Victimless Crime File: Legalization Advocate Rob Kampia is an Immature Degenerate

And his long time friends covered for his serial sexual harassment of women young enough to be his daughter. The 41-year-old Kampia started the Marijuana Policy Project in his parents’ basement when he was 26. Now a decade and a half later he’s stepping down after it was discovered that he, along with any man over 20 who smokes pot, is a childish douchebag who uses drugs to get women. Surprise! Middle-age stoners are immature degenerates who can’t function without a team of people who work to clean up the messes they make:

The co-founder of the influential Marijuana Policy Project announced Tuesday that he is stepping down in the wake of a sexual misconduct scandal.

Executive Director Rob Kampia said he is taking a three-month medical leave, starting Tuesday evening, to get therapy for his attitudes toward women. “I just think I’m hypersexualized,” he told us.

In August, Kampia slept with a female subordinate after an employee happy hour at a Capitol Hill pub. News of the hookup sparked seven staff resignations, including the woman’s. “It is true I had consensual sex with a female employee and I exhibited poor judgment in doing so,” said Kampia.

Board Chairman Peter Lewis said Kampia was “encouraged” to take the leave and his return is subject to “convincing the board he has dealt with his issues.” Lewis is bringing an outside management team to MPP’s Washington office Wednesday to “see where we are.”

Kampia, 41, co-founded MPP 15 years ago and has become one of the leading voices for marijuana legalization. His career in advocacy was launched by a three-month prison stint during college for growing his own weed and, helped by donations from insurance billionaire Lewis, MPP has begun to eclipse longer-established groups in the field, such as NORML. MPP celebrated its anniversary with a glittering gala last week featuring Cheech and Chong.

The Aug. 6 incident, first reported by High Times and the Washington Examiner, so deeply demoralized the organization that four employees resigned immediately and three others left soon thereafter.

“The judgment and poor character that Rob showed couldn’t be reconciled,” said a former communications staffer (who’s still looking for a job and asked not to be associated with MPP).

Now I’ve been married for many years so correct me if I’m wrong, but consensual sex doesn’t usually cause several people, your sex partner included, to not want to see your face again. I suspect this was “consensual” as in he got some 19- or 20-year-old “drunk” (with a hash chaser I’m sure) then took her home and when she woke up, seeing his face was her bottom. Or he raped her.

The Sexist has details of the event that seem to confirm that he at least took advantage of the woman, as well as the marks who give money to his organization:

At an Aug. 6 MPP happy hour at Union Pub on Capitol Hill, Kampia focused his attentions on one female staffer who’d just split with her boyfriend, an MPP co-worker. “There was no secret that Rob was interested in her sexually the entire time she was [working at MPP], even though she was dating an employee,” says former MMPer Dan Bernath. “Rob’s behavior—and the single-minded way in which he approached that situation—was predatory in every sense of the word. She was days out of a serious long-term relationship. She was vulnerable. Everyone was drinking,” he says.

Kampia denies that he had been waiting for the right moment to pounce on the employee. “I was interested in her for that night,” Kampia says. And at the end of that night, the employee drove away from the bar with Kampia in the passenger’s seat. In the middle of the ride, Kampia asked to take the wheel, worried that his employee was too drunk to drive. Then, he steered her back to his purple Columbia Heights mansion with a rooftop hot tub.

What happened at Kampia’s home is a matter of competing accounts. But according to Kampia’s version of events—the only one that has been related publicly—the evening concluded with “consensual sex” between himself and the female subordinate.

This episode sent shockwaves through the organization. Within days, the incident had inspired the resignation of four staffers, including Bernath, the female subordinate, and her ex-boyfriend.

Wow. A purple mansion with a rooftop hot tub in a swanky neighborhood. Not bad for an ex-con. But I’m sure his organization is not at all a scam to enrich him and his friends.

Remember I said middle age stoners need people to clean up their messes? Kampia has a long time friend named Alison Green who, according to The Sexist, is Kampia’s “deputy” but may be better known to you as the Alison Green who writes an online column for U.S. News and World Reports. Allegations have arisen that Green not only covered for Kampia’s predatory behavior, but actually told new hires to put up with Kampia:

Green was also tasked with prepping new employees for the organization’s work environment. Last May, a new female staffer joined MPP. “By the first or second day, it was clear that something wasn’t quite right there,” the new hire says. That’s when Green sat her down for a session of so-called “Rob Training.” Green delivered a lecture apprising the new employee of Kampia’s professional quirks. “Part of the ‘Rob Training’ was to inform me that Rob tells inappropriate jokes, and that he likes to get drunk with staff members and say offensive things,” says the staffer. “The message was that this was normal there, and I should just accept it.” Green denies that her introductory spiel was “in any way specific to issues of sex or harassment.” And Kampia, for his part, denies that his “hypersexual” office culture was in any way compulsory. “There were people who chose not to [make sexual comments]. It wasn’t something that people had to do,” says Kampia. Everyone, however, was forced to listen to inappropriate sexual comments from Kampia: “I used inappropriate language to nearly everyone on staff,” he says.

