Unemployment Numbers Rise “Unexpectedly” Again, U.S. About to Slip into Second World Status

The Associated Press is shocked to find that despite President Obama’s magical powers to heal all ills the recession is not over and more importantly Americans are still being hit hard by unemployment:

The number of newly laid-off workers filing claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly rose last week. But the four-week average for jobless claims, which smooths out fluctuations, fell. That was an encouraging sign that the pace of layoffs continues to decline. The four-week average is now at its lowest point since late September 2008, when the financial crisis hit with full force.

Separately, a forecast of economic activity rose for the eighth straight month in November, a private research group said, signaling the economic rebound will continue into next year.

Still, employers across the country remain reluctant to ramp up hiring.

“People who have already lost their job are having incredible difficulty finding a job,” Dan Greenhaus, an economist at Miller Tabak, said in a research note Thursday.

A big problem is that companies lack confidence in the strength and sustainability of the recovery. FedEx Corp., for example, offered a tepid outlook Thursday for the quarter that ends in January. The package delivery company expects the recovery to continue next year. But FedEx questioned whether demand for its services will stay strong after the peak holiday-shipping season.

Stocks fell on concerns about a still-weak job market and after FedEx’s forecast fell short of expectations. In mid-afternoon trading, the Dow Jones industrial average was down 98 points, or about 0.9 percent. Broader stock averages also fell.

Uh. Yeah. The Dow actually closed -132 or so but the A.P. fails to point out that continuing unemployment numbers are way up, thus “recovery” is not coming if almost two million people are on unemployment and those numbers don’t count the hundreds of thousands of people whose benefits ran out before they found work. Economists don’t count those people in a cynical ploy to paint a rosy picture. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has a good analysis of the A.P. piece.

Here’s a good overview of what this all could mean for your money:

Those numbers would be bad enough, but Bloomberg just reported on the food inflation numbers which would be devastating even if the economy was recovering:

Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) — Falling production in commodities from rice to milk is bad news for just about everyone except investors.

Rice may surge 63 percent to $1,038 a metric ton from $638 on Philippine imports and a shortage in India, a Bloomberg survey of importers, exporters and analysts showed. The U.S. government says nonfat dry milk may jump 39 percent next year, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. forecasts a 25 percent gain for sugar. Global food costs jumped 7 percent in November, the most since February 2008, four months before reaching a record, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.


“Inventories are extremely low in a number of grains markets,” Barclays Capital said Dec. 10. “The prospect of a further bout of food-price inflation in 2010 cannot be ruled out since many of the factors that contributed to higher prices in 2007 and 2008 are still a feature.”

Stockpiles of corn and rice will drop before the 2010 harvest for the first time in three years, U.S. Department of Agriculture data show. The International Sugar Organization forecasts a second straight global supply deficit in the year through September 2010, and the USDA predicts stores of the sweetener will drop to the lowest level since 1995.


Wholesale-pork prices in the U.S. are up 27 percent this year, heading for the first annual gain since 2004, as farmers hurt by two years of losses cut the domestic breeding herd to the smallest level since the USDA started collecting the data in 1964. Chicken output is sliding in the U.S., where the number of eggs placed into incubators each week is headed to the lowest quarterly average since 2002.

“The tendency for food prices is up, it’s not down,” Unilever Chief Executive Officer Paul Polman said Dec. 11 in a Bloomberg Television interview in Copenhagen. Rotterdam- and London-based Unilever, the largest consumer-product company after Procter & Gamble Co. in Cincinnati, makes Lipton tea, Hellmann’s mayonnaise and Bertolli sauces. “We need to be sure that we have the food supply, that we don’t waste, and that we continue to get increasingly efficient means to get that food to the consumers,” Polman said.

The risk of accelerating prices may be muted by “healthy” gains in inventories, including wheat, according to the FAO. Supplies in warehouses are enough to meet about 23 percent of global demand, compared with 19 percent two years ago, the FAO said last week. Inventories are “far more comfortable” than during last year’s crisis, the UN agency said.

Last year food shortages sparked riots in at countries such as Haiti and the Philippines. Ironically it was the credit crunch that ended up driving down food prices. But with the U.N. bragging about being able to meet less than 1/4 the demand for food aid I think it’ll be prudent to stock up on food now.

The U.S. National Debt has surpassed the statutory limit and the Fed’s low interest rate policy is designed to hurt savers (among other things)  which is one thing Americans need to do to protect themselves.

