Breaking News! Haitians Practice Voodoo!

Actually this Fox News piece was fair and informative, giving what is no doubt a predominantly Christian audience a look at actual Voodoo practices without theological comment. Some lefty trolls are already claiming this is evidence of some sort of racism but frankly this report on Voodoo is boilerplate and unlike Generation Hex author Jason Louv or lefty hero Martin Sheen’s hate fest The Believers (which was 90+ minutes of racist slander) doesn’t paint Voodoo as evil. But there aren’t many complaints about that interestingly:

The L.A. Times has a interesting piece on the tension between Protestantism and Voodoo in Haiti.

Hug-a-Thug Justice in New Mexico: Judge Daniel Viramontes Allows Convicted Child Molester to Live With His 4-Year-Old Cousin

With predictable results of course. The worst part about this story is the history the judge has with filthy  pervert Jeffery Biddle. Read this and weep for the children of New Mexico:

A judge allowed a 28-year-old man on probation for failing to register as a sex offender to live with his 4-year-old cousin, and now the man is accused of raping the girl before the judge gave the OK for him to live there.

Jeffery Biddle, 28, is charged with four counts of rape. Capt. Arturo Baeza of the Luna County Sheriff’s Department said Biddle admitted to raping the girl on four different occasions between 2008 and 2009.

Investigators said he told them he was sorry and wants to apologize to the girl when she gets older.

In 2004, Biddle was sentenced to a year and a half in prison for molesting a 3-year-old boy. He was supposed to register as a sex offender when he was released, but never did. The prosecutor in that case was Daniel Viramontes.

In October, Viramontes, now a judge at Luna County District Court, sentenced Biddle for probation for failing to register, then gave him permission to live at his uncle’s house where the girl lives.

The judge claims family members promised to keep Biddle away from children in the house, but clearly they either turned a blind eye to his depravity or facilitated it. That doesn’t matter since only a moron would believe that the people who helped raise a child-raping degenerate could protect children from him. Biddle has lucked out running into Daniel Viramontes for his cases. He was basically given permission to keep raping children in New Mexico.

The New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission has a complaint form you can fill out. I suggest readers make them aware of the nationwide disgust the outrageous actions of Judge Daniel Viramontes has generated.

Breitbart has video.

Victimless Crime File: Andy Dick Arrested for Sexual Assault … of A Bouncer

Teen Groping Pot Smoker Andy Dick

I get a lot of comments by drug users who claim that when some person gets high and ends up doing something stupid it’s wrong to blame the drugs and getting high plays no role in people making bad decisions. I assume it’s some 20-something who, in the naivety of youth, believes himself to be the first person to have made such an argument and assumes people who argue against drug use have no experience with drug use or drug users.

I’m sure said young stoner will claim that Andy Dick’s second appearance in my Victimless Crime File category is again due to Andy Dick being somehow just the worst person in the world and not an out of control addict. I however have a hard time picturing Dick, or anyone,  doing this stone cold sober:

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – Actor and comedian Andy Dick has been charged with two felony counts of sexual abuse in West Virginia.

Dick was arraigned Saturday afternoon in Cabell County Magistrate Court. Court documents say he’s accused of grabbing a bouncer’s crotch and groping and kissing a male patron earlier in the morning at a bar in Huntington. Magistrate Patty Verbage Spence set bail at $60,000.

This happened at The Funny Bone comedy club in West Virginia and it should be noted that the manager of the club still wants Dick on the schedule. Sounds to me like he thinks it won’t happen again, maybe because Dick is promising to not get as wasted?

But whatever. Who here thinks a 110 lb “man” is so dedicated to comedy that he risks an ass kicking by a roided up bouncer at a club no one has heard of in West Virgina? Who thinks this was a good idea? It certainly wasn’t funny. I submit that there is one kind of person who thinks antagonizing a bouncer is great sport. Those are people who are high. And before you start I know this from watching many a bouncer throw a high/drunk person out of a club.

h/t BelchSpeak

The Carnival of Crazy Link Round Up

Maybe Scott Brown’s election was the trigger but have you noticed that the crazy has come to town on the Internet and they’ve brought all the rides with them? Check out these stories:

Ralph Nader wants a constitutional amendment to limit free speech. How’s that vote for Nader taste now lefty “freedom lovers?”

Ron Paul says the C.I.A. has secretly taken over America. And we need to “take them out.” This explains why he was immediately assassinated by a Illuminati agent. Oh wait…

Arlen Specter got into a spat with Michelle Bachman on a radio program when he told her to “act like a lady.” Via

Huffington Post is still trying to convince the world Scott Brown’s family are whores. Did you know his wife was in a music video and was really hot in the 80s? Scandalous!

Lauren Bans at Double X says women aggressively pursuing their dreams aren’t real feminists. If they’re name is Ayla Brown that is.

