Muslim Convert Caught Trying to “Marry” Kansas City 14-Year-Old He Bought with Wal-Mart Jewelry

And by “marry” I mean her Muslim mother and step-father, mysteriously concerned with virginity despite keeping her under lock and key, decided to Islam away this problem by selling her to a violent degenerate who later (allegedly) shot at the girl’s disapproving relatives.

From Kansas

Vincent Mosby signed a marriage contract and paid a dowry in a religious ceremony in August, police said.

Mosby, 23, of Kansas City didn’t legally wed his 14-year-old bride, however, because Missouri law won’t allow it without a judge’s order. Police said she was pressured into the union because her mother and stepfather thought she was going to be sexually active with a boy her age.

Although the bride’s stepfather arranged the “marriage,” according to court records, other relatives frowned upon the union and told police in late August. The relatives also took the girl to protect her from further sexual abuse, according to court records.

A relative told police that Mosby called and threatened violence if family members didn’t “give me back my wife in 72 hours,” according to court records. Two days later, on Sept. 9, someone fired three shots into the Kansas City home of the girl’s aunt. No one was hit.

Why the rush to get the girl married off to someone they know to be volatile? What kind of step-father would marry off his step-daughter to someone who either fired at his in-laws, or contracted out for someone else to do it?

Even though the parents are traditional Muslims who no doubt kept a close eye on their children, the step-father began pushing the idea that “soon” she would begin having sex with some boy her own age. Not that she had a boyfriend mind you. She just was, at 14, itching to have sex according to the step-father:

Police said the girl’s stepfather and mother became concerned that she was going to become sexually active, so the stepfather allegedly approached Mosby about marrying the girl. The girl was “strongly encouraged” to wed Mosby, police said.

The stepfather, Mosby and the teen had several “sit downs” before the stepfather arranged for a religious ceremony on Aug. 4 at her home, not far from the stepfather’s mosque.

Wow. The step-father sure seemed to be in a hurry to get her married and thus sexually active with someone. Seems odd since he was supposedly so concerned with her overwhelming sexual appetite. Maybe some religious instruction would have been in order, rather than a marriage to a cretin. And how did the happy day go for the blushing, yet according to the step-father, hot in the pants bride?

Two members of the mosque attended, but the bride “was not allowed to be present,” court records said. She waited in her room upstairs. Her stepfather allegedly came upstairs after the ceremony, which consisted of prayers and a contract signing, to announce that she was married.

Police say they have the “marriage contract” with the signatures of Mosby, the girl and the stepfather.

The contract also notes the dowry the girl requested from Mosby — a watch and ring, which he told police he bought at Wal-Mart.

I’m going out on a limb and saying that it was a man’s watch and ring Mosby purchased. If this sounds like the girl’s step-father was pimping her out, this next passage will no doubt reinforce that conviction:

Court records said the couple had sex three times in August in her home, while her mother and stepfather were home. The girl did not move in with Mosby. She stayed with her parents and kept in touch with Mosby through phone calls and text messages.

If I were the kind of blogger given to being suspicious of his fellow man I’d almost think that the step-father seemed to be in a rush to cover his tracks so to speak. After all, he could have waited a few years to marry her off, but was obsessed with the idea she “would start having sex” which is odd to say the least.

Marrying her off to someone but keeping her in the house, close at hand, is also odd. As is letting this other person have sex with her while he’s puttering around the kitchen. Why wouldn’t he want his 14-year-old step-daughter, who he presents as being out-of-control sexually, to live with her “husband” after he went through such pains to marry her off?

Could it be that the kind of man who sells his step-daughter for Wal-Mart jewelry is also the kind of man who would molest his step-daughter? Is this marriage a sham? A cover for him to continue the abuse? Is “traditional” Islam attractive to this person because it allowed him to indulge in his criminality and depravity unrestricted?

Hey, I’m just asking questions as they say, but this all sounds pretty suspicious to me. Not, however, to the people of his Mosque, who have yet to speak out about this.

Filthy Degenerates Target Red Alerts in Email/Comment Blitz

I’m working on a book review of Mark Fuhrman’s book The Murder Business (honest!) but I keep getting distracted. More recently I allowed myself to get side tracked by a flurry of emails (and later a comment) by various perverts and their groupies who are engaged in a virtual new media blitzkrieg designed to spread what is essentially pro-rape propaganda on the Internet where such ideas can fester unchallenged.

