The Duke University/UNC Anti-Terror Report is Sinister Piffle

Christopher Hitchens has never done a greater service to mankind than when he coined the phrase sinister piffle. He used it to describe the loathsome anti-Semitism of Cindy Sheehan back when the media gave her a platform for her “anti-war” protests but I have always thought that it was a turn of phrase that deserves to be added to the lexicon of punditry. Sheehan’s sinister piffle was nonsense that could have (and I would argue did) have serious consequences for millions of people when taken seriously. Her efforts to mainstream anti-Semitism (going so far as to have White nationalists involved in her protest, a fact the complicit media ignored) have helped foster the environment of Jew hatred we have today.

Similarly, the recent report released by what we could be excused to have assumed to be the freshman social studies class from Howard Zinn high school (located in central Berkeley between the John Philips father/daughter play center and the Jerry Garcia memorial medical marijuana dispensary) but was in actuality the product of a joint venture between what are believed to be professional researchers from Duke University and U.N.C. is sinister piffle. Anti-Terror Lessons of American Muslims is a poorly researched piece of Jihadist apologia which makes a number of spurious claims and concludes that the threat of terrorism is overblown. It implicitly recommends Americans simply stop worrying about Militant Islam, because Militant Islam is not a threat to Americans.

Piffle! And sinister piffle at that, because unless we believe that the authors of this dull and hamfisted regurgitation of the great Progressive Articles of Faith (The West is always wrong, the “other” is always right, violence is always a reaction to Western aggression) are simply so immersed in the raw post-modernist sewage of academic Marxism the only explanation for a report that so plainly distorts the facts about radicalization and the threat of terror by American Muslims is that it’s propaganda designed to cover for those same terrorists.

One of the most extraordinary claims made by the authors (David Schanzer, Charles Kurzman and Ebrahim Moosa) is that homegrown extremism is an exaggerated threat. They can make that claim because by their own admission they do not count fund-raising or Jihad enabling activities as terrorism and they don’t term any person or group radicalized until they’ve been proven to have participated in violence. They also seem to think the 13 dead and 30 wounded soldiers at Ft. Hood is no big deal.

Understand that this report is claiming that Muslims who call for the death of gays are not radicals until they actually kill one. Rifqa Berry’s parents are not radicals until she’s dead. Those that support the aims and efforts of Al-Qaeda or Hezbollah or any other militant Islamist group aren’t radicals even if they are financially supporting those groups’ murderous efforts. No one’s a radical until the blood flows and the bullets fly. No one is a threat until they have already made good on one.

The three authors’ agenda is as transparent as their attempts to rewrite history with their talk of all the efforts Muslims have been making to de-radicalize young men. This is radical politics disguised as shoddy academics and Duke and U.N.C. should be absolutely ashamed to have their names attached to such sinister piffle.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism has a in-depth debunking of the more outrageous claims, and points out that the paper credits known radical organizations as sources including the Islamic Circle of North America which is the group from which the American Muslims caught in Pakistan were spawned.

h/t Act of AmericaRaleigh chapter.

Mark Steyn: Who Does Obama Think We’re at War With?

A good question but I would put forward that it is America, not just Obama, that doesn’t understand the full scope of the war we face. Obama’s noncommittal toe in the water approach to warfare is a symptom of the Fortress America fantasy that sees America as so powerful that we can actually give away much of our power and still be safe from the world. It is not just the left but many on the fringe right think that Islamism, Communism, eco-terror and a host of other threats to us cannot effectively destroy America so they simply aren’t worth confronting. Worse they adopt a pose of indifference to these enemies in the vain hope that sans “provocations” from us (like buying oil and exporting those gauche ideas of liberty for all and free market economics) everyone would simply love us too much to ever want to harm us.

