This Could be Your Last New Year’s Eve Link Round-Up

My prediction for 2010 is simple. TEOTWAWKI!!!!! Hyperinflation, the collapse of several European countries, and a new dark ages from which man will struggle for centuries to climb out! So enjoy that cheap glass of champagne and a kiss from some swine flu-ridden friend of a friend who you’ll later find out is on the sex offender registry. I don’t think I’m being hyperbolic when I say this could be your last New Year’s Eve:

The U.A.W. is running an extortion racket on day care providers in Flint Michigan. With the state’s help.

Liberals were excited that Rush Limbaugh was in the hospital because they thought he might die. And you know, if people disagree with liberals they should die. But we’re to believe there won’t be death panels.

Fouad Ajami disects Obama’s “Liberal Orientalism” in this must read WSJ op-ed:

In retrospect, that patina of cosmopolitanism in President Obama’s background concealed the isolationism of the liberal coalition that brought him to power. The tide had turned in the congressional elections of 2006. American liberalism was done with its own antecedents—the outlook of Woodrow Wilson and FDR and Harry Truman and John Kennedy. It wasn’t quite “Come home, America,” but close to it. This was now the foreign policy of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden. There was in the land a “liberal orientalism,” if you will, a dismissive attitude about the ability of other nations to partake of liberty. It had started with belittling the Iraqis’ aptitude for freedom. But there was implicit in it a broader assault on the very idea of freedom’s possibilities in distant places. East was East, and West was West, and never the twain shall meet.

The White House took four days to respond to the pantybomber, six days to issue a statement on Iran’s brutal crackdown on its innocent citizens. It took less than 12 hours for them to respond to criticism by Dick Cheney.

Meanwhile it’s been reported that David Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel have been helping forge Obama’s foreign policy and security strategies even though they have no idea about either.

Al-Qaeda operatives were caught attempting to fund their Jihad through drug trafficking … in New York.

A Rocket Launcher and Jihadist material were found in a Houston apartment. No charges have been filed. On a related note, “moderate” Muslims in Houston were distributing Al-Qaeda propaganda even after the Ft. Hood massacre.

The Obama administration is cooperating with the United Nations to strip away your 2nd Amendment rights.

A Bosnian Muslim immigrant killed five people in a Finland mall in a scene eerily similar to the Salt Lake mall massacre which was also perpetrated by a Bosnian Muslim. The Finland gunman may have had K.L.A. connections.

Obama’s Executive Order on INTERPOL has Liz Blaine worried. Gates of Vienna notes that INTERPOL is being used by the Iranians as an international enforcement arm of their brutal and illegitimate regime.

G.S.G.F. has the real skinny on the situation in Yemen. Doesn’t look good.

A Maryland Judge named Steven Salant blamed the 15-year-old victim of a brutal gang rape for her assault by a group of animals. Her father (an Irish immigrant) is trying desperately to get some kind of justice in this case with clear racist overtones:

Montgomery county circuit court judge Steven Salant so enraged Séamus T that he filed a complaint with the Maryland Commission on Judicial Disabilities, the body that disciplines judges, on the grounds his daughter “was not treated with dignity and respect” as required by the state constitution.

Salant did not respond to The Irish Times’s request for comment, which was made through the court’s spokesman.

Séamus T says Salant blamed the victim and made excuses for the rapists, who he sentenced to probation only. As recounted by the Gaithersburg Gazette newspaper, the judge described the gang-rape as “horrific”, but focused on Erin’s behaviour on the night of the party.

The victim was drunk and “engaged in risky and provocative behaviour” such as sitting on people’s laps and talking about “hooking up”, Salant said in court. “This was a disaster waiting to happen . . . There was a dynamic at work here.

“There were things going on here. It doesn’t make the respondents any less worthy of blame, but what it does mean is I have to determine whether what we have here is sexual predators or respondents who . . . did not get that when a girl is intoxicated and presents herself in that manner you do not take advantage.”

An 11-year-old girl tried to kill her mother with the help of her 15-year-old boyfriend. What the hell went wrong in that family? Fox Tampa Bay is referring to both kids as teens. Sorry, but an 11-year-old is not a teen.

Some evil bastard dragged a German Shepard to death in Colorado.

Even MSNBC is worried about Obama’s economic policies now.

Still feel like celebrating?

