Pagans Against Child Abuse Announces Campaign Against GLSEN

Pagans Against Child Abuse has announced its campaign against GLSEN. While PACA has mostly concerned itself the safety of children online, the outrageous actions of GLSEN are so irresponsible that PACA cannot stay silent. Pagans Against Child Abuse is concerned that GLSEN is promoting pedophilia as homosexuality in a program seemingly designed to make victims out of confused and naive gay teens who are being taught to think of their exploitation by adults as some sort of homosexual rite of passage.

PACA has just launched a campaign against GLSEN and is dedicated to stopping GLSEN’s pro-pedophile agenda from being forced on any other vulnerable students. Support PACA’s efforts to stop GLSEN from harming more children by joining the Pagans Agains Child Abuse Ning network. All are welcome regardless of religious or political affiliation.

Simon Deng on the Arab Muslim Run Genocide of Black Africans in Sudan

Here’s a case of oppression you won’t see getting Pam Spaulding at Pam’s House Blend all hot and bothered, but why should the genocide of Black Africans and modern day slavery upset a Black feminist? I mean it’s only been going on for 50+ years.

The point Simon Deng makes about the Arabized government of Sudan exterminating Muslim tribes that have kept their own unique African culture (5:50) is one that should enrage all those leftists who rail against colonialism, but I have cash money that no lefty will ever decry the Islamic Imperialism and Arabization of  of Black African cultures the way they scream about America’s evil attempts to give women equal rights in Afghanistan.

Just a short reminder that the Religion of Peace in it’s current un-reformed state offers peace only through acceptance of Arab cultural and racial superiority and complete submission to their medieval barbarism.

h/t Occidental Soapbox

Why Do Pedophiles Rally Around GLSEN?

So much for promoting safety for gay youth. It turns out that GLSEN’s reading list has some unexpected supporters, and by unexpected I mean just what I and others have predicted.

As I mentioned in my earlier post, my relationship with “anti” blogs like Absolute Zero United and groups like Pagans Against Child Abuse has made me privy to a little known world that many readers are blissfully unaware of – the online pro-pedophile movement.  There are a series of forums populated by both anonymous pedophiles and registered sex offenders that promote the idea that adults should be able to molest children and collect child porn. It is, to them, the fascism of people like me that “oppresses” pedophiles who they claim are a sexual minority like homosexuals.

One of the most repellent of these sites is a forum called which is often referred to as “girl chat” because it is a forum dedicated to men who want to have sex with little girls. There is a brother site for it known as “boy chat” that is known to have been the online stomping grounds for several pedophiles that were later arrested. Of interest to any person who has fallen for their self-pitying claptrap about pedophiles being born with an unpopular orientation is that both sites share many members, including some of the most vile and dangerous child predators you could imagine. At one time the webmaster of  “boy chat” was fugitive Jon Schillaci whose activities there, under the name Dylan Thomas, led to his arrest by authorities.

GLSEN’s portrayal of the sexual exploitation of children by adults as at worst benign but in many cases an integral part of the coming of age of gay men has, as you can imagine, garnered much empathy from these online degenerates. I was sent a link to an older conversation on in which several pedophiles discuss their support for GLSEN:

Girl Chat Loves GLSEN

As readers can see this thread is from two months ago, when the “girl chat” perverts were passing around a GLSEN school survey which put forward the idea that gay youth were victimized and needed help and support. The community were eager to drum up support including sending it’s online army of rapists directly to GLSEN to donate:

Girl Chat Sends Support to GLSEN

I would suspect that no gay youth needs the kind of help and support people known to rape children would give. The pedophile who was passing around this study was Russell Thomas Kinkade who is a “boy lover” as well as a “girl chat” member. The stereotypical dirty old man, Kinkade tries hard to present his depravity as a sexual orientation but his writings, and his criminal record, clearly show that his interest is not so much a homosexual attraction to young males as a desire to indulge in perversions with any available child. He has gone on record as saying he finds infants sexually attractive.

Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation and men who wish to have sex with male children are not homosexuals. GLSEN presents adults who prey on children as “gay” and part of the gay experience. This is dangerous.