Such Lotus-Eater like insouciance concerning America and her place in the world is not a product of Barack Obama so much as President Obama and his election is the culmination of the ascendancy of this school of thought. It will be at least three years until we have leadership that takes our defense seriously and in the mean time we will suffer a withering barage of attacks from enemies that cannot even be named:

On the other hand, if we are now at war, as Obama belatedly concedes, against whom are we warring? “We are at war against al-Qaida,” says the president.

Really? But what does that mean? Was the previous month’s “isolated extremist,” the Fort Hood killer, part of al-Qaida? When it came to spiritual advice, he turned to the same Yemeni-based American-born imam as the Pantybomber, but he didn’t have a fully paid-up membership card.


What did the Pantybomber have a membership card in? Well, he was president of the Islamic Society of University College, London. Kafeel Ahmed, who died after driving a burning jeep into the concourse of Glasgow Airport, had been president of the Islamic Society of Queen’s University, Belfast. Yassin Nassari, serving three years in jail for terrorism, was president of the Islamic Society of the University of Westminster. Waheed Arafat Khan, arrested in the 2006 Heathrow terror plots that led to Americans having to put their liquids and gels in those little plastic bags, was president of the Islamic Society of London Metropolitan University.

Doesn’t this sound like a bigger problem than “al-Qaida,” whatever that is? The president has now put citizens of Nigeria on the secondary-screening list. Which is tough on Nigerian Christians, who have no desire to blow up your flight to Detroit. Aside from the highly localized Tamil terrorism of India and Sri Lanka, suicide bombing is a phenomenon entirely of Islam. The broader psychosis that manifested itself only the other day in an axe murderer breaking into a Danish cartoonist’s home to kill him because he objects to his cartoon is, likewise, a phenomenon of Islam. This is not to say (to go wearily through the motions) that all Muslims are potential suicide bombers and axe murderers, but it is to state the obvious – that this “war” is about the intersection of Islam and the West, and its warriors are recruited in the large pool of young Muslim manpower, not in Yemen and Afghanistan so much as in Copenhagen and London.

But the president of the United States cannot say that because he is overinvested in a fantasy – that, if only that Texan moron Bush had read Khalid Sheikh Mohammed his Miranda rights and bowed as low as Obama did to the Saudi king, we wouldn’t have all these problems. So now Obama says, “We are at war.” But he cannot articulate any war aims or strategy because they would conflict with his illusions. And so we will stagger on, playing defense, pulling more and more items out of our luggage – tweezers, shoes, shampoo, snow globes, suppositories – and reacting to every new provocation with greater impositions upon the citizenry.

We’re so strong we can afford to be weak many say. It is the exercise of our strength that causes problems. This is the progressive version of the meek will inherit the earth which while a nice theological point to debate is a foolhardy defense policy. Unfortunately America will have to learn that the hard way.

Harry Reid is a Racist and All Black Liberals are Uncle Toms

I’ll make this short and sweet. Harry Reid’s “Negro dialect” statement is not a compliment to Obama. It is an attack on every other Black person Reid has met. There is no “Negro dialect” that Black people speak but Biracial people can turn on and off. What Reid is saying is that most Black people are uneducated hood rats who can’t speak English properly except for the mighty Obama who, by virtue of his White blood and Communist, I’m sorry Democrat, party card is the new “super(Negro)man” who can lead the party to victory.

All Black liberals, including Obama, supported Reid. This is outrageous but not a surprise. After all, they support liberal educational systems like the one in New York where Black and Latino students have a 50 percent drop out rate. White students in New York graduate at a much higher rate.

Then when Black kids, who were hamstrung by White liberal teachers who spent most of their time talking about how evil Bush was instead of teaching, aren’t as eloquent as people with better education, those White “liberals” laugh at them and mock them. Isn’t that progressive?

If someone were to call me a “Mulatto” it’d be on. If someone claimed that as a “Mulatto” I was exceptional to other Blacks and “Mulattoes” because I read alot we’d have a serious problem. When someone who supposedly represents the right goes all David Duke somewhere I speak up. When Sheridan Folger allowed a “White civil rights” group to post on his Ning network and promoted those posts via his Twitter account, I called him out on it leading me to get an empty legal threat from John Barnhart in the comments as well as being called retarded. But that didn’t deter me.