First I got an email from Robin Vanderwall, a former Republican and now Libertarian (more on that in a minute) sex offender whose North Carolina registry is here. He also has a profile on, a site (if you can believe this) where criminals post profiles for perusal by the skanky guttersluts who think dating child rapists is a good idea. All for mutual support of course. His several emails to me are too long to post so I will make them available to any reader who requests them. To summarize, he had three main points:

1) I didn’t have the “intellectual honesty” to allow child rapists to tell their side of the story. It’s not fair, he whined, that no one is talking about how hard being busted for attempting to sexually exploit a child has been on him. In addition, at least half of the people on registries are “innocent” kids who were caught up in a Romeo and Juliet situation.

2) Everyone has done something that would land them on a sex offender registry. So he’s being unfairly persecuted by the rest of us who all attempt to lure 13-year-olds over the Internet to be sure! I mean, who among us doesn’t want to have sex with a child? This was his most asinine point.

3) Republicans all suck, because we didn’t stand by him when he was caught. Luckily, the Libertarian Party was there to embrace him with open arms.

While that last bit probably won’t surprise anyone who has ever dealt with a lot of Libertarians, the first two points will shock decent people if they are unfamiliar with people like this. And by “people like this” I mean a man who was imprisoned for six years when he contacted detectives posing as 13-year-olds and tried to set up meetings with them for sex. From The Virginia-Pilot:

In the summer of 2002, Robin W. Vanderwall appeared to have a bright professional future in the worlds of politics and law.

He was a law student at Regent University and had secured an internship with Commonwealth’s Attorney Harvey L. Bryant III.

Vanderwall also had been a political strategist with several successful campaigns. In 1999, he ran Del. Robert F. McDonnell’s successful campaign against former Sheriff Frank Drew.

On Thursday, Vanderwall’s professional future came to an end.

After a three-day nonjury trial, Circuit Judge A. Joseph Canada Jr. convicted Vanderwall, 35, of five counts of soliciting sex with children via the Internet and one count of attempted indecent liberties with children.

Vanderwall faces up to 55 years in prison when he is sentenced June 21.

Canada said the case highlighted the Internet’s power for good and evil. “Maybe this will send a message to weirdos out there using the Internet in an inappropriate way,” he said.


According to trial testimony, Vanderwall used a computer in his apartment on Jake Sears Circle, off Centerville Turnpike, to enter chat rooms. There, he identified himself as “Saliare” and cruised the Internet for underage children, both boys and girls.

Virginia Beach police have a special unit dedicated to catching Internet criminals. Officers posed as 13-year-old children in the chat rooms that Vanderwall cruised in the fall and winter of 2002-03.

One officer pretended to be a 13-year-old girl named “Lil’SaraXOXOX.” Another was a 13-year-old boy named “KennyJ13.”

Another was a 13-year-old girl named “SweetSammie4U2.”

From November 2002 through January 2003, all three “teens” had contact with “Saliare,” who identified himself as a 5-foot-8-inch, 155-pound, 19-year-old white male, with short hair, hazel eyes, and a goatee.

Except for the age, it was a perfect description of Vanderwall.

The conversations started innocently but turned toward sex at “Saliare’s” prompting. He encouraged the teens to meet him at malls and other locations. He offered to introduce them to “real” sex and bragged about his genitals.

He gave them his telephone number.

In one exchange, “Saliare” said he wanted to be the teen’s first partner in both real sex and telephone sex.

But who among us hasn’t done something similar? Who dares cast the first stone at this prince among men? I did, of course, with some help from my cyber compadre Stitches77 from Absolute Zero United who has an uncanny ability to gather intelligence and Dodiafae from Pagans Against Child Abuse, the latter of whom astutely pointed out other crime bloggers and news sites were getting comments with similar minimizing, pro-rape talking points. Not unusual.

So Vanderwall, who can also be found at his blog, lurking on YouTube, and posting pro-pedophilia comments using his blogger account, didn’t like his chances of converting me so he tagged in his partner “Tonia Maloney” who runs a site called Love is Not a Crime which is dedicated to trying to make people see how “unfair” it is that her son ended up on a registry. Here’s the first part of her email, but again our exchange is too long to post in its entirety so I will make the entire exchange available to anyone who requests it:

Tonia Maloney wrote:
Hi received an email from someone named Robin who advised me that a Mr. Taylor was unaware of some information regarding sex offender laws. I was told that you were not aware of any Romeo and Juliet cases regarding sex offenders and I’d like an opportunity to clarify that.

