Surprise! Lefty Hero Scott Ritter a Filthy Pervert

Scott Ritter is a Filthy Pervert

Former United Nations weapons inspector Scott Ritter is a hero to the left for his constant Bush bashing and anti-war activism. He was also a critic of Bill Clinton who he claimed was too soft on Iraq in the 90s. These positions may seem odd until you realize that they are pretty much in line with the positions of communist groups like Worker’s World Party who use all American actions, hard or soft, to attack our supposed imperialism. For all his speaking “truth to power” Ritter has become a hero to the left who fiercely defends his long history of sexual perversion.

But now Ritter has been caught again propositioning teens online:

A former chief United Nations weapons inspector is accused of contacting what he thought was a 15-year-old girl in an Internet chat room, engaging in a sexual conversation and showing himself masturbating on a Web camera.

Scott Ritter of Delmar, N.Y., who served as chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991-98 and who was an outspoken critic of the second Bush administration in the run-up to the war in Iraq, is accused of contacting what turned out to be a Barrett Township police officer posing undercover as a teen girl.

The details are in this online affidavit of probable cause. But here’s a summary:

Officer Ryan Venneman was posing as 15-year-old “Emily” in an online chat room when he was contacted by someone using the name “Delmarm4fun.” This person, later identified as Ritter, told “Emily” he was a 44-year-old male from Albany, N.Y.

“Emily” told Ritter she was a 15-year-old girl from the Poconos, at which point Ritter asked for a picture other than the one “Emily” had posted on her account. Ritter then sent her a link to his Web camera and began to masturbate on camera.

“Emily” asked Ritter for his cell phone number, which he provided.

Ritter again asked “Emily” how old she was. Told she was 15, Ritter said he didn’t realize she was 15 and turned off his webcam, saying he didn’t want to get in trouble.

Ritter told “Emily” he had been fantasizing about having sex with her, to which she replied: “Guess you turned it off …”

Ritter then said: “You want to see it finish,” reactivated his

webcam and continued masturbating and ejaculated on camera.

The online conversation occurred in February 2009, but the investigation lasted until November, when Ritter was charged, because police had to undergo the lengthy process of obtaining court orders to get Ritter’s cell phone and computer information.

And this is the man the left trusted as a source of information? Of course, Ritter’s  history of preying on children goes back almost ten years:

This is not the first time Ritter has been in such trouble.

According to reports, Ritter was charged in a June 2001 Internet sex sting in New York, but that case was dismissed.

He had been charged with attempted child endangerment after arranging in an online chatroom to meet what he thought was a 16-year-old girl at a Burger King restaurant. The girl turned out to be an undercover policewoman.

Ritter said the criminal charge was a smear campaign in response to his criticizing U.S. policy in the Middle East.

The New York Post reported Ritter had been caught in a similar case involving a 14-year-old girl in April 2001, but that he was not charged.

Ritter’s been known to pal around with the A.N.S.W.E.R./World Can’t Wait/Democracy Now! crowd which as I have pointed out before have a history of using the Internet to lure, I mean recruit, teens to join their public protests. Since the groups are lousy with perverts like Ritter this is a bad idea. It’s also interesting that Ritter joined up with these groups when they first began pushing to recruit teens.

This is the kind of Youth Liberation liberalism I’ve spoken about in action. Parents, liberal or not, need to be cautious about what kind of political groups they allow their kids to affiliate with.

h/t News Real Blog

Liberal Tolerance Link Round Up

“Liberals” these days. I’ve never come across a more hateful and spiteful group on the Internet. But I guess the fact that Obama didn’t cause “The Change” ala 1980s hippy wet dream Ariel has gotten some of these people angry enough that they can’t hold in their inner Gestapo officer. All those solar powered rainbows and vegan unicorns never arrived in their sad and wasted lives and they need to take out their frustration on someone:

My wife Jenn Q. Public ended up on a “hate tweet list” created by liberal pundit/reanimated corpse Alan Colmes. Colmes claims that the Mrs. Tweeting to her followers that Colmes was an “asshole” after he made a childish dig at Sarah Palin is proof of rabid right wing hate. I guess we should be rounded up for thinking ill of douche bags.