Way to run an office, Alison!

Her low point comes later when she admits that the sex Rob Kampia claims was consensual may not have been so consensual at all, but she’s chosen to believe Kampia because the other person is lying. Her evidence? Well, she doesn’t have any but there are pictures of her and Kampia at a bar looking stoned so she knows him better than you or me.

Another drug fueled (alleged) rape supporter is billionaire Peter Lewis who sits on the board of the Marijuana Policy Project. He’s a progressive activist who owns the Progressive insurance company. He is said to have threatened to stop supporting M.P.P. if Kampia was removed. He said this after Kampia was accused of rape. Doesn’t sound particularly “progressive,” now does it?

Grown men who get high do so because they desire to emotionally and psychologically tread water indefinitely. That’s really not a problem for anyone but the people who get sucked into their orbit. But grown men want other people to get high with them because it’s the only way they can get laid. That’s simply the truth. I’m 38, been with my old lady 20 years now. I don’t like people under 30. I don’t dislike them, but I simply am not interested in being anything more than a mentor or good neighbor to someone who I could have fathered.

Now picture the stoner my age that you know (we all know at least one) and what’s his feeling on teens? I bet he has a “friend” who’s 19 or so. I bet he gets girls younger than him high. Why is that? Because he’s so interested in what some kid thinks and wants to spend time with her? Of course not, it’s because he wants to have sex with her.

Robert Kampia had a good scam going. He got rich enough to buy a mansion smoking pot and worked in an office full of people so drug addled he could spend 15 years doing things that would have gotten him arrested, sued, or killed outside of the weed culture. He was an immature degenerate enabled at every turn by the anything goes drug culture which he ingratiated himself into. He did so because he knows what I and everyone else except frequent users know: drug users are easy targets who will allow you to victimize them.

Like I said, I’ve been with my wife 20 years but I have an ex or two. If one of them came to me and said that my middle age stoner boss, who was in the same office as me at that moment, had raped her I”d beat his ass and report him to the cops. I’d tell everyone I could find that he was a scumbag rapist. Six of the alleged victim’s friends’ response to her being victimized was to go find some other place to get high and quietly let the matter work itself out. That’s who stoners are, and why the Kampias of the world will be getting you high and taking advantage of you forever.

If you’re going to go drinking and drugging maybe you should do it without the creepy near 50-year-old who has never found a woman his age willing to marry him. But hey, what do I know. I’m just some guy who’s not “cool enough” to get high with people half my age.

Three Adults Who Filmed Gang Rape of Teen Girl Sentenced to Youth Offender Facility

Someone should tell England this is not the way it works. Youth detention centers are for kids who commit crime, not adults who violate children:

Three men who raped a 16-year-old girl as the attack was photographed on a mobile phone have been sent to a young offenders institute.

Bolton Crown Court heard the victim went to an address in Rochdale after receiving a phone call in May 2008.

She drank whisky and was then raped by the men as she became incapacitated.

Ajmal Afridi, 19, of Boundary Street, Imtiaz Syed, 20, of Ellesmere Street, and Tayyab Hussain, 19, of Henry Street, all Rochdale, admitted rape.

Afridi was sentenced to six years in a young offenders institute. He raped the girl twice and sexually assaulted her.

Syed received the same sentence after he admitted one count of rape and one of incident assault.

Hussain, who has learning difficulties, was ordered to spend three years in a young offenders institute after he pleaded guilty to one count of rape.

I guess if anyone out there wants to rape a teenager England is the place to go. Apparently you won’t be sent to big boy jail until you’re 26 or so.

Sleeping Sickness Link Round Up

I apologize to the various people who I was emailing with and left hanging but for about three days this week I was sleeping. A lot. I believe I contracted the sleeping sickness, or it could be toxic shock syndrome! Whatevs. Here’s a selection of stories I was thinking about working on when I was lying in bed reading The Great God Pan by Arthur Machen:

Here’s a Pagan that agreed with me about Martha Coakley. I’m working on an essay about Wiccans accepting Satanic Ritual Abuse so if any Wiccans out there have stories about that let me know.

