Self-Described Jihadist Caught Making Bomb Threats in Memphis Out on $100 Bond

Yes I said $100.

MEMPHIS, TN – Tonight, Mohamed Ibrahim is out after posting $100 bond. Earlier in the day, he was arrested after police say he walked into several Memphis businesses and threatened to blow them up.

Court records show Ibrahim was also telling people he was Muslim, and wanted to start a jihad, or holy war, in Memphis.

Police say when they arrested him, he had a butcher knife hidden in one of his jacket sleeve

Notice that MyEyeWitness News is reporting that Mohamed Ibrahim was “telling people he was Muslims” as if there is some question about whether or not this is true. I point this out to give some insight into the political culture of Memphis.

Ryan Poe at The Commercial Appeal gives you a sense of how dangerous Ibrahim is:

A Memphis man was arrested Friday after he walked into seven local businesses and announced that he would bomb them if they didn’t close, according to a police affidavit.

The report states that Mohamed Ibrahim, 35, threatened businesses on Poplar Avenue, Summer Avenue, Mendenhall, Perkins and Danny Thomas Boulevard.

“If you don’t close this place up, I’m going to blow it to pieces,” Ibrahim told customers at the BP Gas Station on the 300 block of Poplar, according to the report.

A police officer pulled over the suspect’s black PT Cruiser on Poplar and arrested Ibrahim, who was “very nervous” and appeared as if “he was trying to hide something,” the report stated.

The suspect tried to kick out the windows of a patrol car during the arrest and police said they had to use pepper spray to subdue him.

Ibrahim was found in possession of “Islamic cassettes” which I assume weren’t audio of Sufi poetry and was charged with commission of a terrorist act as well as filing a false report and disorderly conduct. Given those facts bail seems pretty low.

N.T.A. is on this story. Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs have analysis.

Cyan Brown is a Hero and Thomas Winston Deserved to Die? Update: Cops Claim She Was Main Aggressor?

The Lord of the Gallows

Harsh? Not so fast gentle readers. 16-year-old Cyan Brown was almost gang raped in a wilding attack that began outside a New York restaurant and continued when eight thugs, led by career criminal Thomas Winston, dragged Brown off a subway train she had fled to. Of course being New York this all happened in front of witnesses who did nothing.

Luckily Cyan was able to defend herself, something which the authorities of New York frown upon. From The Daily News:

Several thugs tried to drag a woman off a Queens subway train Thursday night, but she fought back and fatally stabbed one of her tormenters before fleeing on another train, police said.

The large group of men – perhaps as many as eight – surrounded the woman outside a chicken restaurant above the 21st St.-Queensbridge station about 9 p.m., police and a witness said.

The harassment, which may have included unwanted sexual advances toward the woman and grabbing, continued as she entered the subway station.

The woman broke free from the men and frantically ran down to the platform and hopped on an F train, with the thugs right behind.

“They tried to physically drag her off the train, but she fights back,” one cop said.

The struggle continued as the group pulled her off the train and dragged her up the stairs to the mezzanine level.

At one point, the woman stabbed one of her attackers – identified by family as Thomas Winston, 29 – multiple times in the chest.

The woman then sprinted back down to the platform – with the thugs in hot pursuit, said witness Ricardo Josephs, 41.

“Seven or eight of them were chasing the woman,” said Josephs, an MTA employee.

“They all jumped over the turnstiles after her,” he continued. “She got on the Queens [-bound F] train. They tried to grab her; they tried to hold the train – but she got away.”

Winston, who lives in a nearby shelter and has a 10-month-old daughter, was pronounced dead at a Manhattan hospital.

The article goes on to point out that Winston had “numerous” arrests in his past. A follow up story relates that he had faced attempted murder charges. His family, however, claims he was just an innocent bystander, which must be why the teen victim is in hiding:

The 16-year-old girl suspected of fatally stabbing an ex-con lashed out after he and a bevy of men chased her onto a Queens subway train and tried to fondle her, her mother said Friday.

Thomas Winston, 29, and a pack of thugs tried to pull Cyan Brown out of a subway car at the 21st St.-Queensbridge station about 9 p.m. Thursday following an altercation that began outside a nearby chicken restaurant, police and family said.

She fought back and stabbed Winston before she fled on a Manhattan-bound F train, police said.