My son was 19 years old and had consensual sex with his 16 year old girlfriend. He is now a registered sex offender. They were together for nearly 3 years when the relationship finally ended this past April. He got out of prison yesterday for violating his probation by seeing her again – luckily, this relationship is over and he can start to “try” to get his life back. He was with this girl for many months prior to his arrest. Her father approved of my son, at first, and even took him on family camping trips, had my son work with him and even had the conversation with my son to “use condoms with [his] daughter.” It was clear they were having sex, everyone knew it. It wasn’t until the father got mad at his daughter and told her to break up with my son (which she clearly didn’t do) that he was arrested.

Oh that sounds horrible! Except it’s not true. She admitted in our subsequent exchanges that her son was convicted of rape with force. I guess in this case “love” is indeed a crime. Tonia claims the prosecutors made her poor innocent son plead to forcible rape to avoid being charged with statutory rape which of course makes perfect sense. What lawyer worth his salt wouldn’t cut a deal for his client to plead up to a greater crime?

At the same time, Wiccan High Priestess and pedophile, I’m sorry former pedophile, Jessica Massey suddenly decided to comment on this months old post in which I point out that pedophiles come in all shapes and sizes, including attractive 19-year-old coeds. From her comment:

But let me clarify; these stalkers have nothing from me after the age of 17 because that is when I ceased to be active in the “BoyLove” movement. In fact, the above posts were all from between the ages of 14 and 17, when I was still very much a child myself. For those of you who care about the truth behind these stories and aren’t just in it for the thrill of moral superiority, here’s what I have to say. I was lured into this movement at a young age. I felt a strong desire to be protected and cared for by someone older and stronger, but out of confusion or a desire to ignore my own vulnerability, I’m not really sure which, I transferred those desires into an attraction to minors I don’t think I really possessed. I saw these communities as a safe outlet, even though they really probably weren’t. As I matured, I slowly came to realize what I truly wanted, and began to distance myself from these people. I needed to leave them to outgrow the neediness that brought me to them in the first place. I still feel a certain attachment to them. They were my friends when I was still a confused, stupid, pompous teenager who didn’t have anyone else. Did they deceive me? Are many of them horrid child rapists? Maybe they are, I don’t know, and I probably shouldn’t associate with them at all, but being judged here, I am much slower to pass judgment on anyone else. Thank you.

Oh, it’s so unfair! How can I judge a 19-year-old who was active on pedophile forums at 17? Easily, it turns out, because despite her claims her YouTube channel still contains a trailer for her “fictional work” called Boys of the Gallery which in fact feature pictures of boys that are traded by pedophiles to this day. Were she sincere about distancing from these people it’d be reflected in her distancing from their spank material.

But the gods were truly at work to have Massey decide to contact me today to claim she’s being judged unfairly while Vanderwall and Maloney, who assured me they are not connected even though they link to the same sites and attend the same summits, emailed me to tell me how I’m judging people unfairly. I mean, what else could it possibly be but divine intervention?

Astute readers will see a pattern here. These activists go from site to site spreading their talking points, no different from any political movement really. But in this case the movement wants to lower the age of consent and make society treat its most depraved and evil members as “victims” of our bigotry. The real victims, the people they exploit and abuse, are to be ignored as we embrace these new “orientations” in the name of tolerance.

I point this out not because it will affect Red Alerts in the long run. It was simply my day for them to engage me. But I want readers to realize that in the comments of every news story about rape or molestation you may run into this same strategy. There will be people claiming you are being “unfair” to offenders and they will have sob stories to tug at your heartstrings. Those stories are lies and your disgust at degeneracy and desire to protect children is unfair. Do not let these people guilt you into ceding the moral high ground you have when you support tough restrictions on sexual predators.