If Colmes was truly worried about hatred on Twitter he would have mentioned the now thankfully defunct Murder Glenn Beck twitter account. The tweeter in question claimed that if enough people “followed” him he would murder Beck and made it clear this was not a joke. Many a lefty joined I’m told. Luckily there are screen shots:

Murder Glenn Beck Twitter Account

Now that’s tolerance!

But it’s small beans compared to Obamunist “anti-war” group Code Pink who is running a banner ad on the English language version web page of the militant Islamist group The Muslim Brotherhood. The ad invites Wahhabist Muslims to join with them to “cleanse our country” of people on the right. Code Pink founder Jodie Evans is also promoting a campaign to kidnap George W. Bush and his wife.

Which also barely compares to the Florida chapter of A.N.S.W.E.R. which is organizing violence against Tea Party protesters by recruiting union thugs and militant Islamist groups. This is the same A.N.S.W.E.R. chapter that was filmed in a vicious gang assault against a 62-year-old man a few months ago.

But lest you think the Communists masquerading as Progressives pretending to be “liberals” have dropped their petty bigotry and abandoned the childish cattiness they’ve displayed for years in favor of “Direct Action,” take heart! I still get emails sent to me by people who can’t stand the thought that they might be responded to in a comment. Like “Jason” here who took exception to a post I wrote about how I thought Tila Tequila shouldn’t be called a whore:

Only a scumbag republican like yourself would write that Tila Tequila blog.

My post, it should be pointed out, was based solely around my disgust with the fact that while Tila Tequila was doing a charity event for breast cancer for the Keep a Breast foundation, which involved having plaster casts of her breasts made, she was attacked by professional misogynist Perez Hilton. I said it was wrong to call a woman stripping down for a good cause a whore and I put forward that nude modeling is hardly whoreish. But I guess only a “scumbag republican” thinks it’s unmanly to berate women for for being successful and attractive.

Look at all that tolerance! I would suggest to the few remaining classical liberals or even old fashioned Democrats on the left that it will soon be your turn to feel the tolerance that the left speaks of so much.

Victimless Crime File: Baby Boomer Dies in Gay S&M Pot and Gun Orgy

Ugh. The thought of leathery skinned radicals who never matured emotionally and have not aged well at all getting high and blowing each other between rounds of Russian Roulette made me throw up a little. By the gods! These people are in their 50s and 60s. When the hell do you grow up, settle down and start having sex that doesn’t involve the risk of injury or death?

From Crimesider:

PORTLAND, Maine (CBS/AP) Bruce LaVallee-Davidson, an outspoken gay rights activist who publicly fought for gay marriage, has been convicted of manslaughter in a bizarre sex game accident that included drugs and guns.

Both the prosecution and the defense had agreed that LaVallee-Davidson, a 50-year-old Skowhegan, Maine farmer and avid gun collector, didn’t intend to kill his friend, Fred Wilson, during a drug-fueled, three-way sex party that lasted 12 hours. But prosecutors contended that LaVallee-Davidson should have checked that the gun they were using to heighten their sexual role playing wasn’t loaded before handling it.


Police say that the shooting occurred while a third man, James Pombriant, was engaged in a sex act with Wilson in the dungeon-like basement of Wilson’s Colonial home in a middle-class neighborhood two blocks from the ocean.

Pombriant testified that the shot rang out and there was a moment of silence before Lavallee-Davidson said, “I think I killed him.”

One of his lawyers, Mike Whipple, said his client checked three times over the course of the night to make sure the .44-caliber Rossi revolver wasn’t loaded. Whipple contends it’s likely Wilson loaded the gun while Lavallee-Davidson briefly stepped away to use the bathroom.

When Lavallee-Davidson returned, Wilson asked him to put the gun to his head and pull the trigger to intensify his pleasure, the defense had argued. On the first try, there was a click when Lavallee-Davidson pulled the trigger. Wilson asked him to do it again, and there was a flash, the defense said.

Oh man. Once you read that you will never look at three old dudes sitting around together the same again. Though some will be quick to blame the homosexuality of the victim and his friends, the obvious culprit here is a drug culture merged with sado-masochism. It is clear that Wilson wanted to die and chose to do it this way. I would put forward that sans drug use he would have been less likely to make such a bizarre decision and certainly wouldn’t have set up a situation that would send his friend to jail.

