Thanks for Making Us Look Good, Lionel McIntyre: Black College Professor Punches White Woman


Building bridges and breaking down the barriers that hold the Black man back. That’s what every Uncle Tom liberal who crawls off to places like Columbia to spend the better part of his life tap dancing for academia’s armchair Marxists and promoting policies that have destroyed the Black community will tell you he’s actually doing. In reality, “brothers” like Lionel McIntyre (or Beltway Sniper defending Jesse Taylor from Pandagon) know that they are part of the reason the Black community is in the shape it’s in and just don’t care.

There was a time, I know because I’ve met Black men who were from that time, when to be called a man in the Black community meant you had to be a good husband, a good provider, law abiding, a good neighbor, and above all, the kind of man that any woman, White, Black or any color could feel safe around.

My grandfather was beloved, not just by his family and friends, but by the White folks for whom he was the only Black man they knew. Al Hinton was a good man. One of his neighbors was a White woman who was, when my family first migrated to the Port Jervis area of New York, deathly afraid of Black folks. Within a few years she was baking cakes for my grandparents and said she felt safer knowing that “Al would look in on her” when there was a bad storm or it was snake season. He never raised his hands to a woman, only spanked one of his kids once, and I can’t recall him ever even raising his voice in anger.

Not to say he was soft. He walked 6-10 miles a day in his twilight years. He was a stoic and rugged man raised on the streets of Newark, New Jersey with his brothers. One of whom ended up in the hospital when he was in his latter 60s because when two young punks tried to mug him in broad daylight he decided to fight both of them. He proudly proclaimed that he won that fight, because he kept his wallet. My grandfather’s generation was raised to earn what they had, including the respect of their neighbors and status in their community. They’d be more likely to take a poke at McIntyre than even think about hitting a woman.

Compare these men to the angry man-children of the Black community today, products of a White liberal run educational system that teaches them not to strive and a race hustling industry run by the likes of “Rev” Jesse Jackson that tells them they are owed something. Lionel McIntyre is the epitome of this sort of Black “man” who runs off to college and stays there forever, happy to be given intellectual hand-jobs for inferior performance by White liberals who secretly think of him as a trained monkey dancing to the tune they grind out on their academic organs. He’s never had to earn respect, never had to seriously defend his beliefs, and has lived for decades in a fantasy world where it’s normal for him to be treated like a child who has no ability to control his actions.

So like a child when he isn’t getting his emotional diaper changed the way he likes, he lashes out unaware of the consequences of his actions. From the NYPost:

A prominent Columbia architecture professor punched a female university employee in the face at a Harlem bar during a heated argument about race relations, cops said yesterday.

Police busted Lionel McIntyre, 59, for assault yesterday after his bruised victim, Camille Davis, filed charges.

McIntyre and Davis, who works as a production manager in the school’s theater department, are both regulars at Toast, a popular university bar on Broadway and 125th Street, sources said.

The professor, who is black, had been engaged in a fiery discussion about “white privilege” with Davis, who is white, and another male regular, who is also white, Friday night at 10:30 when fists started flying, patrons said.

McIntyre, who is known as “Mac” at the bar, shoved Davis, and when the other patron and a bar employee tried to break it up, the prof slugged Davis in the face, witnesses said.

The punch was so loud, the kitchen workers in the back heard it over all the noise,” bar back Richie Velez, 28, told The Post. “I was on my way over when he punched Camille and she fell on top of me.

The other patron involved in the dispute said McIntyre then took a swing at him after he yelled, “You don’t hit a woman!”

“He knocked the glasses right off my face,” said the man, who would only give his first name as “Shannon.” “The punch came out of nowhere. Mac was talking to us about white privilege and what I was doing about it — apparently I wasn’t doing enough.”

Of course not. McIntyre has learned that people like “Shannon” and Davis will stroke him as long and hard as he desires, in return for him acting as a spokesperson for leftist claptrap like “White privilege” which, for those of you not familiar with academic Marxism, is the theory that the nebulous “White” race (which never seems to include Latinos of European decent, Italians, Arabs who are in fact “White,” and anyone else willing to make a fuss) is born so superior in position (and intellect) to everyone else that to make things fair we’d have to handicap Whites so others could catch up. You know, because we non-Whites could never be successful through hard work. And we certainly shouldn’t take pride in non-Whites who have been successful through their own work and not by riding some White person’s coat tails.

You’ll also notice that McIntyre is a bully who hit the woman first, then only hit the man when he saw that “Shannon” wasn’t going to beat the crap out of him. Typical. Had “Shannon” stood up to him in the first place McIntyre would have slithered off like the punk he is, but of course Davis would have been hit with a racial harassment charge that the Columbia plantation would have been all too eager to file to keep their star house boy happy.

