F.B.I. Arrests S&W Executive in SHOT Show Bribery Set Up!

I say this is a set up because Amaro Goncalves of Smith and Wesson and 20 other people were the target of a sting that almost any multinational corporation would have fallen into when doing business overseas. The question I have is why legal arms manufacturers are being targeted by the F.B.I. while Militant Islam is increasing it’s activity here and abroad?

From Reuters:

WASHINGTON, Jan 19 (Reuters) – An executive of Smith & Wesson (SWHC.O) and 21 others have been charged with violating U.S. bribery laws after an undercover sting in which federal agents posed as arms-buying representatives of an African defense minister.

The defendants, including a senior Smith & Wesson sales official Amaro Goncalves, were accused of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA, and conspiracy to commit money laundering tied to the sale of guns, body armor and other law enforcement equipment.

The FCPA prohibits the payment of bribes to foreign officials in order to secure business contracts.


Among those charged was the chief executive of Protective Products of America Inc (PPA.TO), R. Patrick Caldwell, who previously worked for the U.S. Secret Service for 27 years and was in charge of the division for the vice president’s protection. A spokesman for the service declined to say when Caldwell left the agency.

An attempt to reach Protective Products was not successful. Protective Products filed for bankruptcy protection last week and sought approval to be acquired by an affiliate of the private investment firm Sun Capital Partners Inc.


As part of the FBI sting operation, an unidentified business associate who was a former executive for an arms manufacturer arranged a meeting between the arms sales representatives and undercover FBI agents who posed as representatives of an African country’s minister of defense.

The agents told the sales representatives that in order to win a contract, they had to add a 20 percent “commission” to price quotes, half of which would go to the purported minister of defense and the rest would be split between the others.

In the case of the Smith & Wesson executive, Goncalves gave price quotes for two sales, a small one of 25 guns and a larger one with 1,800 pistols. He gave two price quotes for the transactions, including one that had its price inflated by 20 percent, the Justice Department said.

The two-and-a-half-year-long investigation involved 250 FBI agents, according to Mark Mendelsohn, deputy chief of the Justice Department’s fraud division. In connection with the indictments, 150 agents executed 14 search warrants across the country and British police executed another seven, Justice Department officials said.

Three of the defendants worked for unnamed British companies; another worked for an unnamed Israeli company, according to the indictments. The defendants sought to obtain contracts for the sale of products ranging from grenade and tear gas launchers to pistols, ammunition and explosive detection kits.

Breuer said the investigation was the largest action ever undertaken by the Justice Department against individuals in an FCPA case. He also said it marked the department’s first large-scale use of undercover techniques in an FCPA investigation.

That’s a lot of resources to trip up an American gun maker, some military equipment manufacturers from England and a Israeli arms company. Odd that no communist nations seem to be involved. Even more odd is that these companies will be supplying the enemies of Communists and Islamists in a less robust fashion now that they’ve been hauled into court when Isamofascism is gaining ground in several countries. Just an observation.

The American government gives billions in “aid” to oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia, aid they don’t need but is in fact a Jizya meant to make it easier for American interest in that part of the world. When dealing with third world nations corruption is part of the price of doing business. Everyone knows that but the government wasted the time of at least 250 F.B.I. agents while Muslim terrorists were sneaking underwear filled with explosives onto airplanes.

Are these the priorities we want the feds to have?

h/t The Firearm Blog

There’s A Lot Going On Link Round Up

I was doing a quick post about Martha Coakley and her involvement with an infamous S.R.A. case when I decided it’s make a good longer project so I need more research. So chew on some links while I hit my library:

My wife Jenn Q. Public is now a News Real blogger. She’s kind of a big deal on the Internet.

Right Wing News has a Great interview with Chris Barron of GOProud. GOProud also has an awesome response to the gay left’s smears against Scott Brown.

Speaking of Scott Brown Velvet Hammer has some video of Massachusetts Democrat goons assaulting some Libertarian with a Martha Coakley sign. They’re running a hell of a campaign up there. But are they hiding something?

January 18th, 2010, Springfield, MA—A cameraman working on a ballot integrity initiative with Americans for Limited Government Foundation was wrapped up in a large Martha Coakley campaign sign by her supporters as he tried to video the campaign rally.

According to Erich Heyssel, who was attempting to film a Coakley campaign event, “While filming at a Martha Coakley event I was approached by two men holding a 4×8 sign. They proceeded to hold the sign up in my line of sight, I tried to move, and was continuously blocked by these men and their sign.”

Heyssel continued, “The situation escalated as they forcibly held me in place by wrapping the sign around me.”

I wonder what they didn’t want him to film?

I have been working on my crazed survivalist blog. Check out the new posts at American Survival Blog. Speaking of which I say The History Channel’s Apocalypse Man is a plot to murder you.

While plugging things I’ve written in local crime news a man was found dead in a hospital parking lot. It was ruled a suicide, you know, because people who kill themselves like to do so in hospital parking lots.

Michael Patrick McManus Chan is some sort of Democrat activist/fake Buddhist/fake soldier who was photographed at a victory party for the new Houston Mayor Annise Parker impersonating what would have been the greatest general since Alexander the Great. Milbloggers are issuing an almighty beat down on this fraud. Spread the word.

Pam Geller exposes the Society of Professional Journalists Dhimmi guidelines for reporting on Islam.

Uncoverage asks “Where’s Islam” in the Haiti relief efforts? It’s a good question.