Bitter ex-Republican turned libertarian and registered sex offender Robert Van Der Wall took time out from his email campaign against Red Alerts, PACA and Absolute Zero United to write letter to the editor to wherein he claims that 13-year-olds can and should be able to consent to sex with adults. Van Der Wall was arrested in a sting where he contacted cops over the Internet posing as three different 13-year-old boys late 2002 when he was 35. You’ve got no shame Van Der Wall.

Meghan McCain says we’re all hypocrites because Americans call women with natural big breasts sluts while women with breast implants are never treated that way. Tell that to Tila Tequila. Note to McCain, if you don’t want to be called a slut don’t post this on your Twitpic account:

Meghan McCain Drunken "slut" Pic

People are crazy.

Note to Glenn Beck: Men Don’t Read Cosmo or Want Their Adult Daughters Unmarried

Because Glenn Beck is a strident anti-Communist I watch his program and tolerate his pretentious “Republicans are just like Democrats” nonsense which is frankly designed to make him king of some illusionary third party that believes in Liberty, Free Markets and a total ban on implied male nudity. I actually like the Beck show and think he’s done great work exposing the Marxism that infests the Democrats (though his analysis that leftists aren’t really Progressives is laughable) but like Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs Beck’s good works are overshadowed by his sanctimony and unseemly cattiness.

Via Gateway Pundit here’s Beck from yesterday bashing Scott Brown:

First let me deal with the nudity issue. I’m going to go out on a limb here because as a straight man I haven’t bothered to check out Scott Brown’s “sexiest bachelor” pictorial, but I guarantee you Scott Brown was not “nude” in Cosmopolitan. Maybe there was what we call an “implied” nude shot but I will eat my lucky hat if Scott Brown’s junk was dangling in the wind for all to see. But even if he did so what?

Sorry kids, but men who have it, they flaunt it. I tired of doughy, testosteroneless, male haus-fraus telling everyone else how to dress and act. I’ve got good genes so in college when I hit the weight bench  I became quite hulking which I showed off by buying mostly sleeveless shirt for two years since my arms then were bigger than most men’s legs now. Being a longtime hiker I have huge legs, my calves are so big I have trouble finding boots that will fit me. I’m proud of being a big guy (except for the middle which is expanding these days at an alarming rate) and though all this rugged eye candy is reserved for the wife (sorry ladies) I would strip down in a hot minute for a couple of grand. Am I not to the right of Pinochet anymore because of that? Silly me, I thought freedom meant being free to make your own decisions.

I thought Beck was a “free market, free people” kind of guy but he seems to be saying that men shouldn’t be free to look like they might be naked in a magazine made for middle aged women who get so few thrills in life that an old Scott Brown pictorial is all that stands between them and a lethal dose of cooking sherry. Brown was proud of his body, which is good, so he went out and showed it off. Also good. Even better is that he made some money doing it. I like Brown more knowing he’s got hustle and he’s not afraid to live his life as he, not finger wagging god-botherers, sees fit.

I’d also point out that since Sarah Palin posed in a swimsuit for a pageant 20 or so years ago Beck is being a little hypocritical here, since he orgasms whenever he interviews her.

Then we come to the daughter comments. Oh the horror of a father wanting his adult daughters to meet nice guys, get married, and get the hell out of his house. The deranged Beck, channeling his inner Charles Johnson, even went so far as to smear Brown with a “dead intern” joke. Brown’s daughters didn’t seem to mind his joking plea for suitors, however. Ayla Brown came out in support of her father. But Beck is hellbent on making something sordid out of a joke between a loving father and his daughters. Why? Just to smear another Republican?

In an odd coincidence, while Beck was implying Scott Brown had a strange sexual relationship with his daughters American Pravda Huffington Post ran this picture:

Scott Brown Daughters in Bikinis

Why did they take this photo from Ayla’s MySpace, of the family at a Hawaii themed birthday party, and post it? To imply Scott brown was a bad father of course. The left is remarkably prudish when it comes to conservatives. If I were more given to Beckism I’d point out that this seems to be a coordinated attack on Brown from different fronts designed to “neutralize” a threat. Then I’d look weepy for a second while I said to known kook (but excellent author) Andrew Napolitano “circles within circles, man.”

But there’s really no conspiracy here, just a petty little man who doesn’t like Republicans. His attacks on Brown are beyond tasteless. So awful are they in fact that you can find similar attacks coming from the same leftists Beck claims are a danger to the Republic. That makes you think doesn’t it?

Men don’t read Cosmo, Glenn, and they damn sure don’t want their adult daughters single forever while living at home. They do want to think about what they say. Beck has made a living attacking leftists, until now when he’s in essence siding with them against Scott Brown. But I guess Republicans are the real enemy, right Glenn?