Georgia Can’t Account for 441 Registered Sex Offenders

My blogging partner Joe Friday is outraged by this story not just because of Georgia’s screw up but the overly sympathetic presentation of those poor sex offenders (rapists and child molesters) who society is just so mean to.

From Greenville Dragnet:

Child molesters, rapists, and kidnappers are among the 441 registered sex offenders authorities in Georgia are unable to locate.  And with parts of Georgia less than 50 miles from Greenville, the peach state’s missing sex offenders could be our problem too.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation maintains the state’s sex offender registry, and is charged with keeping tabs on over 17,000 offenders.  Authorities have lost track of almost 250 registered sex offenders just from metro Atlanta, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.

Of course the AJC report doesn’t at all mention that the only reason sex offenders go non-compliant is that they are up to no good. Nor does it mention that sex offender recidivism rates vary widely depending on the study but in essence every study done only proves that recidivism rates for sex offenders are lower when those offenders are being monitored.

As Joe Friday says the AJC is unconcerned with the new statistics these missing sex offenders are creating even now. Instead they’re earning their liberal street cred by claiming that people who have raped women or molested children are now being unfairly victimized.

Progressive High School Enlists Holocaust Denier as Multicultural Club Adviser, Hilarity Ensues

And by “hilarity” I mean death threats against Jewish students. From their teacher.

From the Las Vegas Journal-Review:

A Northwest Career and Technical Academy teacher is accused of denying the Holocaust happened and telling students that the Nazis lacked the technology to kill so many Jews, one senior said.

Jewish students said the teacher’s comments have circulated widely and have created a poisonous atmosphere at the public school, which has led other students to make anti-Semitic jokes and threats against them.

One such threat is being investigated by Clark County School District police as a possible hate crime, district officials and involved students and parents confirmed on Thursday.

The investigation involves a text message sent to multiple students that said: “Men are supposed to act like men and not be pansy asses … only girls are allowed to be that way you slut(t)y Jews … Please feel free to (forward message) or I will slit your throats personally … And yes I’m related to Hitler.”

Lori Sublette, the teacher accused of denying the Holocaust, has not apologized to students for her comments, said 17-year-old Katie Piranio, a student in Sublette’s “advocacy class,” a weekly course intended to prepare teens for life after high school.

When the Review-Journal reached Sublette on Thursday and asked if she had denied the Holocaust happened, the teacher did not answer the question.

“I would have to talk to my principal (Frank Pesce),” Sublette said. “I’m not in the position to respond to anything like this.”

At which point she handed the reporter a copy of The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy and went back to her DailyKos diary.

Death by 1000 Papercuts has the whole sordid story.

Child Raping Pervert Joy Babcock Posts Photos of Her Fondling Guy in Front of Toddler on Facebook

JoyBabcock Freching Dude in Front of Child

Kourtney Joy Babcock is a 19-year-old drug addled pervert I never got around to blogging about although other crime blogs like Shadowscope and Dead Kids of MySpace did if you’re unfamiliar with the story. Here’s a story quick summary of the case from the Newton Daily News:

(MCT) — The Yarmouth, Ill., woman accused of having sex with two Mediapolis boys reportedly told detectives she did not remember what happened during the alleged encounters because she had taken drugs and alcohol.

Kourtney Joy Babcock, 19, formally was charged Wednesday with three counts of third-degree sexual abuse. Each carries a potential penalty of 10 years in prison upon conviction along with other special sentencing guidelines such as lifetime supervision and sex offender registry requirements.

According to a July 16 interview with Des Moines County Sheriff’s detectives, Babcock said she was under the influence of Oxycodone and Oxycontin and alcohol during the visits with the boys earlier that same month.

She could not say “if they did or did not happen,” but recalled she kissed and made out with the 13-year-old, authorities said.

The investigation involving inappropriate sexual contact the woman allegedly had with the boys started when the mother of the 12-year-old reported her suspicions to authorities.