McIntyre was released without having to post bail, ironic because if it wasn’t for his connection to White liberals through Columbia he’d have been required to post bond, so I guess that “White Privilege” works out pretty well for McIntyre after all. He then had the temerity to make this statement:

“It was a very unfortunate event,” he said afterwards. “I didn’t mean for it to explode the way it did.”

It? Some object didn’t run in and punch some gal in the face, McIntyre did. But so consumed with the idea that he isn’t responsible for any part of his life that he can’t even admit that he was the one who exploded. Disgusting.

h/t Gateway Pundit

Places where you won’t read about a woman getting punched in the face by her colleague at a bar:






Weird right? You’d think they’d care about a story of blatant misogyny featuring prominent academics….

“Strung Out” P.E.T.A. Supporting “Actress” Dumps Puppies at Shelter


Dominique Swain may be willing to sanctimoniously lecture the rest of us about animal rights, but when it comes to taking care of cute little puppies she’s not willing to do the bare minimum:

It sounds like “Alpha Dog” starlet and PETA spokeswoman Dominique Swain needs a refresher course on how to treat animals.

Pop Tarts spies spotted the 29-year-old actress at an animal shelter in Malibu over the weekend, accompanied by her father and a box of eight-week-old, half cocker spaniel puppies that her dog had.

“She was really strung out and just wanted to dump the puppies there, they had never even been to a vet,” an eyewitness tells Tarts. “She was told that it was crucial that they had their shots at four and eight weeks, and they had to be kept away from the other shelter dogs.”

According to the witness, the shelter volunteers asked if Swain could make a donation so the required vaccinations could be performed, otherwise the volunteers at the non profit shelter would have to pay for them.

“She said she had no money, despite [driving in] in her BMW,” the eyewitness said. “She was really rude. Eventually she said she would make a small donation, but just left the pups there and drove off.”

What do you expect from a P.E.T.A supporter? P.E.T.A. Kills Animals

School Waits Two Days to Tell Mother Her Daughter Was Raped on School Bus

What is going on in our schools? The victim in this story was failed on so many levels:

EAST PRICE HILL – A 13-year-old student has been removed from his school after allegations surfaced that he raped a 9-year-old classmate on the school bus last week.

This is a very troubling allegation, very disturbing,” said Janet Walsh, a spokeswoman for Cincinnati Public Schools.

Also troubling is the time line of events.

The 9-year-old it appears never told her mother what allegedly happened on the school bus, and the school, Roberts Paideia Academy, also didn’t notify the mother until Thursday. The attack, according to the police report, happened on Nov. 3.

On the report filed Thursday, the mother told police that her daughter was forced to perform oral sex on another student while the school bus was dropping student off for the day on Nov. 3.

The teen has not been arrested nor has he been suspended from school. Walsh said he was removed from the classroom and subsequently the school on Nov. 4, the day that administrators came to school to find a faxed report from the bus company First Student about the alleged incident. It does not appear that that bus company notified the police department. Several phone calls to First Student were not returned Tuesday.

It gets worse:

Walsh said the bus did not have a student aide on board and there is a surveillance tape, but the tape does not show anything out of the ordinary occurring.

“(The camera and tape) does not show all vantage points on the bus,” Walsh said.

The school’s principal had been out of the building for training when the alleged rape occurred, Walsh said. She said the assistant principal may have waited until the principal returned to notify the 9-year-old’s mother. Walsh said it didn’t appear that the assistant principal would be disciplined, but that school officials are looking into the matter.

“We are certainly looking into tightening procedures because there was a delay,” Walsh said. She said she expects a district-wide discussion or notice on what is expected of staff and principals when encountering similar events.

Via Dreamin’ Demon here’s a video report of the incident:


I’ll be home schooling if I have kids.

Obama’s Administration Explained

This video is easily laughed at until you look at the current administration and how they operate. Watch these videos all the way through and tell me there aren’t parallels to Obama and the DNC:


Part II:


It’s like J. Edgar Hoover predicted Obama’s presidency, the liberal media and today’s leftist academic establishment fifty years ago.

Obama Administration Moves to Destroy Gulf Coast Oyster Industry

Raw oysters are one of the few pleasures in life a man grows into instead of out of. While a man of my age should have long ago forgotten what being high even feels like, and should be happily totaling tea with his wife at home rather than drinking himself into a stupor at some bar, we still can enjoy a richly decadent meal, which should always start with a dozen oysters served chilled and freshly shucked. A squeeze of lemon, some Tabasco, and a little horseradish is all the treatment the often still living mollusks need before being speared on my fork and consumed. No beer or wine has ever compared to the delicate texture and sweet yet salty and earthy flavor of a freshly shucked oyster. No drug is so euphoric. They are simply one of nature’s great pleasures, cultivated for food since the dawn of man.

