Newsday Only Has 35 Online Subscribers!

How’s that pay for content model working out James Dolan?

In late October, Newsday, the Long Island daily that the Dolans bought for $650 million, put its web site,, behind a pay wall. The paper was one of the first non-business newspapers to take the plunge by putting up a pay wall, so in media circles it has been followed with interest. Could its fate be a sign of what others, including The New York Times, might expect?

So, three months later, how many people have signed up to pay $5 a week, or $260 a year, to get unfettered access to

The answer: 35 people.

The article goes on to point out that newspaper subscribers and people with Optimum cable get a free account so it’s not as if only 35 people visit the website. It’s just that only 35 people are willing to pay to do so. That’s less people that subscribe by email to Red Alerts. The quote that makes the piece:

“We’re the freebie newsletter that comes with your HBO,” sniffed one Newsday reporter.

Don’t flatter yourself.

Could it be that websites are best utilized as ways to advertise goods and products and not as products in their own right? Nah. That’s too simple an explanation.

h/t Drudge

South Korea Returns Fire on North Korean Artillery Position

This actually happens more than you would think but it’s always nerve racking. From Alertnet :

SEOUL, Jan 27 (Reuters) – South Korea has returned fire after North Korea shot several artillery rounds into waters near a disputed sea border with the South on Wednesday, Yonhap news agency reported an unnamed military source as saying.

North Korea on Tuesday declared a no-sail zone in the waters off its west coast, according to media reports in the South.

Via N.T.A. who is keeping track of this story.

Pro-Palestine Activists Hack Books Are Wings Charity Website

Book are Wings is a non-profit, volunteer run organization established in 2001 to promote literacy by donating books to libraries and poor families. They are not a political organization and have no ties to “Zionism” or any other perceived enemy of Islam. Yet for the last few days the have been shut down by pro-Palestine “hackers” who have hijacked their page for no other reason than the maliciousness of militant Islam.

Books are Wings Website hacked by Scumbag

The hacker involved is CWKomando. I suspect this is a practice run to see if they can exploit security on websites with similar architecture, but the fact that they picked a charity that gives books to poor children illustrates the misanthropy and nihilism of Islamism. Being a volunteer run group Books with Wings has no tech support staff capable of handling the situation quickly so if anyone wants to offer them help let me know.

And nice work showing people what Islam thinks of non-Muslims doing good deeds Palestine activists. Way to get people on your side.

Vermont Gives Canadian Degenerate Sebastien D. Boucher Three Years for Child Porn, Fretted Over his “Constitutional Rights”

That kind of tough sentencing will definitely keep him from downloading more child rape videos and bringing them into America. Thanks for dispensing justice Vermont:

BURLINGTON, Vt. – A child pornography suspect who initially refused to give up his computer password so police could search his laptop was sentenced Friday to three years in prison and deported.

Sebastien D. Boucher, 33, was also ordered to submit to five years of supervised release for his conviction on one count of possession of child pornography transported in interstate or foreign commerce.

Entering the United States from Canada in 2006, Boucher — a Canadian citizen with U.S. residency — was stopped Dec. 17, 2006, at the Derby Line, Vt., checkpoint and asked to show his laptop to an agent.

He waived his Miranda rights and told agents he downloads pornography from news groups and that he sometimes unknowingly acquires images that contain child pornography. But he said he deletes the images when he realizes it.

The border agent saw files “Two year old being raped during diaper change” and “pre teen bondage,” and the computer was seized. But when an when an investigator later tried to access a particular drive, he couldn’t because of password-protected encryption software.

But here’s where it gets even more maddening:

A grand jury subpoenaed Boucher to reveal the password, but a magistrate later said he didn’t have to, since it would have the effect of giving prosecutors the key to get evidence against him.

On Sept. 25, Boucher pleaded guilty and agreed to surrender the password, on condition that what investigators found couldn’t be used against him at sentencing.

According to U.S. Attorney Tristram Coffin, Boucher had a constitutional right not to surrender the password.