And of course we’re starting to see gold and silver rationing, which is a very bad sign. In this environment bad economic news should come as no surprise.

The Little Bit Behind and On A Bad Schedule Link Round-up

I’m a little behind and as many people know I’m a bit of a night owl so I’m on a bad schedule here which means while I fix my sleep pattern by getting up today after three hours of sleep you’ll be getting a link round-up. Enjoy!

Courtney at G.S.G.F has coined a new term for the disease that causes Americans to become anti-Semitic America haters or as they like to call themselves “foreign policy realists.” Waltsheimer’s disease.

A judge in New York has ordered the United Homeless Organization shut down. New Yorkers will be happy to be rid of this con game once and for all. There’s a video report sure to make your blood boil.

U.S. foreclosures will reach 3.9 million. U.S. bankruptcy is certain.

The Lockerbie Bomber, you know the terrorist who was supposed to have succumbed to cancer by now, is missing and presumed to be on the loose!

The Pagan Temple takes on Law and Order in Evil Propaganda Hate Machine.

Why is Russian state propaganda arm Russia Today promoting Alex Jones as an “investigative journalist?”

And why are they promoting Bill Ayers and his call for the overthrow of America?

ThreatsWatch.org has a great short piece on MS-13 and the gangs national security implications.

Blogger Rob Taylor of Red Alerts outed … as Rob Taylor of Red Alerts. No really, a commenter/superslueth on my new crime blog Greenville Dragnet “outed” me by linking to sites I already link to. I blame the teachers.

Occidental Soapbox has a interview with Nonie Darwish of Former Muslims United.

Atlas Shrugs on the mainstreaming of a Blood Libel.

Jihad Watch has a post on the “love Jihad” where Muslims seduce non-Muslims (usually Hindus) with the sole purpose of converting them.

Outrage as England issues an arrest warrant … for Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni.

Chicago terror suspect Tahawwur Hussain Rana Rana may have known about the Mumbai attacks beofre they happened.

Support Pagans Against Child Abuse and their campaign against GLSEN.

Child Rapist Out on Bail Rapes Child in Massachusetts

Who could have seen that coming? Not the judges presiding over the case against Joseph H. Gardner. Prosecutors wanted Gardner’s bail to be set at $200,000 but Plymouth District Court Judge Thomas F. Brownell decided to set bail at a measly $10,000. Gardner’s bail was apparently not even revoked when he got caught driving drunk.

From Boston.com:

PLYMOUTH – A man arraigned yesterday on charges that he sexually assaulted a 3-year-old girl in Kingston on Friday had been charged this summer with raping another child but was free on bail.

Joseph H. Gardner, 26, of Kingston, pleaded not guilty yesterday in Plymouth District Court to a charge that he raped the daughter of a woman he was dating.

In the earlier alleged rape, the self-described construction worker was freed on $10,000 cash bail – far less than Plymouth prosecutors sought – on Sept. 15. He had been charged with breaking into the Kingston house of a distant relative and raping a 6-year-old girl.

“I always wonder why we let people out who are charged with such crimes,’’ Kingston Police Chief Joseph Rebello said angrily to reporters outside the courtroom. “Obviously, someone who has this type of background is no one that can be rehabilitated, and letting him loose in society only means we are going to have further victims.’’

The mother of the first alleged victim attended the arraignment and also assailed the decision to release Gardner.

“I don’t understand why he is still out,’’ she said, referring to the bail granted after the first arrest. “I think the courts should make sure he goes away and is not allowed to be around kids.’’

I don’t understand why he was out either. Judges in Massachusetts are supposed to take into account the dangerousness of the indivdual in bail hearings, and Gardner is clearly dangerous. But this process fell apart as usual when Liberal judges promoted hug-a-thug justice over public safety:

Plymouth District Attorney Timothy J. Cruz said Gardner faced “heinous allegations’’ in the first arrest and that prosecutors were disappointed that Plymouth District Court Judge Thomas F. Brownell set bail at $10,000 instead of the $200,000 they originally sought.

After Gardner’s indictment, the first rape case was transferred to Superior Court, where prosecutors again requested high bail – $150,000. But Judge Joseph M. Walker III kept bail at $10,000, and Gardner remained free.

Depending on the circumstances, Cruz said, judges typically impose a range of bail amounts in sexual assault cases. In some instances, he said, judges have released rape suspects on their own recognizance.

Judges are typically barred from speaking about pending cases.

Jack M. Atwood, a Plymouth lawyer whom McColloch works for and who represented Gardner on the first rape charges, did not return phone calls.