One of the chief reasons for the Rob Taylor/Wicca split in the late 90s (aside from the fact that Wicca is a hippy sex cult) was their racist attacks on folk traditions and African diaspora religions, attacks now exemplified by the awful book Generation Hex by known racist and hack Jason Louv. I spoke out and continue to speak out about how racist Wicca is and I don’t excuse Wiccans for the institutionalized bigotry against traditional occult or religious practices.

The point I’m making here is that just because I’m on the Right or a Pagan doesn’t mean I have to tap dance for the Right or Paganism. In fact, both the right and “occultism” (of the serious type) in general reward and respect individuality though clearly there are some in both with the leftist herd mentality. I will not defend attacks on Black folk from righties, just as I won’t abide misogyny from the so-called right. I won’t simply let pass the fact that people like Stacy McCain think that Harry Reid was “right” in his rank bigotry and I don’t allow it to go unnoticed that in this one thing Amanda Marcotte is almost, sort of right about this issue. I mean except for the part where she doesn’t seem to care about the actual racism.

Of course, the fact that Pandagon’s comments devolved into Klannishness is not a surprise.

But Black “liberals” are busy claiming there is absolutely nothing wrong with Reid’s belief that Black people all share a “negro dialect” that Obama could use but his White blood luckily makes him able to speak “normally.” Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Marc Lamont Hill,The Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP and every other Black liberal or liberal group who has covered for Reid may as well be picking his cotton while jockeying for a position as house negro. Reid is a racist by definition, a person who sees the majority of a race as inferior in some way to other races.

Anyone who can’t see that needs to stop shining the Democrat’s shoes for a moment and take a good look at where black people are in this country.

The National Center for Public Policy has a round up of the reactions of Black people who have an ounce of pride.

Friday Night Link Round-Up

I’m not feeling well and made some really atrocious spelling/grammatical errors today not the least of which was my scintillating crime report on the arrest of “cooper”  thieves in Greenville which I’m told set off quite a panic amongst historical re-enacting barrel making community. Of course I meant copper thieves, but I was a little run down today so I decided to give up and I’ll just give you a few links for the evening if you’re like me and plan on being indoors during this bout of global warming:

Michael Scheuer has long promoted anti-Semitism disguised as foreign policy realism. His true colors are shown in this clip of his eyebrow raising C-SPAN interview where a caller says he’s tired of “all these Jews” and their power to make us fight “our Muslim friends” for Israel. Without batting an eye Scheuer agrees with the man and expounds on his point. Can we stop taking him seriously now?

After 13+ years of leftist anti-farming policy in England, including the release of a report a few years ago claiming farming was a “high risk” activity that rich countries shouldn’t be involved in, Ministers in Britain are waking up to the fact that England can’t feed itself. Of course they have no real solution except to encourage farming in a market that makes farming unprofitable.

Brad Thor, author of The Apostle, has exposed a top Af/Pak Jihadist commander’s rape porn ring. That’s right the man who rivals Mullah Omar in power over the Taliban, one Siraj Haqqani, has been caught red-handed by author Brad Thor producing rape videos for money. When Haqqani thought he was going to be exposed he had the perpetrators he hired and the victims murdered. Thor got a Imam to make a video displaying the evidence (NSFW and hard to watch, be warned) and calling for Haqqani to be brought to justice. Read the report but I’ll warn you a second time, the evidence is graphic and disturbing.

Mansor Asad, the man who was taken off a Miami flight for screaming about killing Jews, is a rich real estate mogul associated with a Salafi mosque. Atlas has a report and video of his court appearance.

A shooting spree was thwarted by an armed citizen. That’s what the 2nd Amendment is all about.