Prosecutors already had enough evidence to convict Boucher, but they wanted to examine the contents of the computer’s “Z drive” to see if other crimes had been committed, according to Coffin.

Under the plea, if the government found evidence that he’d produced child pornography, that evidence could be used against him.

So Canadians have the same Constitutional rights as Americans? Then why aren’t we allowing them to buy firearms here as guaranteed by the Second Amendment? It’s interesting how lefties always think foreign nationals have “Constitutional rights” when it would mean protecting a pervert or Al-Qaeda operative but not Canadians or Mexicans who want to protect their family or go hunting. Weird.

But there was a happy ending here. Boucher rolled on some other people and finally gave up the password. Guess what was on his laptop:

When Boucher finally gave up the password Oct. 19, investigators found 2,000 still images and 118 video files depicting prepubescent children being sexually assaulted by adults, according to Michael Touchette, a computer forensics analyst for the Vermont Department of Corrections who testified Friday at the sentencing.

Unfortunately they couldn’t find evidence of who produced the porn or if even that particular computer was involved. So Boucher gets out on good behavior within a year and returns to Canada to partake in more child pornography. But we can rest easy knowing the Constitutional rights afforded Americans extend to Canadians as long as they aren’t buying a gun.

h/t Trench

Lancet: Jews Cause Muslims to Abuse Women

Palestinian Child Brides

Of course the new Lancet study phrases it a different way but in essence the organization that once released an Iraqi causality count that was almost triple the actual number of deaths has yet again used their supposed scientific findings to advance pro-Jihadist anti-Western agi-prop that only the most dedicated anti-Semite could pretend to believe. Like maybe the men posing as women who write Jezebel who had their own little anti-Jew screed going recently.

But perhaps Phyllis Chesler explains the new Lancet study best:

First, let’s follow the money. This study was funded by the Palestinian National Authority as well as by the Core Funding Group at the University of Minnesota. The Palestinian Authority is not a disinterested party. But even worse: The data was collected by the Palestinian Central Bureau. These are the people who told the world that Israeli soldiers shot young Mohammed al-Dura, committed a massacre in Jenin, and purposely attacked Palestinian civilians (who just happened to be jihadists dressed in civilian clothing or hostage-civilians behind whom the jihadists hid).

Second, let’s note that the study has a political goal which trumps any objective academic or feminist goal. (These researchers claim to have a “feminist” perspective). In my view, this study wishes to present Palestinian men as victims, even when those men are battering their wives. And, it wishes to present Palestinian cultural barbarism, which includes severe child abuse, as also related to the alleged Israeli occupation.

Third, therefore, the study has purposely omitted the violence, including femicide, which is routinely perpetrated against daughters and sisters in “occupied Palestine” and has, instead, chosen to focus only on husband-wife violence and only on couples who are currently married. The honor murders of daughters and sisters by their parents and brothers is a well known phenomenon in Gaza and on the West Bank.


Fourth, if one is completely serious about violence against women, the researchers would have factored in the role of Hamas, which has “occupied” Gaza both militarily and religiously. Since they have done so, more and more (previously modern) women have been forced to veil; more child marriages as well as arranged marriages are now taking place.

And of course the study doesn’t explain why the Grand Mufti of Palestine was Hitler’s very best friend (even having himself declared Aryan) and supported the pro-Nazi revolution in non-Jewish Syria. Nor does it explain why there is a Muslim perpetrated genocide in Sudan which targets women for slavery and rape, why the Saudis have sentenced a rape victim to prison and 100 lashes, the propensity of Muslims for rape of non-Muslims in Europe or why the man who invented Bridges TV chopped his wife’s head off in Buffalo New York.

By the way she was one of four wives he had and he’s claiming he was “emotionally abused” by the victim which justifies him killing her. Sounds like he was raised to really respect women.

But I suppose given time Lancet researchers, funded by C.A.I.R. no doubt, could find a way to assign the ultimate responsibility for those atrocities to Jews as well. After all, Lancet is the best peer-reviewed journal money can buy.