City Year Allows Rich Hipster Douchebag to Get Food Stamps

The jaw dropping admission that this little rich girl is taking food stamps even though her parents could pay for her food and she makes $200 a week comes at 2:15 or so. But watch the whole video from the beginning where this parasite in training explains the vast amount of perks she receives and how they still aren’t enough:

Yeah, that’s a lot of our tax money going to her unlimited texting and trendy footwear. But beyond that, City Year’s stipend is good money that a lot of poor people live on now. Many of them don’t collect food stamps. Since this girl’s family can ensure she doesn’t end up homeless and starving she is in essence stealing money from poor people who need it.

City Year is clearly not about “volunteering” since the people involved are bribed and given perks that the rest of us don’t have. For Erin above, it is indoctrination into a system where there is no shame in taking food stamps (something most people who have needed to be on food stamps have felt) and the belief that middle and upper class Americans deserve the same social support impoverished people do. If this sounds less like building America and more like emulating the Chavista model of government, that’s because it is. City Year is building a paramilitary cult comprised of members who are learning to view the government and the leftist agenda as the very center of their existence. Don’t believe me?

Watch this, the scary stuff starts around 1:00:

The “red jackets” are getting all sorts of government perks. Is it to create loyalty? It certainly doesn’t create independence.

Victimless Crime File: “Gay” Wiccan Stoner Traded Child Porn Online

Gay Wiccan Stoner Pedophile

And thus we see another case of Wicca attracting the wrong type of people by putting out the wrong kind of signals like the 35-year-old barfly who shops at Forever 21 and wonders why her baby daddies (plural, of course) don’t pay child support.

28-year-old Darin Steele, better known on MySpace as Southern Witch, claimed he was a gay Wiccan who loved getting high. Of course by Wiccan he meant he was an overgrown man-child who smoked pot in his mother’s basement while watching reruns of  Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

And by “Gay” he meant he was a degenerate who traded child porn online with other pedophiles:

BRISTOL, Va. – Someone in Bristol lifted a photograph of a naked young boy off the Internet in July, police said, then sent it to a online friend via e-mail.

Investigators tracked the activity to a home on Island Road, and on Wednesday arrested Darin Steele, who posted his $2,000 bond a half hour after he was booked.

Steele, 28, is charged with one count of production, financing or possession with intent to distribute sexually explicit items involving children, a class 5 felony.

Bristol Virginia Detective Sgt. Steve Crawford said investigators seized more than 300 CDs and several computers from Steele’s home for analysis. Depending on what they find on the disks and hard drives, additional possession charges could be pending.


The photo depicts a young boy, between 10 and 12 years old, fully nude and in a sexual position.

The transaction was flagged by a monitoring branch of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. It was sent to the Bedford County, Va., Sheriff’s Office, which operates Operation Blue Ridge Thunder, a task force that investigates Internet crimes involving children. There, they were able to find screen names, and translate those into real people with real addresses.

Steele lives at his mother’s house on Island Road. She answered the phone Wednesday but declined to comment on Steele’s behalf.

In other words, he was neither gay nor a Wiccan, just a sad pervert who claimed to be both to make people think he was harmless. I should put forward that any “Witch” worth his salt would be able to conjure up enough money to move out his parents’ basement. Also, gay men don’t trade pictures of little boys anymore than straight men trade pictures of little girls.

Sorry my Wiccan friends, but if you let people think you’re “open minded” about sexual deviance and drug use this is who you’re going to get. Gays are doing a better job distancing themselves from perverts who want to use gays to mainstream all manner of perversions, though they are undermined by the gay left’s unseemly associations with NAMBLA, etc. But Wiccans aren’t even trying to not look like a group of gullible people willing to believe anything and associate with anybody.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that chronic marijuana use leads to mental illness. A basement dwelling 28-year-old who decorates his MySpace with pictures from a television show aimed at teen girls is likely not in his right mind. But of course if pot was legalized this story would have turned out different in some magical way I’m sure.

Here’s the cache of his deleted MySpace and here’s his bebo account.

h/t D.K.O.M.S.

Obamunist Blogger Jeff Martin Charged with Cyberstalking

This story is only shocking if you’ve never dealt with a liberal blogger.

Jeff Martin runs a blog called Vie Di Malchance which, in case you need evidence of his glassy eyed knee jerk DailyKosism, is rife with references to “McBush,” the stupidity of people who like Sarah Palin and of course how a woman who disagrees with him is the epicenter of all evil in his life.

In that last post he also asks supporters to send him checks and money orders to fight “the insidious plague” as he calls his victim. This, of course, is a scam by a con artist who will plead out and take his probation then spend the money his supporters send him on either drugs or pornography. But that’s just an opinion I have based on his public behavior.

In other words, he’s a dime a dozen Kossack. But he took his lack of self-control and inflated entitlement to a level even other liberals would be hard pressed to defend:

GREENSBORO — A local blogger is facing cyberstalking charges after authorities said he sent more than two-dozen e-mails in less than an hour to another blogger.

Jeff Martin, who writes the blog site Vie Di Malchance, is charged with annoying fellow blogger Dr. Mary Johnson, of Asheboro, under North Carolina’s cyberstalking law. “Vie De Malchance” is French for “life of misfortune.”

“When your hobby is making people angry, at some point I quit keeping up with who’s mad at me,” Martin said Wednesday.

Martin said he and Johnson got into a feud over the Randleman Dam, a local water project that he supports. The feud escalated when Martin, who writes his blog under the name “fecund stench,” sent 27 e-mails to Johnson in less than an hour.

“I probably frightened her and I didn’t mean to do that. I screwed up,” Martin said.

The e-mails included messages such as, “Everyone knows your crazy, but no one has exhibited the courage to deal with it. I’m not afraid of you.” Martin also admitted to sending Johnson an e-mail telling her he knows where she lives. Martin said there was no threat intended, but he simply wanted to stop Johnson from attacking him and his friends in the blogging community.

Classy. With all the other problems America faces it’s easy to forget just how depraved the left side of the blogosphere is. Martin is a disgusting cretin who is indicative of the wing of liberalism and we should remember that this enclave of misanthropy is still festering on the web.

It should be noted that he hasn’t cyberstalked any men, by the way, but that’s par for the course. Maybe I’ll get some threatening emails from Martin? We could only hope.

h/t Crime Scene KC

Sex Offender Ordered Off Social Networks, Follows Probation Worker on Twitter

You don’t get on the sex offender registry by being smart:

BEAUMONT, Texas — A registered sex offender in Beaumont who was required to stop using Twitter instead invited a probation worker to connect with him online.

A judge in Beaumont on Monday revoked the probation of 30-year-old Grandville Lindsey and ordered him to serve 15 years in prison.

Lindsey in July pleaded guilty to indecency with a child, in a case in which he was accused of improperly touching a 13-year-old boy.

Lindsey had been ordered not to subscribe to online social networking sites, like MySpace or Twitter, unless it was approved by probation officials.

Two Jefferson County probation officials reported that Lindsey had accessed such sites several times since August. A worker with the probation office also told the judge that Lindsey had tried to follow her on Twitter.

h/t Trench