On July 6, the mother came to the sheriff’s office with her 12-year-old son, who said that four days earlier, he along with his 13-year-old brother and some friends were at his Mediapolis home watching television in the basement.

Babcock, who also was present in the basement, went to a room with the 12-year-old and began taking off her clothes.

The boy alleges Babcock talked him into having sex, which they did. He told detectives it was his first time.

Another 13-year-old — not the 12-year-old’s brother — also spoke with detectives and said he, too, has had sex with the woman.

Allegedly at midnight on July 1, Babcock went to the Mediapolis home where the 13-year-old was spending the night, authorities said.

And, much like the 12-year-old’s contention, the other boy reportedly told authorities Babcock talked him into having sex. He, too, said it was his first time.

During a separate interview with detectives, Babcock reportedly admitted to being in the Mediapolis home, but that it was the 13-year-old who started making sexual remarks toward her.

She insisted she told the boy having sex with him was not a good idea because she could get in trouble for it. She, however, told detectives the drugs and alcohol “had a massive effect on her and (may have) caused her to do things without thinking.”

Babcock, court papers indicate, said she and the 13-year-old went to a fireworks show July 3 in Sperry where they allegedly held hands and kissed.

Intriguing. When this story first broke I actually did a short interview (via Facebook) with Babcock in which she made the same sorts of statements, but actually was leaning more toward claiming the boys took advantage of her. When I asked for clarification as to why she was drunk and high with children in the first place she responded, and I’m paraphrasing here, with “shut up, that’s why.”

I point that little exchange out mainly to show the many backseat bloggers out there who constantly carp about me only caring about “the cop’s side” of the story that contacting some pervert to get her side of the story rarely leads anywhere. Of course, this exchange was ultimately worthless since I decided not to bother with what I thought was more up other bloggers’ respective alleys and waited for her sentencing so I could bang out a quick Victimless Crime File and be on my merry way. Being that our communication was via Facebook, I never “un-friended” her since even child raping Obamunists should be updated when I post something on Red Alerts.

If only for my advertisers’ sake.

Long story short, my sister-in-law complained to me the other day that one of our mutual “friends” tends to post risque photos of herself. I said that was nonsense, but frankly I wouldn’t know since I don’t really look at the photos people post on their profiles if they aren’t in some way involved in promoting my websites. I hate to break the illusion, but I don’t actually socially network on social networks, so I just got around to checking in on the photos all those “friends” of mine have been uploading and, the gods being humorous sorts, I found the contrite and victimized Babcock (who of course is not some child molesting pervert) uploading photos of her being pawed by some douche while a toddler watches.

Here’s another pic of her and her new beau feeling frisky without concern for the toddler in the shot:

Joy Babcock Getting Busy in Front of toddler

She has worse. Sans her history, these photos would be nothing more than a new entry on Fail Blog. But remember, Kourtney Joy Bacock is, as far as I know, still out on bond for raping at least two children.

Who is letting a woman who is likely on her way to jail for molesting children babysit with her new boyfriend and a digital camera? Does this sound like a great idea?

Update: D.K.O.M. has uncovered video of Babcock with her friends where she laughs about molesting her victim! Skip to 3:11

The person who uploaded the video is a young girl who also likes to upload videos of herself getting high and informational videos about her breast augmentation. I wonder how she paid for them.

As disgusting as Babcock’s insouciance for child molestation is what’s worse is that she’s surrounded by people who think what she did is funny and continue to enable her sexual dysfunction and drug abuse.

Surprise! “Palestinians” are Inbred Degenerates

Not that the fact that they’ve been desecrating Christian graves, kidnapping and raping Christian children and using their own children as human shields left much room for doubt about how backward the so-called “Palestinian” people are. But for those of you still concerned with the “plight” of people who manage to remain impoverished despite billions of dollars in aid per year (but always seem to have money to buy rockets to lob at Israeli schools) here’s a little fact that you won’t hear at the next Free Palestine rally: the Palestinian penchant for inbreeding has led to unusual levels of a genetic defect where male children are born with what looks like female genitalia.

