums.  (What constitutes an unhealthy lifestyle is, of course, to be defined by legislators.)  Don’t be surprised if an anti-gun nut like Sebelius uses this line of thinking to impose ObamaCare policies which result in a back-door gun ban on any American who owns “dangerous” firearms.

After all, insurers already (and routinely) drop homeowners from their policies for owning certain types of guns or for refusing to use trigger locks (that is, for keeping their guns ready for self-defense!).  While not all insurers practice this anti-gun behavior, Gun Owners of America has documented that some do — Prudential and State Farm being two of the most well-known.

The good news is that because homeowner insurance is private (and is still subject to the free market) you can go to another company if one drops you.  But what are you going to do under nationalized ObamaCare when the regulations written by Secretary Sebelius suspend the applicability of your government-mandated policy because of your gun ownership?

All of this is in addition to something that GOA has been warning you about for several months … the certainty that minimum acceptable policies will dump your gun information into a federal database … a certainty that is reinforced by language in the summary providing for a study to “encourage increased meaningful use of electronic health records.”

Remember, the federal government has already denied more than 150,000 military veterans the right to own guns, without their being convicted of a crime or receiving any due process of law.  They were denied because of medical information (such as PTSD) that the FBI later determined disqualified these veterans to own guns.

Barring that, the far left has already set an international gun grab in motion at the United Nations which will directly threaten your Second Amendment rights. Put aside ten minutes for this video, you’ll be glad you did:

Like I said, this is a from my cold dead hands alert because this is the line America cannot cross. Join the N.R.A. or G.O.A. now before your only option is to join a disarmed public completely at the mercy of government paramilitaries.

The Death of Manliness: Teen Hearts is What’s Wrong with America

Keffiyeh wearing vegan douchebags who diet their way into genetic effeminacy banging away at instruments they can barely handle while “ironically” performing songs they wrote in 5th grade. A feverish caricature  of youth culture made up by some scoffing Pagan Republican dripping machismo? No, my friend, this is what passes for the underground nowadays. Via L.A.T.F.H. here is the reason America will depopulate in the face of financial collapse or global pandemic. I give you the band Teen Hearts, all of whom look nearer to 40 than any number with a “teen” in it.

It always saddens me to see this sort of thing. But on the upside, in the event of civil disorder a man with a normal testosterone level should be able to take over any trendy part of town with a raised voice and some harsh language if Teen Hearts’ mincing quasi-men are typical of today’s hipsters.

I never thought I’d run across a group that made Brokencyde look hardcore (and talented) in comparison.

Exit question: Is it self awareness or lack of cocaine that is making girl in the band look so miserable?

UC Irvine Receives Fifth “Black Death” Envelope

This is a story I haven’t seen make much of a media splash even though it seems like it would. Apparently someone has been mailing black envelopes to UC Irvine faculty and staff which contain an as yet unidentified white powder and the words “Black Death” as part of a message. From NBC Los Angeles:

A fifth envelope containing a white powder and a message with the words “black death” was discovered at UC Irvine, according to KCAL9. The envelope had the same return address as four others discovered previously.

Earlier in the day, a fourth envelope was discovered addressed to an assistant Dean of Biological Sciences and sent to the Natural Sciences II building. Authorities closed the office while tests were conducted for hazardous materials, according to University Spokesman Tom Vasich.

Field tests done by the FBI Tuesday showed the powder from 3 previous envelopes was not a biological hazard, such as anthrax.

Of course no one has released exactly what the powder is as of yet. LAist notes that all were addressed to women and the L.A. Times has a blow by blow of how this story unfolded. There is speculation that the letters were all mailed over Christmas break and distributed on Monday. All the letters have Idaho postmarks.

h/t N.T.A.

George Galloway and his “Peace Activists” Murder Egyptian Policeman

No cries of neo-colonialism from the left as George Galloway and his convoy of supposedly peaceful activists comprised mainly of White Europeans and American anti-Semities allied with militant Islamists took four Egyptian officers hostage and murdered one of them in clashes near the Egypt/Gaza border:

Protests over an international aid convoy to Gaza, led by George Galloway, turned violent today killing one Egyptian soldier and leaving dozens injured.

The Britain-based Viva Palestina convoy included more than 500 international activists bringing humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip in protest at the Israeli blockade of the coastal strip.

Scuffles between activists and Egyptian police broke out last night after part of the convoy was barred from entering Gaza. Hundreds of Palestinians rushed to the border to support the convoy, hurling rocks and opening fire at the Egyptian guards from across the border.

Activists said that one Egyptian soldier was killed in a gunfight, and that at least three Palestinians were taken to hospitals. Up to 50 activists were treated for minor injuries, and several have been detained by authorities.

Egypt has come under fire recently for supporting the Israeli blockade, and stepping up efforts along the Egyptian border to stop tunnel smugglers from moving supplies into Gaza. Egypt’s construction of an underground barrier to cut off the tunnels has drawn criticism from a number of neighbouring Arab states, who call the barrier a “wall of death.”

Egypt maintains that it is protecting its borders, and that aid to Gaza should be sent via internationally recognized channels.

One Jordanian activist who took part in the convoy said the group had refused to enter Gaza through its crossings with Israel, as they refused to recognize Israeli control of Gaza.

Speaking to Sky News Mr Galloway said that Egyptians had breached the agreement they had made with the convoy.

“It’s completely unconscionable,” he said.

Of course Galloway doesn’t think bringing a small army of thugs into a sovereign country and challenging that government’s authority with arms he has worked to keep out of the hands of his fellow citizens of the United Kingdom is at all questionable morally.

Via Atlas Shrugs here’s a video of the report:

Atlas also has a photo essay of a Palestinian market that debunks the starving Palestinian myth.

Speaking of debunking myths, this essay on the history of “Palestine” is a must read for anyone who really wants to understand the conflict.

Yes, Code Pink was involved. Oddly they have no press release on the murder of the Egyptian on their site.