Explosive Device Found Near White House?

Atlas Shrugs has a translation of this report from Russian news site Rian.ru:

Regarding a “paper case containing explosive material was removed by the Secret Service” (per RIA Novosti report) and DC Fire Department Officials from somewhere near 15th Street and Pennsylvania Ave.  The Fire Department officials gave no comment on what was found inside the case (and this report does not attribute the source of the claim that the Secret Service found explosive material in it).

The report also states that several blocks around the area were closed, but are now open.

As Pam Geller points out it’d sure be nice if we could get these reports from American news sources. Reuters ran a story about a “suspicious package” a couple of days ago but so far I haven’t found much follow up.  Here’s what Reuters reported:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Secret Service on Tuesday removed a suspicious package left near the White House complex and a few nearby streets that had been closed while they investigated the scene were reopened.

The Secret Service removed the package, a briefcase, from 15th Street and Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. which is near the U.S. Treasury Department and a block from the White House, according to a Reuters photographer at the scene.

But like I said I haven’t seen many reports about this. The Libertarian left has been talking about ending the “tyranny” of the Fed and Treasury since Ed Brown’s asinine anti-tax stand off so while some may be tempted to see Jihadism behind this don’t discount some plain old domestic REvolutionaries striking a blow for the Alex Jones crowd.

Swine Flu Mutations Causing Concern Among Experts

There have been several cases of mutations in H1N1 that are of concern but so far these mutations haven’t seemed to become the norm. That possibility, however, has virologists keeping an eye out for mutations that have “clinical significance,” according to Homeland Security Today:

Virologists and influenza authorities are becoming increasingly concerned that the 2009 A-H1N1 flu virus could “reassort” with the highly virulent H5N1 avian flu that’s still prevalent in parts of the world like China, and that a mutation could occur resulting in a new strain that has the lethality of H5N1 and the human transmissibility of A-H1N1.

The concerns have grown in the wake of revelations that mutations of the H1N1 flu virus had been found in Norway and elsewhere, leading experts to fear that it might just be a matter of time before there’s a reassortment of H1N1 and H5N1.

This comes as the World Health Organization (WHO) reported very high pandemic activity in Italy, Norway, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation (Urals region), and Sweden.

Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine also reported high pandemic activity.

Meanwhile, authorities said they believe the peak of the A-H1N1 pandemic’s second wave hasn’t  yet been reached in some parts of the world.

WHO said it’s keeping a “very careful” eye on the reported mutations in order to ascertain whether it is causing more severe illness diseases than the A-H1N1 virus.

“We really need to look at this very carefully to see whether it is in fact associated with severe cases,” WHO spokesman Thomas Abraham told reporters. He said investigations by WHO’s collaborating network of labs will be able to provide a better “understanding … about clinical features associated with the infection of this particular form of the virus.”

Of particular concern is the prospect of the virulent H1N1 combining with the high fatality H5N1 “Avian flu” and creating a super bug that would spread like wildfire and have a mortality rate too high for civilization to handle:

WHO warned that the H5N1 virus has emerged in poultry in Egypt, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam just as the H1N1 pandemic influenza continues its rampage across the world.

Not only does this place “those in direct contact with birds – usually rural folk and farm workers – at risk of catching the often-fatal disease,” but “the virus could undergo a process of ‘reassortment’ with another influenza virus and produce a completely new strain,” WHO stated.

“The most obvious risk is of H5N1 combining with the pandemic … [H1N1] virus, producing a flu virus that is as deadly as the former and as contagious as the latter.”

That the two flu strain could merge, reassert, and produce a new hybrid influenza strain combining the worst elements of each of the viruses is a possibility that authorities have been worrying about ever since the spread of the A-H1N1 virus increased to pandemic level.

“We don’t know if this is possible, but we are certainly aware of the risk,” Dr. Shin Young-soo, WHO Regional Director for the Western Pacific,” told The Philippine Star. “We are on alert for this development.”

“Influenza viruses are unpredictable. In areas where [A-H1N1] is endemic, we and our partners and national governments are working to build surveillance systems to identify changes in the behavior of the virus,” Shin said. “We are also focusing on early-response capacity to reduce the potential threats to human health.”

Virologists told HSToday.us that “it’s very possible that the two flu strains could combine – this reassortment that we talk about – that could result in a mix of the two,” as one explained. “Of course, what we are concerned about is a mutation that contains the worst characteristics of the two viruses.

Read the rest. It might be … TEOTWAWKI!!!!!!

h/t N.T.A.

Victimless Crime File: Yvonne Sanchez Has an Infant Full of Coke

DodiaFae from Pagans Against Child Abuse sent me this story. Yet again, another story that shows drug use is not a victimless crime, and drug users cannot contain the harm drug abuse does to themselves alone:


LAS CRUCES, N.M. (AP) – A Dona Ana County mother is facing felony child abuse charges after her infant daughter tested positive for cocaine.

Yvonne Sanchez was indicted on two charges earlier this week.  She remained in custody Friday.

Court documents say the 26-year-old Sanchez was originally arrested in October after police responded to a parking lot fight and recognized her vehicle as being involved in an earlier crime.

The court documents say her three children were found in a “filthy and dangerous” home where dirty diapers were on the floor and trash and dirty clothes were scattered about.

Drug paraphernalia also was found in the home.

Sanchez told authorities that her boyfriend and his brother had drug problems, but she allowed them to watch her children while she was at work.

Since Sanchez seems to spend a good deal of her time fighting in parking lots, driving getaway cars, and hanging around drug addicts I assume we are talking about “work” as opposed to work.

But hey, that’s her business, right? It’s not like we taxpayers end up on the hook for her children or anything, so let’s legalize it.

The Black Friday was a Failure TEOTWAWKI Link Round Up

So I guess you’ve heard by now that Black Friday was an abysmal failure, shattering the myth that the recession is over. But frankly,  all the hope that Christmas shopping was going to lead us out of a recession and pull teetering companies out of the red was a pipe dream at best. While the media had everyone looking at what turned out to be disappointing shopping data, we’ve all been ignoring the big picture:

Gas prices are set to rise to levels that consumers can’t sustain.

Howard Davidowitz says U.S. consumers getting “dramatically worse” due to high unemployment, sinking housing prices, and a record number of new bankruptcies.

A University of Arizona professor is advising people to default en masse on their mortgages.

The Federal Reserve policy of a weak dollar will only worsen our problems.

Is the Fed facing margin calls from European banks?

Morgan Stanley predicting a U.K. debt crisis next year. Ministry of Sound founder James Palumbo has cashed out his investments and is warning readers of  The Daily Mail that he believes England is facing economic collapse.

Goldman Sachs workers are arming themselves for fear of an upcoming uprising against them. What do they know that you don’t?

And here’s Gerald Celente bringing you some holiday cheer in an interview by Tim Pawlenty(!?!)

Part I:

Part II:

You get the picture. Your money isn’t safe and harder times are ahead.

h/t SurvivalBlog and The Survivalist Blog