Ever the pro-“Palestine” propagandists CNN begins the story with an attempt to garner sympathy for these cousin bedding cretin:

Gaza City (CNN) — Two Palestinian teenagers stroll amid the mounds of rubble left by last year’s Israeli military offensive, listening to the tinny beat of a Turkish pop song playing on a cell phone.

Nadir Mohammed Saleh and Ahmed Fayiz Abed Rabo are cousins and next-door neighbors. With their gelled hair, buttoned-down shirts and jeans, they look much like any other 16-year-old Palestinian boy. But looks, Ahmed says, can be deceiving.

“Only my appearance, my haircut and clothing, makes me look like a boy,” Ahmed says, gesturing with his hands across his face. “Inside, I am like a female. I am a girl.”

Until last summer, both Nadir and Ahmed were — for all intents and purposes — girls. They wore female headscarves, attended girls’ school and even answered to the female first names Navin and Ola.

Both Nadir and Ahmed were born with a rare birth defect called male pseudohermaphrodism.

Oh, how awful for these two youths who could just as well have stepped off the set of a prime time CW drama. How cruel is fate that these cousins and neighbors would both suffer from this rare disorder?

And by “fate” I mean the long standing tradition of inbreeding by this amoral clan of scum:

There are an unusually high number of male pseudohermaphrodite births in the Gaza neighborhood of Jabalya, where Nadir and Ahmed live.

Dr. Jehad Abudaia, a Canadian-Palestinian pediatrician and urologist practicing in Gaza, says he has diagnosed nearly 80 cases like Nadir’s and Ahmed’s in the last seven years.

“It is astonishing that we have [so] many cases with this defect, which is very rare all over the world,” Abudaia says. He attributes the high frequency of this birth defect to “consanguinity,” or in-breeding.

“If you want to go to the root of the problem, this problem runs in families in the genes.” Abudaia says. “They want to get married to cousins… they don’t go to another family. This is a problem.”

So in essence, even though the parents of the two boys above knew that their branchless family tree was passing this birth defect to their offspring they have flat out refused to break with the time honored Palestinian Muslim tradition of being given a female cousin to bed. Nadir’s brother and cousin, both of whom are significantly older, suffered the same condition yet both sets of parents continued to breed defective children rather than divorce and marry someone else. That, my friends, is the very definition of degeneracy.

CNN  has found a way to blame this on those pesky Jews:

In Western, more developed countries, doctors typically identify and then operate to correct disorders of sex differentiation at birth. But in war-torn Gaza, which has a lower standard of medical care, the birth defect can go undetected for years.

Yes, yes. War-torn Gaza where medicine is sub-standard but, according to CNN’s own reporting, almost all Palestinian teens are able to purchase hair gel and Western style clothing.

And of course CNN is happy to give this cult of unnatural wantonness passing itself off as a family what they want the most: a platform to demand that the West fund their depravity rather than holding themselves responsible for their own disgusting actions:

Though Nadir and Ahmed clearly have the love and support of their family, they say that is not enough. They are appealing to the international community to help them get the expensive and complicated sex-change operations they say they need to live normal lives.

“It’s the only obstacle and the source of all the problems,” Nadir says.

Until the sex-change operation is completed, Palestinian officials won’t change the gender on their identity cards to “male,” thus restricting their access to higher education.

In addition, Nadir and Ahmed complain of health problems like kidney infections due to complications resulting from the disfigurement of their genitalia.

“This is 100 percent a humanitarian issue,” says Nadir’s father, Mohammed. “There are four conditions in the same [extended] family. If we propose conducting the same operation on all four of them, the cost would be $30,000. We don’t have $30,000 and there is no advanced medicine in Gaza.”

Until then, these troubled Palestinians say their genders and their identities will remain in conflict, much like the land around them.

Yeah. It’s incumbent on we humanitarians to pay for the sex change operations necessary for children born to people who know that marrying their cousins causes birth defects but simply won’t stop. Makes perfect sense … in Palestine.

h/t Jammie Wearing Fool