Vanderwall ended our discussion with this paragraph which readers should see because it exposes what these “sex offender advocacy” groups like Reform Sex Offender Laws (the common thread between many of these scum) are really up to:

You’re a funny guy, Rob.  Goodness, you’d think I’d murdered someone in your family or something.  Give it a rest man.  You’re only demonstrating how damaging the public exposure of another’s bad acts happens to be.  Plant that seed.  Go ahead.  But, you will inevitably be destroyed by the seed that you plant.  You can’t spew hate and destruction without inviting it upon yourself.  This is what I learned as a Republican.  God forgive them all.  They certainly need it.  I’m quite content as a Libertarian now (who have a more sensible approach to age-of-consent laws, as well as internet entrapment).  The day will come, in your lifetime, when we will look back upon the “internet predator” era as a total failure of ethical, responsible law enforcement tactics.  You just sit back and watch….and remember me, Rob, when that day arrives.

You may publish whatever you wish about me. Nobody I care to impress reads your blog.  Besides, what additional harm can possibly come from it?  It might actually harm you.  You are familir with blowback, yes?  There comes a point in time when most Americans believe you ought to leave a guy alone.  And, when you don’t, you become the bad guy.  So, roll the dice.  Let’s see what happens.  Heck, even Judge Canada might think enough is enough. You don’t kick a man in the face forever.  However, there is a distinction between defamation and harassment.  Be careful not to cross the line.  I have no plans to sue anyone…..but one’s criminal intent is an entirely different matter.  Deliberately setting out to destroy a person’s name is murder by other means.

Sounds like a threat. It’s almost as if these groups are fronts for a vicious harassment campaign by perverts to shut down voices of reason and decency.

Gay Hillary Supporters for Bush!


I have to say that unlike my right leaning brethren I have never been fully on board with the Hillbuzz crowd. I understand their frustration and frankly I think Clinton would have been a much better President than Obama (or even McCain frankly) but I don’t respect people more based on their dissatisfaction with a group they refuse to leave.

They have remained classy to Republicans in many cases and for that I do respect them. However this recent piece about George W. And Laura Bush makes me respect them even more:

If you have been reading us for any length of time, you know that we used to make fun of “Dubya” nearly every day…parroting the same comedic bits we heard in our Democrat circles, where Bush is still, to this day, lampooned as a chimp, a bumbling idiot, and a poor, clumsy public speaker.

Oh, how we RAILED against Bush in 2000…and how we RAILED against the surge in support Bush received post-9/11 when he went to Ground Zero and stood there with his bullhorn in the ruins on that hideous day.

We were convinced that ANYONE who was president would have done what Bush did, and would have set that right tone of leadership in the wake of that disaster.  President Gore, President Perot, President Nader, you name it.  ANYONE, we assumed, would have filled that role perfectly.

Well, we told you before how much the current president, Dr. Utopia, made us realize just how wrong we were about Bush.  We shudder to think what Dr. Utopia would have done post-9/11.  He would have not gone there with a bullhorn and struck that right tone.  More likely than not, he would have been his usual fey, apologetic self and waxed professorially about how evil America is and how justified Muslims are for attacking us, with a sidebar on how good the attacks were because they would humble us.

Honestly, we don’t think President Gore would have been much better that day.  The world needed George W. Bush, his bullhorn, and his indominable spirit that day…and we will forever be grateful to this man for that.

As we will always be grateful for what George and Laura Bush did this week, with no media attention, when they very quietly went to Ft. Hood and met personally with the families of the victims of this terrorist attack.


The Bushes went and met privately with these families for HOURS, hugging them, holding them, comforting them.

If there are any of you out there with any connection at all to the Bushes, we implore you to give them our thanks…you tell them that a bunch of gay Hillary guys in Boystown, Chicago were wrong about the Bushes…and are deeply, deeply sorry for any jokes we told about them in the past, any bad thoughts we had about these good, good people.

Read the rest. It’s stirring and makes the points about the George W. Bush that we Republicans should have been making all along.