Like all of nature’s wonder there is a cruel side. The weak are culled by nature and the bacteria found in oysters, which has been harmless to millions of oyster lovers for thousands of years, can be harmful to people with compromised immune systems. Thus A.I.D.S. victims may want to cook their oysters. But healthy people can and do consume these bacteria laden gifts from the gods as safely as they drink from a bacteria laden bar glass or eat a bacteria laden fast food burger prepared by a person completely covered in substances you wouldn’t want in your mouth.

But Lord Hopenchange and his administration think the 15 people who are already dying of immune deficiencies who then get infected through oysters is 15 too many! Either that or they’re planning on destroying a key industry in the red states out of spite:

Eager to deliver on their pledge to improve food safety, federal officials say sanitizing oysters is a simple way to save lives. But oystermen, state officials and their representatives on Capitol Hill say the federal government is overreaching and aiming to destroy a gastronomical delight.

Most of the raw oysters eaten in the United States carry vibrio vulnificus, but healthy consumers are unlikely to be affected by it. However, for those with diabetes, liver disease, cancer, AIDS and other chronic conditions, the infection can be deadly. About 30 cases of the infection are traced to Gulf Coast oysters annually, and half of those cases are fatal, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The debate over the mollusks affects not only oyster shacks along the Gulf but raw bars around the country. The Gulf Coast supplies 67 percent of oysters consumed nationwide, and many of those oysters end up in Maryland, Virginia and other places where demand is high and the local supply is down, said Dave Burrage, a fisheries specialist with the Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Center.

Why should consumers have the responsibility in America to know if their bodies, already fighting off a variety of largely self-imposed medical conditions like diabetes (being fat) A.I.D.S. (unprotected sex, sharing needles)  and liver disease (drinking and drugging), should be able to handle what they buy and put in their own mouths? That’s not Obama’s America! Since those people can’t make those decisions let’s take the decisions out of everyone’s hands! It’s only fair!

“There’s just a very clear public health case,” said Michael Taylor, the top food safety official at the FDA. “Vibrio is one of the most horrific infections we know about. Fifteen people a year die from this. It’s excruciating. And the people who don’t die suffer life-changing injuries. But we can prevent this.”

Federal officials, who are emphasizing food safety improvements, point to California as an example. Between 1991 and 2001, 40 people in California died of vibrio infection. In 2003, the state banned raw untreated oysters from the Gulf during warm months and fatalities dropped to zero, Taylor said.

There’s over 30,000 car fatalities every year but the government isn’t stopping people from driving cars. But stopping people from driving cars won’t help collapse gulf state economies:

The oyster industry says that antibacterial processing, which is similar to pasteurization, will ruin the taste of raw oysters, triple their cost and place undue burdens on a business that has deep cultural and culinary roots.

“This is unprecedented — how they’re trying to regulate shellfish,” said Al Sunseri, co-owner of P&J Oyster of New Orleans, the nation’s oldest continuously operating oyster dealer. In the 133 years that Sunseri’s family has been selling oysters, it has never been linked to a vibrio illness, he said.

He said the FDA is unfairly targeting oysters. “If they’re a public health agency and if they feel they can bring illnesses down, why aren’t they requiring fruits and vegetables be irradiated?” he said. 

Good question. That’s because it would affect blue state economies to do so. This is an attack on industries run in conservative areas who serve a blue collar clientele. Typical elitism. But then of course the supporters of this overreach try to pull on your heart strings with the touching tale of a moron:

Darrell Dishon, 40, is not so certain. He tried oysters for the first time at a raw bar in Panama City, Fla., in July, two days before his wedding. He came out of a coma two weeks later, with his legs amputated. Dishon, who is diabetic, said he had no idea that eating raw oysters posed a health risk.

“I just don’t want this to happen to someone else,” said Dishon, who lives in Lebanon, Ohio. “You sit down for dinner with your family, and the next thing you know you’re in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Or worse.”

I’m pretty sure his doctor told him to stay away from raw shellfish since his immune system was compromised, and that his immune system was compromised because he wasn’t following the simple instructions diabetics are given to keep healthy. But why should he? Isn’t it better to just ruin the enjoyment of a centuries old food for millions of people than expect people with compromised immune systems to take care of themselves?

I mean aside from those evil Republican voting red staters who’s going to suffer?