John G. Swomley, a Boston defense lawyer who has represented many individuals accused of sex offenses, said the $10,000 bail struck him as low.

“If the allegations are credible and there doesn’t appear to be something that wouldn’t be suggestive of fabrication, it would normally be a much higher bail,’’ said Swomley, who is not involved in Gardner’s cases.

Still, he said, the judges might have considered that Gardner had never been accused of a sex offense before August, according to public records.

Oh. So it was his first time raping a child. That explains everything. It’s not like the man traumatized a six-year-old in front of another child who testified about the assault:

In the first case, Gardner allegedly broke into a Kingston home through a bathroom window, according to the mother of the alleged victim, whose name the Globe is withholding because it would indirectly identify her daughter, the victim of a sexual assault. The Globe does not identify sexual assault victims.

Investigators gathered fingerprints and other forensic evidence that tied Gardner to the crime, she said.

According to a Kingston police report filed in court, the first alleged victim was staying at a woman relative’s house with another female relative, age 10, on Aug. 22. Between 4 and 6 a.m., the woman heard the 6-year-old crying and the 10-year-old girl yelling but dismissed it as a routine disturbance.

But around 6 a.m., the woman got up and was told by the 6-year-old that “a man was in her room . . . and was hurting her,’’ said the police report. A container of baby powder was on the floor and the powder was on the bed.

The woman discovered Gardner – to whom she was related by a former spouse – just steps away from the girls’ bedroom. Gardner said he was there to pick up garbage and take it to the dump, but the woman told police Gardner did not come through the front door and was not supposed to be in her home.

Gardner, who had baby powder on him, was ordered to leave but returned later with his father, David Gardner, according to the police report. Joseph Gardner “was very upset’’ and tearfully denied harming the 6-year-old girl, according to the report.

Yeah. Sounds like he deserved a higher bail. The victim was claimed to have “recanted” by a nurse but in reality the kid just wanted to get out of the hospital and the testimony of the ten-year-old and the forensics pretty much nailed Gardner. The ten-year-old is said to have given a “graphic” account of the crime.

And of course he has an excuse for the second assault. He was dating some tramp who tried to shake him down. Mother of the year slept over Gardner’s home, where the Massachusetts authorities have allowed him to keep custody of his four-year-old, sans kids the night before the assault then showed up the next day with her kids. I’m betting it was a set up, but Gardner isn’t innocent.

The events leading up to the second alleged rape began when Gardner started dating a woman with whom he had gone to high school, prosecutors said. The woman brought her two children, a 3-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy, to spend the night at Gardner’s home on Friday, prosecutors said.

Gardner lives on Summer Street with his 4-year-old son. The woman had slept there without her children the night before, court records show.

The woman told investigators that she heard her 3-year-old crying in the middle of the night but dismissed it because the girl often got upset while sleeping.

The next morning the woman noticed that her daughter was no longer wearing a pull-up diaper and she asked her about it. The girl then allegedly told her mother that Gardner sexually assaulted her and told the girl he would kill her father if she told anyone, according to police. The woman took her daughter to Jordan Hospital, which notified police.

When police arrested Gardner at home on Sunday morning, he said the woman’s allegations were untrue. “She accused me of this yesterday and wanted money so I gave it to her,’’ Gardner told police, according to court records. “She must have heard about my other case.’’

Disgusting. A man bails out of jail for child rape and she shows up with new victims. Someone needs to help the children of Massachusetts because it seems like no adult there is willing to keep them safe.

WCVB has more and a video report.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon

The Jews are Under Attack Link Round-Up

While political discourse in America becomes more polarized and financial woes trouble more Americans, as the reality of the coming collapse of the West becomes plain, the anti-Semitism that has long been festering in the “radical left” has become more violent and mainstream. I have often pointed out stories of Jews in America and England being targeted by the progressive/Islamist alliance, but these few stories sent to me by readers the last few days have made me more worried than ever for our fellow Americans of Jewish descent and those Jews in Europe who are being marched into a second shoah by the socialist elite who seek to appease Muslims in exchange for Jewish blood:

A Facebook  group was formed for International Punch a Jew in the Face Day by racist Nathan Biggs and anti-Semite Elias Youssef. Before Facebook took the group down the J.I.D.F. got a screen shot that shows there were 316 people who claimed they would attend this “event” and 67 people were “maybes.” Most of the “attendees” were not radical Muslims or White Nationalists but progressive college students.