Molotov Cocktail Found Near Philadelphia I.C.E. Office


A molotov cocktail was discovered this afternoon in a garage near a Center City office of the Department of Homeland Security and triggered an investigation by city police and federal authorities.

A bottle filled with diesel fuel was found just before 2 p.m. in the garage on the corner of Callowhill and North 16th Street. The garage is across the street from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices.

Initial reports said a laptop computer and several anti-Israel books were found with the device, which had been placed near a generator.

A tipster called police after seeing a man with several full trash bags emerge from a garage storage closet. A bomb squad unit “rendered safe” the molotov cocktail, said police spokesman Lt. Frank Vanore.

Police were trying to identify the man seen with the bags and determine if he was linked to the explosive device.

Sounds scary.

Charges Dropped Against 1%er Who Threatened to Kill Woman Who Wouldn’t Get an Abortion

This was unsurprisingly a member of The Pagans’ Jersey chapter. The N.J. Pagans are the worst of the worst, known for raping strippers and pimping out their “girlfriends” to make money. They are also one of the most violent 1%er gangs in the state.

28-year-old Jonathan R. Stock of Hackettstown is carrying on their tradition of extreme misogyny and criminality. From Pro-Life News:

Bethlehem, PA ( — A New Jersey man who is formerly from Pennsylvania accused of putting a gun in his girlfriend’s mouth because she wouldn’t get an abortion saw the case against him dropped last week. Jonathan R. Stock, 28, of Hackettstown, New Jersey, appeared for his preliminary hearing, but the woman he was accused of attacking didn’t. That led to prosecutors withdrawing charges that included aggravated assault, according to the Morning Call newspaper. Authorities say Stock is a member of the Pagans motorcycle gang and District Judge James Narlesky’s hearing was held at the county courthouse in Easton for security. But without the testimony of now-ex-girlfriend Tammy Smith, 31, the prosecution’s case couldn’t proceed. ”She’s concerned for her safety,” Assistant District Attorney Patricia Mulqueen said of Smith’s absence. Stock had wanted her to get an abortion, they argued, and he attacked her, according to court records.

Not at all unusual for the Pagans. Pagan members are known to pimp out their old ladies (and they are one of the few clubs I know of that allows men to have multiple old ladies) and treat their “train honeys” even worse. Train honey may sound sweet, but what they are are basically sex slaves the bikers force through violence and threats to serve the club, where they are traded, loaned to others and forced to service any member at any time or face the consequences. Many are dancers who are forced to turn over their earnings to the club; when they don’t make enough they are violently gang raped.

The woman above will likely end up dead if the Pagans catch up with her so keep her in your prayers. There’s a heavily redacted gang intel sheet on the pagans here.  This site has a decent overview of the club.

The Coming War Against the Jews in the Name of Islam

The other day I visited a forum where someone claimed that we shouldn’t support Israel because of the massive amounts of sexual slavery that take place there. I chimed in that America has its own sexual slavery problem and the person wasn’t crying over that, at which point it was implied I was a “secret Jew” Zionist agent.

While I’m not a Jew, I will point out here that I am a Zionist insofar as I believe that Jews need a refuge from a world that goes through cycles of anti-Semitism. I also believe that Jews have a historic claim to Israel (proven by archeology) whereas Muslim claims of being in any area prior to Jews or Christians is based on Islamic theology which states that Islam was the first true religion of the first humans and all other faiths are perversions of the truth. In addition, Islamic theology teaches Muslims that Islamic culture is scientifically superior to other cultures and this leads to Muslims incorporating the achievements of other cultures into their own after conquest by claiming they discovered them in the first place. The idea that Muslims invented the concept of zero (it was actually introduced to Muslims by Hindus) is an example of this changing of history. Thus, the claim on “Palestine” and the temples there is no different than Islamic claims on America or Europe. They are theologically correct but historically inaccurate.

In other words, I support Israel, there is no such thing as “Palestine,” and Muslims have no more claim to the so-called holy lands than Americans have to Japan. This isn’t to say that I support financial aid to Israel, whose socialist system is propped up by us, but I do support military aid to the little country. I also think all aid to Islamic counties that do not have some sort of Republican system of government that recognizes the rights of non-Muslim citizens should be cut immediately.