Saudis Sentence Man to Death for Practicing Black Magic, American Pagans Silent


Religion of Peace alert! While pagans in America are fretting over cases of South Carolina license plates (let me weigh in on this – I. Don’t. Care), claiming that all religion (including their own) is “flat out batshit nuts,” and generally turning Witchcraft into a live action role playing game, a fellow man of The Arts has been sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for plying his trade. You won’t see this story on other Pagans’ blogs:

(ANSAmed) – A Lebanese man of 47 was sentenced to death by a court in Medina, in Saudi Arabia, for having practiced black magic, reported the paper Saudi Gazette. The man, who had already appeared on satellite television, was caught in a Medina hotel room while using herbs and talismans for one of his magic rituals. During the two years of processing the man, who is also accused of fraud, he admitted to having practiced black magic rituals and having contributed to the ending of marriages. To be definitive, the court sentence must obtain the approval of the Magistrates’ Court. In the oil kingdom the death penalty is foreseen for the crimes of murder, rape, apostasy, armed robbery and drug trafficking. Since the beginning of the year 60 death sentences have been carried out.

Looks like he was pretty much caught red handed so this is indeed a fellow “Witch” as Wiccans call themselves, but I’m betting you won’t be hearing from Starhawk on this case. Why is that you think?

I would put forward that it’s because this man is doing what all these fat, unkempt Charmed fans who haunt the comments sections of blogs like The Wild Hunt merely pretend to do – practicing Witchcraft. Witchcraft is an art that takes years of practice to get good at, which doesn’t include sitting in the middle of the floor at a Barnes & Noble flipping through some book on “Gothic Wicca” while waiting for the 12:30 showing of Twilight. If American Pagans ever started pointing out how occultists and practitioners in other countries (especially Muslim countries) were treated, they’d have to confront the fact that American occultism has devolved into a year round comic book convention that no one takes seriously.

Needless to say, I won’t be traveling to any Muslim countries anytime soon, nor do I expect to see Knight of Pan, Patrick Kelley or P.J. Deneen doing so. Starhawk however has been welcomed with open arms in Hamas and Fatah controlled areas where Witchcraft is illegal. Makes you think doesn’t it?

Peaceful Muslim Goes on Anti-Christian Rampage in California Mall

I’m sure he was driven to it by the backlash of irrational anti-Muslim sentiment Americans have been wallowing in these last few years. It couldn’t be that Islam itself is in need of an Enlightenment the same way medieval Christianity was. After all it’s the Religion of Peace, right?

From the Danville Express:

Police arrested 22-year-old Abdul Walid Hamid of Hayward on the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 4, after he reportedly tore a crucifix from a person’s neck and scared others at Stoneridge Shopping Center.

Hamid, an employee at a mall kiosk near Starbucks, has been charged with battery, terrorist threats and grand theft.

According to reports, Hamid was yelling “Allah is power” and “Islam is great” while holding a pen in a fist over his head. Witnesses said he shouted anti-Christian comments, said police.

Lt. Mike Elerick of the Pleasanton Police Department said the man was not provoked and didn’t threaten violence, but he committed robbery when he grabbed and broke a crucifix off someone’s neck.

Coworkers told police that Hamid’s actions were out of the ordinary and that he had worked at the kiosk for years.

Police also said they weren’t aware of a prior criminal history for the man.

“We had multiple people calling 911,” Elerick said. “One female was crouching down and hiding from him. He definitely scared quite a few people.”

Elerick said much of the man’s speech was similar to the loud scene of the Christian activists who frequent downtown Pleasanton. The big difference, however, was that Hamid was on private property and had physical contact with someone.

Yes, yes except for the violence and trespassing Hamid’s actions could be seen as exactly like the placard carrying god botherers who politely pass out pamphlets while their leaders give a Constitutionally protected sermon in a public space.

If you’re an idiot.

Not being on board with the Jesus myself, I can understand the annoyance one feels when someone preaches gospel at you while you’re looking to score an Orange Julius, but frankly most Christians I run into are polite and easily waved off. Hamid would have ripped my several gaudy necklaces off while screaming in my face about the power of his supposed god (but in actuality was the pre-Islamic father god of the pagan Arabs’ most venerated goddesses al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat) and looking for a fight, which he would have gotten because unlike Californians I don’t let dudes in those Muslim man-dresses rough me up. On a personal note: Danvillians, man up.

But I can see how that’s in some way similar to having someone ask you if you’d like a little of Jesus’ infinite love or whatever.

Of course Hamid got even more disrespectful in court when the thug, who proved he could speak English well enough to be understood by the people he was victimizing, used an interpreter to speak to the judge. You know, because the judge on his case is beneath him.

But this is just an isolated incident right? It isn’t indicative of the kind of hatred being taught in Mosques these days is it?