As an aside, besides Barack Obama and left wing politics the one thing many had in common was belonging to Michael Jackson fan pages. Make of that what you will. The J.I.D.F. has hyperlinks to the attendees Facebook profiles.

A Rabbi was attacked by a Muslim at a Menorah lighting in Vienna. His finger was bitten off. Jews must celebrate their holidays in Vienna under increased security to protect them from Islamist aggression in the very city that halted Islamic Imperialism the 17th century. Gates of Vienna has some thoughts on this case that are worth reading.

Pro-Israel fliers were confiscated at a speech given by anti-Semite Cynthia McKinney at Binghamton University. The speech McKinney gave in support of her terrorist front group Free Gaza was called “Black in America, Black in Palestine” and as you could imagine it was a hate fest of Klannish proportions. Not mentioned at McKinney’s speech? Christian graves in Gaza being desecrated by Muslims who claim Christians “pollute” the earth they are buried in. Odd, is it not?

Racist conspiracy theorist Jane Hamsher of FireDoglake (home of the even more racist TRex who once told me his White friend couldn’t be racist because he’s “Chilean American” in the comments of Red Alerts) has started a campaign designed to get celebrities to attack Joe Lieberman’s wife just as Ezra Klein put forward a call for the Connecticut senator’s assassination by bizarrely claiming Lieberman was going to be responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.

Obama has been noted as being suspiciously nonchalant in his attempts to reach out to Jews. It’s been noted that born again Christian George W. Bush put more effort into celebrating the Jewish holidays than Obama. Worse, Obama’s messages to Jews on the High Holy Days are often calls to “behave better” while his messages to Islam are groveling pleas designed to ingratiate him (not America) into the good graces of barbarians who are bent on overthrowing the West.

“Zionists” are being blamed for the Swiss Minaret ban.

I feel a momentum building as anti-Jewish sentiments become more acceptable. It is time for all people of good conscience to stand with our Jewish friends in solidarity before the leftist anti-Semitism gets out of hand

Environmental Protection Agency Orders 40 Glock-19s

Infidels Paradise asks why the E.P.A. would need the 40 new Glocks mentioned in procurement order PR-DC-09-02080:

Posted Date : September 14, 2009

Procurement Office : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Headquarters Procurement Operations Division, (3803R)

Response Date: September 23, 2009, 4:00 PM EDT

NAICS code 332994 – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Criminal Investigations Division intends to award a sole source firm-fixed-price Purchase Order to Glock, Inc. under the authority of FAR Part 13, Simplified Acquisition Procedures for 40 Model G-19, 9mm frame handguns with finger grove and rail frames, Tijico night sights, extended magazine catches and 3.5lb/NY1 Trigger magazines. The Glock model G-19 is the Agency standard firearm and is the only pistol that fits our training, certified repair technician contracts, and equipment capabilities without a major change to Agency operations. Our agents are trained with the Glock pistol, and changing to another manufacturer would require transition training for each agent that could range from 1 to 3 days depending on the manufacturer. Additionally, our Agents are outfitted with holsters and magazine clips that are fitted to the Glock model firearm. Furthermore, EPA-CID has a large amount of spare parts for the Glock weapons and to retool these parts would require substantial expenditure for the Government.

NO SOLICITATION OR REQUEST FOR QUOTE WILL BE MADE FOR THIS PROCUREMENT. No contract will be awarded on the basis of offers received in response to this notice. All comments and questions regarding this procurement shall be addressed in writing to the Contracting Officer, Cara Lynch by COB on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted. The decision not to compete this requirement is within the discretion of the Government. Any response to this notice shall show clear and convincing evidence that competition would be advantageous to the Government in future procurements

The point of contact for this procurement is Cara Lynch, Contracting Specialist, at lynch.cara@epa.gov

The order answers the question. The E.P.A. does indeed have armed personnel who enforce environmental regulations. The E.P.A. in fact has a criminal enforcement program complete with their own “Special Agents” who are armed and authorized to enforce federal laws as well as environmental laws. The same environmental laws the E.P.A. is able to make up to suit prevailing political opinion.

They even have their own Most Wanted list of fugitives they’re chasing at the moment, consisting of Freon smugglers, mercury contaminated soil dumpers (though the new “environmentally friendly” light bulbs the E.P.A. wants you to use in your house are loaded with this hazardous substance) and one hardened Italian desperado who sold cars that didn’t meet American emission standards.

The E.P.A. both creates regulations and enforces them. This would be like the local police legislating and enforcing the law. Maybe I missed something, but is this Constitutional?