Winston, the father of a 10-month-old girl,was pronounced dead at a Manhattan hospital.

Although police have not disclosed any official suspects, Brown’s family said detectives have been trying to contact the girl in connection with Winston’s death.

“The guys tried to feel up my daughter and the next thing I know, someone was knocking on my door saying Cyan stabbed someone,” said Erika Brown, 40, the teen’s mother.

Winston, who lived in a nearby shelter, had a long list of prior convictions that included criminal possession of a weapon and selling narcotics and also faced an attempted murder charge, sources said.

But Winston’s cousin Tedra Laws, 31, said he was never in the subway station, but was trying to catch a cab to bring a present to his daughter.

Detectives should be looking for the rest of Winston’s gang, not harassing the family of Cyan Brown. Brown not only defended herself admirably, but she has stopped Winston from victimizing any other women. She is a hero and doesn’t deserve to be treated like a criminal.

Winston, however, got exactly what he deserved.

Update: Cops are claiming that this was an altercation between tow groups and Winston got stabbed after demanding her friend apologize for bumping into one of his. In other words Cyan was a thug and Winston, who was supposedly turning his life around (by traveling the streets with a gang of thugs looking to fight people for bumping into them) died as he lived:

A Queens teenager who stabbed a man to death in a subway was facing charges Tuesday after cops said she was to blame in the Christmas Eve fracas.

Charges were pending against Cyan Brown, 16, who was originally portrayed as a plucky victim who stabbed Thomas Winston, 29, in self-defense after a group of men tried to attack her.

“She was the main aggressor, without a doubt,” a police source told The Daily News.

Brown got into a shouting match with Winston after one of her male friends  bumped into him  on an F train at the 21st St.-Queensbridge station.

Winston, who was with his pals, asked the man to apologize, setting off a confrontation that apparently spilled onto the sidewalk in front of a chicken joint.

“You could say excuse me,” the slain man said, according to cops.


Winston’s friends chased after Brown, who escaped into the night.

Witnesses believed the teen was fleeing from a gang of aggressive men and told cops they thought she acted in self-defense.

Brown turned herself in for questioning yesterday at the 114th Precinct.

She will face first-degree manslaughter and weapons charges, Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne said.

Hmmm. Like I said in the comments the cops in New York aren’t big on self-defense. Winston and company went looking for a fight and got one from some of their fellow hoodrats. Rather than call an ambulance and try to staunch the flow of blood, or call a cop, when Winston got stabbed his so called friends kept fighting. Since Winston was charged with attempted murder just recently I’m not crying.

Of course, all these people who claimed you can’t trust the cops story when they say Winston may have started the altercation are now claiming the cops are 100% right after sweating a confession out of a teen. A confession that the NYPD was, allegedly, under pressure to get since the story was making the city look unsafe. But whatevs. I don’t buy it but the cops got her to admit to causing the fight which makes the city happy and shuts down criticism of a city that allows gangs of thugs to get out of control.

So did Thomas Winston deserve to die? I’ll let the person he recently tried to kill decide. Is Cyan Brown a hero? Not if she got stabby during an argument. But how is a teen girl and a couple of her firneds the “main aggressors” against eight or nine adults? Not buying it.

Update: If Cyan was the main aggressor who just stabbed Winston out of the blue why is she being charged with manslaughter rather than murder?

NEW YORK (AP) – A 16-year-old girl who said she pulled a knife on a group of men accosting her in the subway, leaving one man dead, has been arrested on manslaughter charges.

Cyan Brown surrendered Tuesday with her attorney after police located an eye witness to the Christmas Eve incident at an F train station in Queens. She’s to be arraigned Wednesday.

Police say others witnesses saw her jumping a turnstile and trying to get on the train before the group grabbed her and pulled her out.

The girl’s family says she was on a trip to a restaurant when a group of men chased her onto a subway and tried to fondle her. Fearing for her life, they say she pulled out a knife. Twenty-nine-year-old Thomas Winston was stabbed to death.

A call to her attorney wasn’t immediately returned.

Sounds like the cops threatened her with a murder rap an forced her to plead down to me.