The Mother of All Conspiracies – The A.T.F. buys cigarettes from “Big Tobacco” to run sting operations to catch people who smuggle smokes into New York, and ran afoul of C.A.I.R. when they targeted Muslim businesses that were involved. Anti-Tobacco groups are actually pushing the A.T.F. to run more stings like this even though it meant the A.T.F. dumping 250 million illegal cigarettes into New York most of which are thought to have been purchased by minors.

The Pagan Temple examines the O’Keefe arrest in The Sting.

La Russophobe is not a fan of Barack Obama or his Russian policy. Read Barack Obama, Rat Bastard.

G.S.G.F. takes Obama to task in American Exemptionalism.

The strange and sad case of Wolfie Blackheart. A 23-year-old brain damaged “werewolf” who may have murdered someone’s lost dog, has definitely desecrated said dog’s corpse and proudly claims she’s “owned” by a “master” in a BDSM relationship. This girl needs help. Now.

The Shield of Achilles debunks The Guardian’s pro-terror Gitmo article.

Jenn Q. Public introduces the Naomi Wolf Award.

Jason Pitzl-Waters doesn’t like the new book Sanctifying Misandry: Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man. I haven’t received my copy yet (ahem!) so I’ll reserve judgment on the book but after experiencing “goddess worshipers” in all their obese and pretentious glory Jason and I will have to agree to disagree on whether or not they actively promote hatred of men.

CrimeShadows News has a great post up. Read The Piano Man’s Bad Vibes.

Back page escort locked her kid in a closet to turn tricks. The kid was also so severely abused that police said “This child wouldn’t laugh or smile to anything we would do. In any of our attempts to get a reaction out of this child, there was nothing. It’s like he had given up. There was no fight in this child”

BelchSpeak has an update on the James Ray Sweat Lodge death case.

T.D.K.O.M. has the arrest of Kristen Carol Barnett, who molested children at the pre-school she worked in.

Degenerate Puppy Killing Democrat Glynn Johnson Found Guilty of Felony Animal Cruelty

I blogged about this piece of garbage before. Glynn Johnson had a history of violence, including a brutal attack on his onw 14-year-old daughter and a rumored bb gun attack on a dog that left it blind. Despite this, the well connected Democrat rose through the ranks of government workers unhindered by his profligacy, eventually becoming Los Angeles County Assistant Fire Chief. While he held that position he began a campaign of harassment and threats against his neighbors that ended in him brutally beating their 6-month-old German Shepard puppy so badly it had to be put to sleep.

The beating was so bad the dog lost an eye and most of its teeth. It had multiple skull fractures and a broken jaw. It was a puppy. Glynn Johnson, the Assistant Fire Chief for Los Angeles, beat a puppy to death. Let that sink in for a minute.

Now he’s been convicted of felony animal cruelty. He won’t get anywhere near as much time as he deserves, but hopefully someone in prison will treat him the way he treated his daughter, this puppy and everyone else he spent a lifetime bullying:

People You’ll See in Hell has a good write up on this case.

Someone let me know when Johnson dies so I can go piss on his grave.

Victimless Crime File: Jennifer Lyn Jackson

Jennifer Lyn Jackson Dies Too Soon

Former Playboy Playmate Jennifer Lyn Jackson was found dead in her home by her husband. Authorities believe she overdosed on heroin. In recent years she was hit with multiple DUI arrests, possession of drugs and theft. In 2007 she was pulled over for driving erratically and was found with marijuana, in 2005 she was arrested for receiving stolen property. Her rap sheet reads like typical addict behavior.

From The Weekly Vice:

In the April 1989 Playboy article she was featured in, Jackson stated that her ambition was to “follow the golden road to success”.

Apparently, she went the wrong way because she had several run-ins with the law before her death, including charges for drunk-driving, disorderly conduct stemming from an intoxicated domestic disturbance in her home, and a charge of receiving stolen property that was later dropped when the victim failed to appear in court.

At one point, Jackson was arrested four times in a period of five years, and was ordered to undergo drug and alcohol treatment.

Police are now investigating who supplied Jackson with the drugs and believe it was someone close to the family

If drugs were legal of course this would have turned out better. She could have overdosed sooner.

There’s no such thing as harmless drug use. Drug use for most people is both an addiction or habit, and a coping mechanism. This is why addiction recovery programs produce so many smokers, because while they’re getting control of their addictions users lose the coping strategy they have used to deal with whatever pain or trauma drives them to get high.

Jennifer Lyn Jackson would have been better off dealing with her psychic scars rather than trying to forget about them.

Jennifer Lyn Jackosn Heroin Death