GLSEN has been defended by many groups, most notably Media Matters, who claim that anyone’s concern with this group’s vision of child sexuality is merely homophobia or prudishness. But GLSEN is not representing homosexuality any more than is representative of heterosexuality. One need not be a prude to find GLSEN’s programs disturbing (as the comments on this Media Matters posts prove) but you have to be willfully blind or tremendously naive to not see the danger in GLSEN’s hyper-sexualized promotions of unsafe sex and child exploitation by supposedly gay adults.

And I say “supposedly gay” because the truth is that gay men are attracted to men, not children. The idea that children as young as 12 or 13 are attractive to the average homosexual is like saying heterosexuals are attracted to little girls. No education program would dare claim that adult men having sexual encounters with 13-year-old girls who were cruising bathrooms was acceptable or empowering, but GLSEN’s reading list promotes just that idea for young gay males. Why?

Who benefits from children being told that part of being gay is having unprotected sex with random men? I put forward that you only need to look at what pedophiles are saying about GLSEN to know who are the real beneficiaries of their “degenerate’s blueprint” of teen sexuality.

Like De Sade’s 120 Days of Sodom, GLSEN’s reading list is defended by those who intellectualize the material but don’t truly understand it. It is Russell Kinkade and his ilk who truly understand the message GLSEN is giving to children and thus support the organization and the educational program GLSEN has developed. Media Matters and the other defenders of GLSEN are happily unaware of the danger their perfidy puts children in, or at least that is what we hope.

So I ask those who support GLSEN one simple question: Why do pedophiles support GLSEN? I think the answer is obvious.

Islamic Misogyny On The Steps of Capitol Hill!

The real fireworks start at around 5:28 where a frustrated “man” starts berating a Black woman who is Muslim for daring to talk to “kafirs” and it goes downhill from there. Americans need to stop supporting misogyny and start supporting Muslims like the woman being attacked in this video by a thug who joined Islam specifically to indulge in his misogyny:

video by Act for America.

h/y Jawa Report

Gay Youth Deserve Better Than GLSEN and “Youth Liberation”

For the past few years I have become more involved with the online child safety advocate movement, or the “antis” as we are sometimes called in reference to our anti-pedophile stance. Ironically, it was because Red Alerts started as an anti-Communist/Leftist/Green blog that I was exposed to both crime blogging in general (due to several criminal incidents by radical leftists) and blogging about the pro-child rape movement in particular after doing some research into the Green/Rainbow Party’s “creepy Uncle” platform and the nonchalance of the World Can’t Wait organization in publicly calling for kids to cut school and meet them (strange adults) without telling their parents.

The link from American Marxist organizations to pro-rape activists like the ones profiled on Wikisposure and Absolute Zero United is the so called “youth liberation” movement which is merely a front group for a collection of adults with sexual interest in children. The originators of the “youth liberation” idea were the pedophiles of NAMBLA who maintain to this day that their mission is the liberation of children from oppression:

NAMBLA calls for the empowerment of youth in all areas, not just the sexual. We support greater economic, political and social opportunities for young people and denounce the rampant ageism that segregates and isolates them in fear and mistrust. We believe sexual feelings are a positive life force. We support the rights of youth as well as adults to choose the partners with whom they wish to share and enjoy their bodies.

I’m sure. The NAMBLA  “Youth Liberation” movement was quick to infiltrate both the gay rights movement and various Marxist movements in what has been an extremely successful campaign to mainstream “Youth Liberation,” at least among the activist left. David Thorstad, a founding member of NAMBLA, was a key player in this charade for many years until gays saw him for the pervert he was and disavowed him. His 1998 speech to Semana Cultural Lesbica-Gay entitled Pedastery and Homosexuality puts forward the idea that gays who disapprove of child sexual exploitation are “sellouts” to a capitalist, heteronormative society. In it, he also admits to molesting a teen.

Fellow NAMBLA founder Dan Tsang wrote a book entitled The Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent which is a collection of articles that promote the predation of children by “gay” men as, in Tsang’s own words on this review of his own book, a way to deal with

…the need to educate and empower of young boys and provide them with a voice and choices in the matter, the social structures that have created and maintain an unbalanced power relationship between youth and adults, overly harsh penalties for adult males who have been convicted of engaging in intergenerational sexual activity, and the conflict within lesbian and gay organizations over the discussion and practice of intergenerational sexual activity.

Tsang remains a respected progressive activist and academic.