A “Mayan elder” is sick of being asked about the end of the world in 2012. The world is not going to end on 2012.

Balloon Boy’s dad says everyone is a liar but him. No really.

Dr. Keith Ablow, a former television host and Fox News contributor, was attacked by a prison inmate he was doing a psychological evaluation on. The attacker, Keith Luke, is a neo-Nazi who went on a rape and murder spree of non-Whites and has a swastika carved in his forehead. There’s no word yet on what his DailyKos handle is.

Ronnie James Dio is fighting cancer. Keep him in your prayers.

Christopher Barron on the GOProud/CPAC Controversy

GOProud’s sponsorship for CPAC brought out some opposition form the Marxist “Right” like Matt Barber and Peter LaBarbera of Americans for the Truth about Homosexuality. I’ve put forward what I think of LaBarbera here but I will say Matt Barber is no different. He’s a supposed righty who recycles Soviet propaganda to rail against gays while rarely speaking out about Communism, Islamism or any of the other isms that actually threaten America. In other words, his Christianized communism is at best a dangerous distraction for Americans, but more likely part of a scheme to stealthily introduce Marxist philosophy into the evangelical movement.

These whiny comintern agents worked in tandem with the leftists they claimed to fight against to discredit GOProud by feeding the hateful online left anti-gay quotes for them to use to “prove” that GOProud was betraying gays by supporting the hateful right. It wouldn’t surprise me if Barber and LaBarbera were secretly coordinating their attacks with the left, trading notes with them at the local anti-globalization rally or IMing each other while perusing Infowars. But GOProud stood firm, as did CPAC to their credit, and GOProud Chairman of the Board Christopher Barron has an op-ed piece in Metro Weekly that explains how important it is for all gays to have groups like GOProud reaching out to conservatives:

According to a May 2009 Gallup poll, a plurality (49 percent) of those who personally know someone who is gay or lesbian support legalized same-sex marriage, while 72 percent of those who do not personally know someone who is gay oppose it.

Conservatives, who oppose same-sex marriage at a significantly higher rate than liberals, also are far less likely to know someone who is gay. According to the same poll, 71 percent of self-identified liberals know someone who is gay, while only 55 percent of conservatives do.

Indeed, Gallup concluded that the data showed ”that many views toward gay and lesbian issues are related — in some instances, strongly so — to personal experience with individuals who are gay or lesbian.”


In a case of truly strange bedfellows, the gay left has joined the most radical elements of the social conservative movement in attacking GOProud’s participation. You can understand the fear of extremists on the far right: They know the impact GOProud’s sponsorship will have on undercutting their anti-gay message. These people rely on manipulating fear of what is unknown or different. But why is the gay left so angry about it?

The answer is simple. They are far more interested in politics then they are in achieving equality of opportunity for gays and lesbians and their families.

For much of the gay left the world is divided into two easily definable camps: Democrats, who by definition are infallible and should be defended at all costs; and Republicans, who regardless of their positions on LGBT issues are the enemy.

The leadership on the gay left has repeatedly made excuses for inaction by the Obama administration and the Democratic House and Senate on the gay and lesbian issues they claim are critical to our community. While they make excuses for the failures of Democrats, they ignore — or in some cases actively oppose — policies promoted by Republicans that would improve the lives of gays and lesbians.

Indeed. As a Republican I have no desire to discriminate against gays, but I do have concerns about the lawyers waiting in the wings to slap lawsuits on religious groups that refuse to marry gays. I want gays to get married and I want to protect the ability of religious institutions to keep their theological integrity in the face of social or state pressure. In other words, in both cases I want to protect the individual from the tyranny of the majority, which is what Republicanism is all about.

The gay left and the Matt Barber wing of the right believe that the majority should be able to oppress any minority and enforce their views on America by convincing enough people to hit a voting booth lever. They believe in the pure democracy that Benjamin Franklin dismissed as despotism when he said “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”

Thus, I support GOProud and so should you.