Alex Jones Fan Post Internet Death Threat Against President Obama

“Anti-Zionist” Palestine supporter and Alex Jones fan “KarlKarlKarl1234” posted this comment on a YouTube video featuring Alex Jones complaining that Neil Boortz and and George Bush were Nazis … for supporting the Fair Tax or something.

Bush & Obama need to be executed or simply lynched on the sidewalk for High Treason.

Z.A.C. covers this sort of nonsense all the time because he has a stronger stomach than I do. I find these people too grating to deal with. But I wanted to show readers that Jones fans, Palestinian supporters, and other dregs are always willing to throw out the “let’s lynch a black guy” commentary and none of his fellow travelers batted an eye. Check the comments yourself to see if anyone even bothered to disagree with him.

Alex Jones is scum, as are all the suckers who make up his online cult.

Victimless Crime File: Pot Activist Poisons Three-Year-Old Grandson with Cannabis Cookies, Kills Self

And of course lefties from sites like Huffington Post are defending this drug addled moron and her irresponsible behavior. Huffpo claims she “accidentally” gave the toddler the marijuana infused cookies but that’s not exactly what really happened.

From The Examiner:

On the evening of Dec. 4, Erin Marcove made cookies for her 3-year-old grandson, a scene that is played out often around the Holidays, except for the fact that Marcove made the cookies with her favorite ingredient…Marijuana.

Marcove told police that she gave the boy the cookies which she made with “cannabis butter” around 10:30 p.m. The next day, she could not wake him.

The grandmother told investigators that when she awoke at noon, her grandson “was still sleeping, which was odd and she couldn’t get him to wake him up”

Hours later, Marcove placed the toddler in a cold shower, after he remained unresponsive. She then called the boy’s mother, but refused to call an ambulance for the child.

Once the boy’s mother arrived, she called 911 and he was rushed to the hospital. He required treatment in an intensive care unit, and tested positive for THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.

Court records state: “Mrs. Marcove said she didn’t call for the paramedics or take (the boy) to the hospital herself, because she doesn’t have his Medicaid card.”

Maybe if she was sober she would have remembered that emergency rooms are required by law to take patients in distress regardless of ability to pay. Of course that’s assuming she really believed such stupidity and wasn’t afraid to take a toddler she overdosed to a hospital where workers would have been required to report her abusiveness.

Because Marcove lived in her drug-fueled liberal fantasy world she assumed people would believe her asinine story. They didn’t. She ended up being investigated and took her own life rather than face the consequences of her actions in a final testament to her stunted emotional development.

So who was Marcove? Just some overage stoner? No, my friends, Marcove was a well known marijuana activist. The Examiner reports:

Marcove was well known amongst marijuana activists and was a self-described “Cannabis Medical Therapist Consultant.” She ran a business known as Cannabis Medical Therapeutics. Her website claimed that she used marijuana for most of her life for a variety of reasons.

Marcove frequently wrote about the benefits of marijuana use and the need to educate others on the subject.

She wrote on “There is so much information on cannabis; we all need the right education that guides the public in the truth of cannabis. Embrace cannabis as medicine. Compassionate medicine, Compassionate dispensaries!

Right. Marcove was a signatory on the Cannabis Therapy Institute’s “open letter to Colorado officials” where she was listed as a “expert” in the use of medical marijuana. I think overdosing her child on pot cookies should have called her supposed expertise into question.

That’s not how Huffington Post readers see it though. Huffpo hippy KarlaElisa made this comment on the story:

Of course the kid recovered.

My sympathies to the family for the loss of a very cool Grandma.

MyMindSpray made this repulsive comment:

The toddler has fully recovered……. from a thorough night’s sleep.

And as for the woman, now she’s gone.

Are you happy yet DEA??

Can you leave the citizens of this country alone yet?

We’re talking about a medicine that cures cancer (if you dispute this you haven’t done any research into the topic at all), and there’s all this fuss about it??


And of course the rest of the comments were similar. No mention of how dangerous it is for the child and a bunch of nonsense about pot being a miracle cure for everything … except pathological immaturity.

Marcove’s fellow drug users are actually lionizing her on the web. None of course have put forward the idea that getting toddlers high is wrong. This is likely because they don’t think it is.

But if it were legal this story would have been better because the woman wouldn’t have been punished for getting a 3-year-old high? Is that the argument legalizers are making?