An 11-Year-Old boy had to call the cops on his mother’s pot dealing live in boyfriend. He tried to tell his gutterslut mother he didn’t feel safe with drug users simply showing up at his door looking to score but she claimed it was no big deal. Do what you have to do, kid.

Robert Spencer proves Pat Buchanan doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

A “Druid” molested a girl from the time she was 11 until she was 19. She convinced the girl, and I assume her parents, that this was all part of neo-paganism. When will Pagans learn to not trust degenerates? Maybe when they learn that 50-year-old carnival workers aren’t really “Druids.” Where the hell was the victim’s parents?

Monstrous pedophile Dr. Earl Bradley turned his pediatricians office into what has been described as a “child rape center” by crime bloggers:

Police were first alerted earlier this month when a 2-year-old girl told her mom that the doctor had hurt her during a visit. A subsequent investigation found scores of videotapes Bradley kept to chronicle his assaults. And Bradley, it seems, was a particularly vicious creep.

In one video he’s shown raping a 2-year-old with a “violently enraged expression on his face,” according to police records. A detective described it as “one of the most violent and brutal attacks on a child of any age.” In another, he’s seen raping a kid who twice tried to run from him.

Now Lost in Lima, Ohio points out that Bradley was so obviously a pedophile that people who knew him joked about it … but did nothing to stop him.

Great Satan’s Girlfriend pointed out this story. Christians at Trijicon have inscribed military weapon sites with biblical charms. Will they bless any in .327 Federal for me? I want to give home invaders some of the Old Testaments God’s wrath. ABC has the vapors but I think it’s kind of cool to see Christians embracing a little good old fashioned Hoodoo. The real question here is whether the inscribed sites work better than non-inscribed.

Hipster Douchebag/Emo-Twink James Herzog got caught trying to have sex with a 13-year-old girl he met on MySpace. His picture tells the story. Have fun in prison.

Meet the new toy I’m drooling over.

Belchspeak found the world’s skankiest, most disgusting mother. You have to read it to believe it.

The Pagan Temple has a great analysis of the Pat Robertson “Devil pact” statement that gives some great information about the actual events and how they could be perceived by fundamentalist Christians as devil worship.

Victimless Crime File: Mother Leaves Infant Twins with Unemployed Stoner Boyfriend with Predictable Results

You have 4-month-old twins and a boyfriend who is not the biological father living with you. That probably means you’ve only been dating a year or so which is not enough time to pull him into temporary daddy duty. When said boyfriend is an unemployed pot smoker with nothing to do while you’re at work I’m just going to go ahead and assume that he’s not babysitting material. Unfortunately Samuel Harris Jr. is proof of my point:

(WHAS11)–A Bullitt County man appeared in court Wednesday morning on charges of assaulting his girlfriend’s twin boys. 18-year-old Samuel Harris, Jr. is accused of abusing 4-month-old twin boys Aiden and Braden on Monday night at a home in North Bullitt County.Both boys were taken to Kosair Children’s Hospital where, according to family members WHAS11 spoke with, Aiden is considered technically brain dead. Braden is suffering from serious injuries, but is expected to be ok. Detectives are now revealing more about what happened the day of the abuse. Police say drug paraphernalia was found in the house, and the suspect told authorities exactly what happened on Monday when 4-month-old Aiden was harmed.One detective said, “His demeanor and that when we started the interview and his admission…it was pretty obvious in the beginning that he was the one we were looking at.” Officers said that Harris told them he’d been using drugs all day before the assault.

Who could have predicted that a person who used drugs all day might hurt a baby? It’s not like getting high changes your perceptions or behavior right?

Parents Behaving Badly has the whole story.

Canada Loves Child Sex Predators

Canada Sucks:

Daryl Koluk was a 40-year-old registered sex offender when he posted a classified Internet ad last summer looking for someone in need of extra cash to clean his east Hamilton apartment.

The Kijiji ad attracted a 12-year-old boy, who brought two friends along to help get the job done. Koluk arranged to pick up the children at a Tim Hortons outlet and drive them back to his place on Grandville Avenue.

After they finished cleaning on that first occasion, he asked if any of the boys would like to earn additional money by lying down on his bed. One agreed and Koluk proceeded to perform oral sex on him, while the other boys watched from behind a partly closed door. The young volunteer received an additional $40.

The children — sometimes joined by a fourth boy and a sister of one of them — went to Koluk’s apartment five times during July 2009. They were never asked again to clean but earned about $200 in all by participating in sexual acts and bondage games with Koluk.

Koluk pleaded guilty on Wednesday to four counts of touching a child under 16 for a sexual purpose and one of possessing child pornography. Ontario Court Justice Timothy Culver sentenced him to four years in prison on top of 51/2 months of pretrial custody.

One of the boys was in court to watch Koluk plead guilty, but became upset and fled with his mother as the allegations were being read to the accused man.

Hamilton police found 174 digital movie files and 97 still images on Koluk’s computer. Among them was a photograph of one of the victims.

The 11-year-old boy was shown in bondage gear, with a ball stuffed in his mouth, a steel collar around his neck and his body tied up with rope.

Where the hell were these kids parents? Oh and by the way, this was not Koluk’s first rodeo:

Assistant Crown attorney Jill McKenzie said although Koluk did not molest the girl, she was present when the boys, aged 9, 11, 12 and 14, were being sexually assaulted.

She said Koluk was a convicted sex offender at the time, having been sentenced in 2001 to six months in jail and probation for sexually abusing other children.

How else would you explain this glad handling of child rapists?

h/t Trench