But Israel is necessary. It is necessary because even in place like New York and California, liberal bastions of supposed tolerance, I’ve seen the rise of anti-Semitism: Jewish cemeteries desecrated, synagogues burned, and Jews murdered simply for being Jewish. This is on our own shores, in our very republic. Via NewsReal Blog, here’s a compilation of some of the incidents I often allude to when debating this point:

The truth is that anti-Semitism is increasing and it is not isolated to any one country or political persuasion. Many Leftists, Libertarians, Communists, Socialists, Paleo-cons and frankly even Wiccans and environmentalists I have met all agree on one thing. The Jews are evil, in their estimation, and they are siding with Islamists in a coming global intifada against them. Within our lifetime we will see a new holocaust, driven by academic Marxists who have convinced the world that there is some “evil” plot by Jews to make the world less peaceful and this plot is at the root of Islam’s war against the West.

Just yesterday I received a press release from Americans Against Hate that accused a liberal Florida City Councilwoman of making outrageous statements that just a decade ago would have been considered unseemly outside of neo-Nazi circles:

(Davie, FL) According to Jeff Rubinoff, the President of the Davie/Cooper City Republican Club, at a holiday party for the group, he engaged in a heated discussion with Town of Davie Councilmember Susan Starkey over a Davie street sign that had been given to the Hamas-related Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

According to Rubinoff, Starkey told him that, until the federal government and the FBI stop working with CAIR, the group would be able to keep its sign. She said that she would only distance herself from CAIR and help to remove the sign, if she saw proof that the FBI had stopped working with CAIR.

Starkey was sent the proof she was asking for, which according to Rubinoff included numerous reports regarding the FBI’s severing of its ties to CAIR and information showing how leaders in the U.S. Congress have spoken out against CAIR.

As recent as the end of last year, CAIR was named by the U.S. Justice Department a co-conspirator in a federal trial dealing with the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas. At the end of the trial, all of the defendants were found guilty on all charges.

Starkey, according to Rubinoff, has not responded to the information.

Starkey’s support of the Hamas-associated CAIR may be due to her apparent disdain for the Jewish community. According to Rubinoff, during Starkey’s talk with him, the conversation quickly deteriorated into an anti-Semitic rant, where Starkey charged that “Jews are trying to convert everyone.”

Americans Against Hate (AAH) Chairman Joe Kaufman stated, “Councilwoman Starkey’s feelings are obviously blinding her judgment with regard to the security of the citizens whom she was voted into office to protect. She should apologize to the Jewish community for her hurtful statement, and she should apologize to the entire community for allowing a group connected to terrorism to have a street sign in its name.”

It is a refrain I’ve heard too often in the last few weeks, the wistful fantasy that we can avoid Islamic animosity by siding with Muslims against Jews and Israel. It is moral cowardice inflamed by the acceptance of the petty bigotry that has become a faddish political stance among those that see themselves as part of the cultural elite. The left and factions of the right will make war on the Jews in the name of  Islam in the hopes that Muslims will spare them from the global conflagration the world is speeding toward. It is a complete misunderstanding of the imperialist impulse of unreformed Islam, but more, it is an easy way for the West to vent frustrations at its decline by blaming the one group it has complete power over. The West cannot dislodge Muslims from Europe, and Europe will soon (within decades if not years) collapse into a new Dark Ages due to their self-balkanization, welfare based economies, and cultural malaise. America is in no better shape. But we can fire up our ovens for one last orgy of genocide.

In the coming years Muslims will become more than the “existential threat to the West” that pundits often write about. When your local government has to lay off half its police force because tax revenues are declining they will control areas of  your cities just as they do in Europe and England now. Next year, food shortages and economic depression are being predicted by many smart people (myself included, I say humbly) and the E.P.A.’s new environmental regulations virtually guarantee rolling brownouts and entire neighborhoods gone dark as Americans struggle to pay exorbitant energy prices. We will slip into second world status and people will look for a scapegoat. The Jews have already been set forward by the West as our scapegoat on the recommendation of the Muslims we have decided will inherit what’s left of Western civilization after we allow it to collapse.

It is my hope that Israel will be a refuge for Jews when the anti-Semitism here leads to waves of violence. But it is temporary. The Jews are being set up to die. Muslims, leftists and the “old right” will soon have blood on their hands physically, not just metaphorically. The Christians think this will be their end of days and they might be right because as go the Jews so will go the rest of the West. The coming war against the Jews will not be an ending, but the beginning of the end of all of us.

h/t JIDF