What kind of drug use are we talking about here? Typical boomer Peter Pan syndrome stuff:

The fatal shooting happened after Wilson, Lavallee-Davidson and a third man had been smoking pot, consuming the party drug GBL, huffing aerosol inhalants and having sex over a 12-hour period in the basement of Wilson’s Colonial home in a middle-class neighborhood two blocks from the ocean.

The third participant, James Pombriant, 65, of Auburn, testified he first thought the others were playing a sick joke on him when he saw the flash of a handgun after hours of partying.

Grow up boomers. I can’t think of a less dignified way to go than this and the victim’s supposed friend is now on his way to jail. But of course if we had legalized drugs this story would have had a (dare I say) happy ending, right legalizers?

Queerty has more.

“Earth Friend Jen” Jennifer Moss Shows Plain Women Everywhere How to Get Attention

Jen Moss some Hippy Whore

So I was watching the O’Reilly Factor when Kimberly Guilfoyle and Lis Wiehl (author of Face of Betrayal) discussed Jennifer Moss in the “Is it Legal” segment. Jen (or sometimes Gennifer) Moss is a plain, nondescript hippy promoting some nebulous cause no one seems sure about who has discovered how to make news. She runs around nude or semi-nude.

Jen Moss Needs Attention Bad

She’s apparently been doing this for some time. Threats of arrests in several different states have done nothing to to deter her exhibitionism which is to draw attention to either hemp thongs or the healing power of water according to her. I assume it’s actually to draw attention away from her average looks and dull personality. But a semi-nude 5 or 6 is still a traffic getter so enjoy:

I was going to make a point about our culture producing narcissists who can’t deal with not being constantly stroked and paid attention to, but frankly this is just hippy slutdom, amusing in its inability to be considered sexually arousing by anyone but the most desperate. It’s not so much titillating as sad, an unintended performance art piece designed to be a metaphor for the callowness and self-indulgence of a civilization in decline. Call me jaded but I just don’t find this chick at all alluring or interesting. But I’m sure someone will be willing to tell me I’m wrong in the comments just as Fox and dozens of newspapers have seen fit to give her the attention she wants and doesn’t deserve. But listen to her tripe first then tell me how “hot” she is:

Should I have put this in Victimless Crime Files?

P.A.C.A. is Pissing Off the Right People

As I’ve said before I’m involved with Pagans Against Child Abuse which has done some great work on a number of campaigns to help keep children safe. The intrepid leader of P.A.C.A. just recently received an angry email from someone who clearly had his nefarious online perversions curtailed by her good work:

u r responsible for allowing children to be molested and killed, how do u sleep at night worthless whore? u should have everything that happened to children happen to u instead, i hope u burn in hell forever for your crimes
against children u degenerate animal

The email was sent through one of those “untraceable” email services which I won’t promote here and in an example of laughter inducing melodrama had the subject line “the blood of children is on your head u degenerate animal” which is also quite creepy when you think about it.

DodiaFae points out that this is typical behavior from web perverts:

It’s safe to assume that this email was sent by an RSOLer (Reform Sex Offender Laws activist… they’re trying to abolish the SOR – sex offender registry) or a pro-pedophile activist (they’re trying to abolish age of consent laws, the SOR, and get the government to force parents and schools to groom children for them with their version of “sex education”). Transferring blame for what they do is a very common tactic used by such individuals so that they don’t have to take responsibility for it. They will often blame the victim, the victim’s parents, or anyone else who seems to be a convenient target. Even many of those claiming to be “reformed” and “no longer a threat” will blame others in the same breath.

Normally, an RSOLer or pro-pedophile activist will go through an anonymizer site to post harassing messages to anti sites (sites created for the specific purpose of spreading awareness of, and/or fighting pedophilia). This person went a step further and used an anonymous email service to send a disparaging email with a thinly veiled threat. It’s a person that managed to get my gmail address, but didn’t have the nerve to sign their name (online or otherwise) to the email or use their own email address.

Of course while he’s doing that he’s not molesting children so I count this as a victory. Aside from raising awareness the “anti” sites make the perverts more fearful of grooming children online and distract them from such activities by drawing them into a conflict with adults rather than a “relationship” with children. This is no small feat.

As for the implied threat … I am not surprised to see that someone given to raping children spends time making anonymous threats to women. Civil commitment of sex offenders looks better with each passing day.