Obama’s safe schools czar Kevin Jennings published his three books with the same publishing house that Tsang used to publish his rapeinomicon in an eyebrow raising twist of fate, since the current proponent of “Youth Liberation” is the organization he founded, GLSEN. The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network is supposed to “ensure safe schools” for gay youth by providing educational resources, but in reality they have long been known for providing raunchy sex party style presentations to children in an effort to support tolerance … for unhealthy paraphilias like fisting which can lead to serious injury.

Now GLSEN has been the subject of much controversy due to Gateway Pundit’s recent exposure of their reading list’s inclusion of pro-pedophilia material. The reading list includes books which depict all manner of depravity including the story of a child being raped then seeking out abusive and degrading encounters with adults in bathrooms ending with the supposed narrator’s reminiscence that the encounters, many of which were violent “near rapes,” felt “too damn good” for him to not to enjoy.

That this is pedophile fantasy, not the truthful retelling of a gay man’s formative years, is clear. That young boys like being raped and abused because males love sex is an excuse that I have seen literally hundreds of times from online pedophiles who claim that their victims wanted to be abused. Many use the language of “Youth Liberation” to cloud their true intentions. They become not predators but mentors to gay youth who need to guided by adults into mature sexuality, while the rest of us are oppressing youth by keeping them from sexually experimenting with lecherous and often unstable older men.

As Jenn Q. Public says, GLSEN’s book list is little more than an instruction manual for a lifetime of victimization and unhappiness:

After reading through dozens of passages, I’m left with the impression that exploitation, abuse, promiscuity, and risk are being promoted as normal, acceptable, and even expected experiences for gay youth.  Too many of these vignettes read like validations of the stereotypical hypersexual gay lifestyle.  Instead of reading about the challenges of coming out, gay teens (and their heterosexual peers) are being handed a degenerate’s blueprint for how to live a “gay life,” starting with being initiated by a pedophile and working up to unhealthy hate sex and anonymous restroom encounters.

I realize many gay people (and many straight people) have had formative sexual experiences with much older people. But regardless of any fond memories, sex between adults and adolescents is exploitation, not love, and I fail to see how graphic portrayals of sexual abuse contribute to tolerance and school safety.

The passages from the GLSEN-recommended books give unfortunate credence to the sexually obsessed, debaucherous caricatures that often dominate mainstream depictions of gays.  Incidentally, these are the very same caricatures that prevent broader support for gay marriage and adoption.  But being gay doesn’t mean you’re sentenced to a lifetime of loveless rest stop sex with strangers.  It doesn’t mean you can’t have a lifelong partner, intimacy, a family, and even a white picket fence. In my experience, too many gay kids don’t realize that, and these books certainly aren’t helping.

But GLSEN is not an organization dedicated to helping gay youth navigate the uncomfortable transition from adolescence to adulthood. It is just another manifestation of the “Youth Liberation” movement wherein children are being taught that they should be sexually available to adults, if for no other reason than to be comradely. That GLSEN’s real goal is simply the production of self-loathing sexual compulsives could not be more clear and their agenda of radically undermining morality is detrimental to gay and straight children, both of whom need to learn self-respect and sexual integrity as well as how to avoid getting STDs which is something GLSEN also fails at:

It should be noted that you can indeed catch many sexually transmitted diseases through having someone ejaculate in your mouth. The GLSEN presenter above accepts as a given that the 14-year-olds in the audience are having unprotected oral sex and never bothers to explain that most sexually transmitted diseases can be spread through unprotected oral sex. If they cared about gay youth, why didn’t they care to protect them from disease?

Gay youth, and all children, deserve better than the 70s style radical hedonism and exploitation that GLSEN is promoting. Their embrace of “Youth Liberation” style ideology, where children are treated as little adults who should be legal prey for child molesters and other degenerates, does not help gay youth prepare for a bright future, but instead is designed, knowingly or not, to feed the Dan Tsangs and David Thorstads of the world with a neverending supply of children who think being gay means casting aside their dignity while being used as living sex dolls for emotionally and psychologically stunted sub-humans who have conned the left into thinking they are something more than garden variety perverts.

It is time we demand that GLSEN stop supporting the exploitation of children and start living up to their mission of promoting an environment where every child is valued and respected. Promoting the idea that children secretly enjoy their abuse, that promiscuity is an innate characteristic of homosexuals, and that paraphilias are healthy, normal parts of sexuality does not promote the value and respect of any individual.